Last few months, I receive a blur impression*/understanding on HEART of MAN. Till today I have not (and dare not to expect to) received a full undestanding on what the most basic things, elements, basic-building-block that composes a humans heart?!
*impression --> the word ussually used among prophetic people to address the partial knowledge or not-complete-undestanding they receive from Lord, and I believe that prophetic reader know what it means. Some camp prefer to use the word "illumination", "revelation", or likes. I believe that Lord does speak to more than one people, and u may 1 of them.
For me, this question will have HUGE implication when I enter into minitistry later on (do not know when). Few huge implication that I have in mind now:
1. IF we understand the heart of man, why alot of deceivefull thing out of our heart?
--> I believe that even most devoted christians will find how deceivefull their own heart are. For those in prophetic ministry, sometime Lord may open your 'eyes' to see like what He see
--> By grace of Lord, God Holy Spirit allow me to 'unveil' (just as a pointer) this deceivefull heart from two friends whose all-out for the Lord, yet when Lord let them see their own heart exactly like what Lord have been seing, all of them feel so shamefull and humble and pray for repentance, and they are enabled to enter into new chapter with Lord.
2. Due to this kind of WIDE spread on deceivefullness, I believe lot of ministers (fivefold ministries, deacons, etc) are not free from it. In a larger scale, it is in form on denomination with quite sharpe differences in theology.
3. "new" (not new actually for other) undestanding derived from impression* is
all christian read the same bible, receive the same Holy Spirit how can the result is so many denominationS (not to mentions those smaller groups), so the key is in the heart (I adopt this, that christian in Africa should have some different in worshiping compare to those in Asia, but the essen is still the same: in spirit and in truth).
4. I believe that once the heart of man can be 'solved' that unitity in christendom can be expected (provied that this kind of interpretation of church unity is correct 100% as writen in John, any one know that type unity Jesus pray for?).
5. My post on this forum is a kind of self judge and I believe someone have the small unknown puzzle, or probably I my self is having a wrong impression*.
My (blur) understanding so far on things that compose heart of man are:
a. teaching-theology
b. experiences (with Lord, human, envirionment, demon, etc)
c. culture
d. analitical power of MIND
e. Enlighment of God Holy Spirit
f. Their own FIRST hand experience with Lord
I wellcome diverse well-thoughthru opinions (even IF it sounds NOT so correct according to your own believe, half-baked, not-mature, still baby, partial-knowledge, etc).
share please...
1. This understand on hear of man (just one of them) will help me lot in ministry later on.
2. English is not my 1st langauge, and I try my best here
3. I believe our Lord want us to free ourselve from not-so-practical-teaching (self deceived) like just simply qoute from Jer 17:9-10 without the how-to/solution, or qoute Mat 6:33 without showing how to get it (not just the 1st step into the gate of the Kingdom but the MUCH deeper into it like "of power, not just mere words". Its obvious that its very crucial that our name is written in heavenly book but its something wrong if we can not perform those miracles like the 70 did which is consider 'not so crucial as our name written in heaven', like Jesus said which one is easier: "to tell your sin is forgive" or "stand and walk"). We can adopt the most important thing like salvation but should not neglect the rest eventhough we so far (120years or more) never perform a single miracle. I prefer like BennyHinn whose exhibit salvation AND/WITH/PLUS miracle (of course some people do not like Benny), or (provided my info is accurate) one church I know where there are 9 people risen from death (last several years) yet preach "the most important is your name in is written in heaven".