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Topic: Give Me That Old Time Gospel (Read 189259 times)
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Re: Give Me That Old Time Gospel
Reply #570 on:
August 12, 2007, 11:37:19 AM »
Death is a rude visitor
Death is like a rude visitor. It sometimes arrives unannounced. Other times, we see it coming. It does not care about our feelings. It takes no concern for the inconvenience it brings. It wants only to be served and to be answered. It takes who it wants, and all we can do is sit helplessly by as it stomps through our lives making a mess of our emotions, wreaking havoc with those who are left to pick up the pieces. Death brings discomfort and inconvenience. It injures our hearts, robs us of joy, and takes from us our loved ones.
Death comes for whom it will, and we cannot escape its touch. It will come for us all one day, and with its grip we will be dragged from this life into the next. We will pass through the veil when death's sleep awakens and we too awaken -- on the other side. For those of us who are in Christ, when death comes we will dwell in the very presence of God and live in eternal grace. But for those who do not know Christ, their death will bring agonizing, eternal fire. These are the realities that death introduces to those who are captured by it.
Our mortality becomes all the more evident when a loved one dies. We are reminded of the failings of our own bodies when we look at the frail and empty shell of the one we have loved. We are reminded of where we are headed. We see the horizon as it approaches. Sometimes we look away. Other times we stare out into the distance wondering when and how it will come. We wait. We know it will come because we sense its work on our bodies as they slowly succumb to its touch. We ache, slow down, get sick, and endure the frame that imprisons us.
Yet, as rude as death can be, for some it is a welcome release from sickness and pain. For those who have been captured by suffering and have been forced to endure its torture, death can be a welcomed deliverance. But, of course, death is only welcome when we know that the ones we love know Christ as Savior. Even great suffering in this world is nothing compared to the eternal judgment that will fall like a hammer upon all who are not in Christ in the next world.
Death will visit us all. Where will it take you? Are you secure in Christ? Have you confessed Him as Savior and trusted in Him alone for the forgiveness of your sins? Have you gone to Him and found rest and peace in Him so that when death visits you, it will bring you to Him?
Now is the time of salvation. Death comes later.
"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Rom. 6:23).
Joh 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
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Posts: 1092
Re: Give Me That Old Time Gospel
Reply #571 on:
August 13, 2007, 09:24:36 AM »
Lord God, I hunbly ask of You
The strength to do Your will;
I give to You my talents now
Your purpose to fulfill. Cetas
Be not weary in your serving; Do your best for those in need; Kindness will be rewarded by the Lord who prompts the deed.
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Re: Give Me That Old Time Gospel
Reply #572 on:
August 13, 2007, 09:52:33 AM »
Quote from: Pastor Roger on August 12, 2007, 11:37:19 AM
Yet, as rude as death can be, for some it is a welcome release from sickness and pain. For those who have been captured by suffering and have been forced to endure its torture, death can be a welcomed deliverance. But, of course, death is only welcome when we know that the ones we love know Christ as Savior.
I welcome it
Rev 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
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Re: Give Me That Old Time Gospel
Reply #573 on:
August 13, 2007, 11:44:40 AM »
The word "doctrine" comes from the Greek word "didaskolos," and it basically means "teaching." It is used many times in the New Testament. Doctrine is extremely important in Christianity. By it we know who God is, what He has done, what the Trinity is, the deity of Christ, His resurrection, salvation, justification, etc. Doctrine is what defines the who's and what's of Christianity. In fact, you can't be saved without doctrine.
It is a doctrinal statement that you are a sinner (Rom. 3:23). It is also doctrinally true that the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23). In fact, the doctrine of salvation teaches us that Jesus bore our sin in His body on the cross (1 Pet. 2:24) so that we could be justified by faith (Rom. 5:1) and escape the righteous wrath of God (John 3:18). Doctrine. It is important. It is vital to our relationship with God and our salvation. Good doctrine is like an anchor that prevents us from drifting into teachings that are false.
Unfortunately though, many Christians today shun the idea of learning doctrine. Too many think it is a dry and boring topic that doesn't meet their felt needs. Felt-need theology is when a person goes to the Bible to find out what needs it can meet for them. They want God's word to help them out and make them feel better. This can be dangerous, especially if the majority of the body of Christ is more concerned with how they "feel" than what God says. Truth doesn't always make us feel good. That is why sometimes people prefer to ignore the truth. The danger is warned against in Scripture: "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires" (2 Tim. 4:3). We must guard ourselves and examine ourselves to make sure we are in the faith (2 Cor. 13:5).
Putting felt needs before biblical truth, though usually not done intentionally, still happens far too much. Feeling our way through the Word of God and asking questions like "What does that verse mean to you?" is a pretty good "felt-needs" way to end up in error. Who cares what it means to us? The question is, "What does the verse SAY?" Good biblical examination is concerned with the doctrine of the word, the teaching, what it actually says. Then, once that is known, we are to change to meet its truth. Feel-good and felt-needs Christianity, so rampant in churches today, bends the word of God to the needs of the individual. This is dangerous. Biblical examination should be based on sound principles, doctrinal clarity, and how we need to change to meet God's truth. This is a God-centered approach. The felt-needs method is man-centered.
When coming to the Word of God, remember that when studying it you have two possibilities. You can seek to master the passage (Bible study) and/or you can seek to have it master you (devotional). Both are valid, and both are needed. But either way, you must learn what it teaches. You must learn doctrine so that you will be anchored in truth, God's holy and powerful truth. This is why you must learn the basics of doctrine, that Jesus is God in flesh, salvation is by grace, the Trinity is three persons, there will be a future resurrection. Hopefully, you will then also learn more advanced doctrines such as God's covenant system throughout history, the priesthood of Christ, the difference between justification and sanctification, the righteousness of God, and so much more.
Whatever you learn in the Bible is equivalent to learning doctrinal truths. Do not shy away from the anchor. Do not let yourself be engulfed by felt-needs theology, the theology of man-centered expectations and wants. Instead, submit to God's word in truth, accepting the doctrinal instructions and teachings. Then conform yourself to them by the renewing of your mind. This is what the Lord tells us to do: "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect" (Rom. 12:2).
Joh 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
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Re: Give Me That Old Time Gospel
Reply #574 on:
August 14, 2007, 09:06:45 AM »
Don't get too comfortable
We live in a world hostile to Christianity. Secularism, false religions, and self-deification are some of the tools the enemy is using to spread the lies that lead to eternal damnation. Unbelievers are its preachers and teachers. They do not know they are professing the false message of the evil one. They resist the truth of God's word and unwittingly help the enemy who is prowling back and forth looking for multitudes to devour. The Devil is using the world, secularism, and relativism to spread false beliefs and rebellion against the true God. To see this, all we need is to turn on the TV and we can see the sins of abortion, homosexuality, paganism, and the occult promoted. Add to this the fact that our Christian freedoms are being slowly reduced by a government more concerned with itself than its people and you can begin to see how actively hostile the world is to Christianity. We can see it and we watch it.....from the comfort of our easy chairs.
While we sit comfortably by, the enemy is working hard. Too many Christians want to do "the Sunday thing" only on Sundays instead of every day. Because of the complacency of the Christian church, the enemy is slowly inching us towards the edge of oblivion. We cannot sit around and hope that those few Christians who actually fight for the faith will somehow do what they themselves are not motivated to do. If the enemy can get the Christians' eyes off of the commission to "make disciples of every nation" (Matt. 28:18) by distracting us with creature comforts, economic security, our desire not to make waves, or the expectation that someone else will make a difference in the world, that is when we will put down our armor so we can rest in the comforts of our easy lives. In such a state, the enemy is more effective than we are. Too many Christians are calloused to the subtle movement of the enemy all around them and they cannot see the eminent danger approaching. They cannot see how secularism is inching them (and all of Christianity) towards destruction.
Which do you think will happen in the future? Will our nation encourage the development of Christian freedom or work to hinder it? Will any of the nations of the world humble themselves to serve the true God or will they promote a one world government, moral relativism, and/or false religions like Islam, Mormonism, Buddhism, etc.? Do any of you think that merely hoping someone else will make a difference will actually make a difference? If you do, you are self-deceived. While the homosexuals have a united front, we Christians are fragmented into countless denominational groups. The woman's rights movement has done so much to damage the family and even to help Christian families disintegrate. The liberals in the media have contributed more than their share to social decay by promoting violent and immoral movies, TV, radio, etc., of which too many Christians partake. But here is a warning. This very comfort and security that we cherish in America is blinding us to the dangers ahead. What dangers? The dangers of bondage and oppression. We think that as long as things are okay now, that things will be okay in the future. Well, they won't be. History tells us that the enemy doesn't sleep and he always works to destroy God's people. Let's not sleep. Let's not awaken one day to find ourselves in bondage to the political correctness of anyone who would define our right to speak of Christ right out of existence. Let's not forsake the cross of Christ and let's not ignore the Great Commission. We Christians need to pray, fast, and sacrifice in order to spread the gospel. We Christians need to study God's word and support those who further the kingdom of God.
Don't get too comfortable. Support missionaries. Pray for evangelists and pastors. Pray for God's will to be done in hearts. Pray even to be prepared and used by God. Get out there and fight for righteousness with whatever gifts God has given you, whether it be finances, money, words, love, helps, prayer, motherhood, fatherhood, etc. Do whatever you do for God's glory and live your lives so that the word of God would be exalted and others would see the light of Christ in you -- even if it costs you something.
Joh 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
Sr. Member
Posts: 470
My Father, it is me your daughter, in Jesus.
Re: Give Me That Old Time Gospel
Reply #575 on:
August 14, 2007, 02:40:04 PM »
Hello,Pastor Roger.can i have a cup of coffee with you, or do i ask for a peace of greasy chain . Do you know how fast a greasy chain is ,try it on a tractor in front of you ,with you in the truck behind being pull by the greasy chain hook to the tractor, and the chain break`s of and goes into the truck windshield you will never doubt again the speed of a greasy chain.,,mercy
But to us There Is But one God, the Father, of whom Are all things, and we in Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom Are all things and we by Him(1Cor 8:6 KJV)
I believe that Jesus died for my sins was buried rose again and is sitting at the right hand of God Almighty interceding for me Amen
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Re: Give Me That Old Time Gospel
Reply #576 on:
August 14, 2007, 03:30:28 PM »
I think that I would rather just have the cup of coffee. We don't need any greasy chain going through a windshield.
Joh 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
Sr. Member
Posts: 470
My Father, it is me your daughter, in Jesus.
Re: Give Me That Old Time Gospel
Reply #577 on:
August 14, 2007, 04:08:14 PM »
Quote from: Pastor Roger on August 14, 2007, 09:06:45 AM
Don't get too comfortable
We live in a world hostile to Christianity. Secularism, false religions, and self-deification are some of the tools the enemy is using to spread the lies that lead to eternal damnation. Unbelievers are its preachers and teachers. They do not know they are professing the false message of the evil one. They resist the truth of God's word and unwittingly help the enemy who is prowling back and forth looking for multitudes to devour. The Devil is using the world, secularism, and relativism to spread false beliefs and rebellion against the true God. To see this, all we need is to turn on the TV and we can see the sins of abortion, homosexuality, paganism, and the occult promoted. Add to this the fact that our Christian freedoms are being slowly reduced by a government more concerned with itself than its people and you can begin to see how actively hostile the world is to Christianity. We can see it and we watch it.....from the comfort of our easy chairs.
While we sit comfortably by, the enemy is working hard. Too many Christians want to do "the Sunday thing" only on Sundays instead of every day. Because of the complacency of the Christian church, the enemy is slowly inching us towards the edge of oblivion. We cannot sit around and hope that those few Christians who actually fight for the faith will somehow do what they themselves are not motivated to do. If the enemy can get the Christians' eyes off of the commission to "make disciples of every nation" (Matt. 28:18) by distracting us with creature comforts, economic security, our desire not to make waves, or the expectation that someone else will make a difference in the world, that is when we will put down our armor so we can rest in the comforts of our easy lives. In such a state, the enemy is more effective than we are. Too many Christians are calloused to the subtle movement of the enemy all around them and they cannot see the eminent danger approaching. They cannot see how secularism is inching them (and all of Christianity) towards destruction.
Which do you think will happen in the future? Will our nation encourage the development of Christian freedom or work to hinder it? Will any of the nations of the world humble themselves to serve the true God or will they promote a one world government, moral relativism, and/or false religions like Islam, Mormonism, Buddhism, etc.? Do any of you think that merely hoping someone else will make a difference will actually make a difference? If you do, you are self-deceived. While the homosexuals have a united front, we Christians are fragmented into countless denominational groups. The woman's rights movement has done so much to damage the family and even to help Christian families disintegrate. The liberals in the media have contributed more than their share to social decay by promoting violent and immoral movies, TV, radio, etc., of which too many Christians partake. But here is a warning. This very comfort and security that we cherish in America is blinding us to the dangers ahead. What dangers? The dangers of bondage and oppression. We think that as long as things are okay now, that things will be okay in the future. Well, they won't be. History tells us that the enemy doesn't sleep and he always works to destroy God's people. Let's not sleep. Let's not awaken one day to find ourselves in bondage to the political correctness of anyone who would define our right to speak of Christ right out of existence. Let's not forsake the cross of Christ and let's not ignore the Great Commission. We Christians need to pray, fast, and sacrifice in order to spread the gospel. We Christians need to study God's word and support those who further the kingdom of God.
Don't get too comfortable. Support missionaries. Pray for evangelists and pastors. Pray for God's will to be done in hearts. Pray even to be prepared and used by God. Get out there and fight for righteousness with whatever gifts God has given you, whether it be finances, money, words, love, helps, prayer, motherhood, fatherhood, etc. Do whatever you do for God's glory and live your lives so that the word of God would be exalted and others would see the light of Christ in you -- even if it costs you something.
I tried but they persecuted me and then killed me,right here on the christian blog the 7 to the 20 July it took 13 days to crucify me,but they can not kill that eternal gift of life paid by the shed blood of the lamb of God and the filling of the Holy Spirit that i have in me cause Jesus Christ is in me and He is in God.I am the temple of the Holy Spirit of the living God..Hidden with Jesus in God..Col3:3
But to us There Is But one God, the Father, of whom Are all things, and we in Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom Are all things and we by Him(1Cor 8:6 KJV)
I believe that Jesus died for my sins was buried rose again and is sitting at the right hand of God Almighty interceding for me Amen
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Re: Give Me That Old Time Gospel
Reply #578 on:
August 15, 2007, 09:50:31 AM »
Faith - Heb. 11:1
The Bible says this about faith: "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (Heb. 11:1, NASB). The dictionary says faith is "confident belief in the truth." These are great comments on faith. But, sometimes faith is best defined as "Just plain ole' hard!"
Have you ever been in a situation where your faith is really tested, I mean REALLY tested? Or have you ever wondered where God is in the mist of your difficulties even though you've been crying out to Him for deliverance and have seen none? Have you ever found yourself with nowhere to turn, no real answers, no light at the end of the tunnel? Have your heart and mind been filled with both anguish, doubts, fears, and commotion, and faith seems more like a distant concept then present reality? I have, and if you have been a Christian for very long, then you probably have too.
Why does God allow us to go through these desert times of the testing of our faith? Well, James tells us plainly, "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, 3knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing" (James 1:2-4, NASB). James knew what it meant to live by faith and he knew what it meant to have his faith purified. That's right, purified.
It is easy to have faith in God when we are sitting in our easy-chairs, in our air-conditioned homes, with our remote controls in one hand, and a bag of chips in the other. That kind of faith is easy. However, it leads nowhere -- except to the easy-chair. But, take it all away and you will find out what kind of faith you really have. Take away your comforts and your security and then what kind of faith will you have in God? You will quickly find out what you are really made of. Will you bemoan your circumstances and whine at God or will you turn to Him in the midst of your trial and, by faith, praise His name and continue to trust Him even beyond your ability to understand?
Real trials provide for us a rare opportunity to actually praise the Lord of Heaven when life is difficult. It is THAT kind of praise and faith that is pleasing to God (Heb. 11:6). And, it is that kind of faith that builds your character (James 1:2-4).
Now, here is a little heresy for you from Matt Slick: Faith does not save you. Got that? FAITH DOES NOT SAVE YOU! Faith is not a substance that you put in a jar or detect with a meter. Faith isn't a cream you apply to protect you from something. Faith is belief, trust, etc. The key to understanding faith lies not in faith itself but in the OBJECT of faith: God! Faith is only as good as who you put it in. Faith in a false god (i.e., Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, etc.) is useless and it doesn't save you. But faith in the TRUE God DOES save you. You see? Faith is only as good as who you put it in. Faith in the true God results in salvation (Rom. 5:1; Eph. 2:
. Faith in a false god results in damnation.
Finally, faith "works" because of who it is placed in. It is not a thing dependent upon you for its vitality. It is not made real by YOU. It is made real by WHO YOU PLACE IT IN; that is why true faith in the true God is independent of your circumstances. Romans 12:4 says that God gives a measure of faith to everyone. Okay, so what do you do with this measure of faith? During trials and tribulations do you withdraw it from your spiritual walk, whine and complain, only to be faithful again when things get more comfortable? Or, do you continue on in faith (because it is in the Creator of the Universe), in spite of your circumstance, and do exactly what the Bible says: "The just shall live by faith" (Hab. 2:4, NASB)? To live by faith means that you continue on trusting God because your faith is in HIM and not in your comforts, your health, your needs, your emotions, or your intellect. To live by faith means that you trust the Lord in all circumstances. In this, God is glorified.
Do you think that the God of Glory who died on the cross and rose from the dead is going to leave you or forsake you? He cannot. Therefore, your faith in Him is well placed. But remember, His perfecting of your faith sometimes requires you to actually live by it. Keep your eyes on Him and remember that His love and commitment to you was proven on the cross. That will make it easier to endure the times of perfecting your faith.
Joh 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
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Posts: 1092
Re: Give Me That Old Time Gospel
Reply #579 on:
August 15, 2007, 09:02:15 PM »
Come now to the fountain of cleansing,
Plunge deep in its lifegiving flow,
His mercy and grace are sufficient,
His pardon He longs to bestow. Robinson
Be not weary in your serving; Do your best for those in need; Kindness will be rewarded by the Lord who prompts the deed.
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Re: Give Me That Old Time Gospel
Reply #580 on:
August 16, 2007, 11:30:17 AM »
Feeling spiritually dry
Have you ever felt as though you couldn't hear the Lord's voice if He were next to you shouting your name? Have you been, or are you now in, a period of spiritual dryness? If you have had a spiritually dry time and are now past it, then praise God. If, however, you are in the midst of one, then maybe this can help you.
First of all, it isn't necessarily bad to be in a spiritually dry place -- unless it is because of sin. If we commit a sin that we know the Lord wants us to abandon, then He often withholds His fellowship from us. We sense a distance between the Lord and ourselves, and it hurts. Of course, this does not mean that the Lord is abandoning us, nor does it mean He does not love us. If anything, it is a demonstration of His love to let us feel broken fellowship since it moves us to repentance.
On the other hand, spiritual dryness can be a specific time that the Lord wants us to go through as a time of testing and of preparation. The Lord will allow us to be tested into order to refine our faith. Think about it. Do we stay Christians because of the feeling of fellowship we have with the Lord or is it because we trust in Jesus, God in flesh (John 1:1,14), as our Savior and Lord (Jude 4)? We are justified by faith (Rom. 5:1) and our assurance of salvation is found by faith, not by feeling. After all, "The just shall live by faith," (Hab. 2:4). Therefore, The Lord can use a spiritually dry time to cause us to examine what and who our faith is in so that we might rest assured in the cross, and not our feelings that can deceive us (Jer. 17:9).
Spiritual dryness can also be a time of preparation. Most every major person in the Bible that was used mightily of God had to go through a desert time. This includes Moses, Elijah, Jesus, and Paul. Being in a place where we are dry, waiting, wanting, praying, examining, etc., is often the proving ground of strength and refinement. Then, after this time is completed, the thing that we have been prepared for comes upon us. Sometimes this preparation is for hardship, sorrow, and pain. Other times it is for blessing, reward, and ministry. Remember, the Lord has not saved us to be trophies on a shelf. We are instruments in His hands to be used in the world. This usage requires that we be able to be used, able to be sent, able to trust the Lord in spite of what we see and feel! Hence, the time of spiritual dryness that is a time of preparation.
What do you do in a time of spiritual dryness? First of all, you should ask the Lord to reveal any unconfessed sins of which you have not repented. If He reveals anything to you, then confess it as sin and repent of it -- even if it is a sin you have committed so many times before. Second, you must read your Word regularly. Third, you must pray regularly. And fourth, you must trust the Lord through this. You must look to Him and remember that He loves you greatly and will never forsake you. In this, your faith will be perfected, your character improved, your walk strengthened, and you will be prepared for the tasks ahead that the Lord has called you to encounter.
And finally, in the midst of your dryness, offer praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. Do not let your feelings rob you of the opportunity to praise and thank God even when the times are not so great. Remember, it is easy to praise God when things go well. But the true men and women of Christian character praise God through the trials as well.
Joh 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
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Posts: 1092
Re: Give Me That Old Time Gospel
Reply #581 on:
August 16, 2007, 09:19:02 PM »
Spirit of God, please change my heart,
And give me a new desire;
I want to be a man of peace,
Not controlled by anger's fire. K De Haan
Be not weary in your serving; Do your best for those in need; Kindness will be rewarded by the Lord who prompts the deed.
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Re: Give Me That Old Time Gospel
Reply #582 on:
August 17, 2007, 10:47:47 AM »
Some people might not think that parenting is a part of apologetics. But, it is. Christian parents have a great deal of influence in what their children think about the Lord. After all, isn't the goal of Christian parents to bring their children up in the ways of the Lord (Prov. 22:6) so that they will serve God and glorify Him?
Apologetics is the defense of the Christian faith. The parents live that faith in their homes and are a real example of its defense. How? The parents are the ones who govern the home, urge the children to trust in Christ, and exemplify Christian attitudes and practice. All of this is living the faith, and it is a profound statement of its validity -- or invalidity, depending on how the parents live out what they say they profess. If they confess Christ with their lips and live lives that are unsanctified and speak words that are unholy, then what are they teaching their children about the power of the gospel? Are they making a strong and able defense of the faith or are they really undermining it by their actions and deeds?
On the other hand, if parents confess Christ and live godly, humble, sanctified lives before their children, then they are demonstrating the truth of Christianity in the harmony and consistency of their words and deeds. This is most important and profound not only because it is what we are all called to do as Christians, but also because of the great benefit it has on the children in relation to their developing faith in Christ. Example is often greater than words in power.
After dinner in our home, we regularly have devotions. I get the Bible and set it before me at the head of the table. My children all know to become quiet and attentive. I then ask each one various questions about who Jesus is, what He has done, what the Bible is, what it is about, etc. The questions are age-appropriate. Then, after a brief discussion, I read a chapter out of the Bible. Sometimes we talk about it, and other times we don't depending on the topic, interest, etc. I then pray and dinner is over. My children are exposed to the word of God on a regular basis by the head of the family and they hear and see it take the place of preeminence in our home. Furthermore, our children know that there is a right and wrong because they hear it from the Bible. They know that my wife and I are subject to the Lord and to His word. They see that we are seeking to guide them in the ways of the Lord.
However, some say that we shouldn't push our children towards believing in Christ and that we should let them make their own decisions about Christianity when they get older. What do you think?
Two men were discussing the raising of children. The first man said that they were free will creatures and should not be constrained by the prejudices of the parents in spiritual matters, but that they should be allowed to grow on their own and make their own decisions about God. The second man said nothing about this, but instead asked, "Would you like to see my garden?" The first man, surprised by the change in subject, said, "Yes, I would." They went outside and the second man pointed to a small plot of ground where weeds and crab grass were growing. "Here it is," he said. "This is my garden." The first looked at the second man, confused, and said, "My friend. This is no garden. It is a thicket of weeds." The second man said, "Yes, I know. I allowed this garden to grow on its own without any direction and guidance."
Our natures are selfish and sinful. The job of the parents is to direct and guide the lives of our children so that they develop into fine godly adults. Left to their own direction and desires, how many children would choose the higher way? How many would seek to be humble, loving, kind, sharing, and patient because it is right? How many of them would naturally seek to subject themselves to the Lordship of Jesus? We parents have to constantly train our children in virtues and constantly train them to submit to the Lord. We do not have to train them to be selfish, mean, and complaining. How much more should we as parents be guiding our children in the ways of the Lord, living and exemplifying the truth of Christianity in our homes so that we don't undermine the truth of the gospel in the very hearts of those whom God has given to us to raise?
Your home is your first ministry and your children are great gifts from God. Do not take that responsibility lightly. God will require an accounting from you regarding your children. What will you tell Him?
Joh 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
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One Nation Under God
Re: Give Me That Old Time Gospel
Reply #583 on:
August 18, 2007, 11:47:24 AM »
God's Sovereignty
Sovereignty, in relation to God, means that God has the absolute right to do with His creation as He desires. Some verses that support this are as follows: Psalm 115:3, "But our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases." Isaiah 46:10, "Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure;" Dan. 4:35, "And all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, but He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of earth; and no one can ward off His hand Or say to Him, What hast Thou done?"
As you can see, God declares that He does what He wants in heaven and on earth. But, in light of this declaration, some of us might ask, "If God is sovereign and can do what He wants in the world, then why doesn't He get rid of sin? Why doesn't He heal all sickness? Why doesn't God save more people, or all people? Why does He allow terrorists to strike? Why do the wicked prosper? etc." We can ask more personal questions such as, "Why did my baby die? Why is it that when I pray for someone to be well, they stay sick or seem to heal naturally later? Why is it my friend (or me) lost my job and am having so much trouble finding work? Why am I still suffering from xxxxxx when I ask the Lord to deliver me from it?" The questions can go on and on.
As Christians we have to face the fact that these questions don't have easy answers. We are told that in spite of what we see, God is in control, that the answers are sometimes beyond us, that we need to trust God, that these things are the result of sin in the world and that God is letting it have its course, etc. Though these answers are all true, they do not always comfort because our pain sometimes overrides our faith. In light of that, let me tell you a true story of suffering that was lessened by trusting in God and His sovereignty even though the prayer for healing was not answered.
A few years ago, my wife and I were expecting our second child. At six months, after one of the routine examines during pregnancy, the doctor discovered a problem with the baby. Our child, whom we named Jacob, had holoprocencephaly -- a chromosome problem that resulted in various deformities in Jacob's body. In short, Jacob could survive in the womb, but would most certainly not be able to survive outside it. Our son was going to die.
Abortion was not an option for us. Instead, we prayed and asked the Lord to miraculously heal Jacob during the remaining three months of pregnancy. We prayed and trusted God. Finally, when it was time for Jacob to be born, my wife endured the pains of childbirth and delivered Jacob into our hands. One half hour later, the Lord took Him home. Jacob died in our arms.
After the funeral and after many tears, people came up to us and wanted to know how we were doing. We told them that in spite of the pain and the loss, we were fine. We had trusted God and God and relied on His wisdom, not ours, to handle the situation. We knew that because God was sovereign, that He had allowed us to suffer this trauma. And, even though we did not understand why, my wife and I were able to trust God to know that HE understood why. We would simply find out when we finally went to be with the Lord ourselves.
Now, this is the thing that so many Christians need to learn, as difficult as it may be to accept. God is sovereign. He has the right to take us at any time. He has the right to allow our children to die. He has the right to let sickness bring us suffering. He has the right to do with us as we will and to allow things to happen to us that we cannot comprehend and that we cannot explain. He owes us nothing. Yet, He loves us and is gracious. His grace and love to use are based upon His Son Jesus, who died on the cross and rose again for our sins. It is because of Jesus and only because of Jesus that we receive any good at all from the Lord. It is not because we are good in ourselves or deserve some sort of compassion from God. We do not, not one bit. But, because of who God is, not because of who we are, God loves us and cares deeply for us.
Nevertheless, pain and suffering are a real part of our lives and we cannot help but wonder sometimes "Why?" The answer lies in God's all-knowing character who knows better than we do why things happen the way they do. These reasons He has not decided to reveal to us. Therefore, we need to trust God that He loves us and that even though we might suffer great loss, God is still in control. Sometimes, it comes down to trusting God beyond your ability to comprehend.
Do you trust God that much? Have you relinquished yourself, your life, your breath (as Jesus did) to the Father of Glory so that He might do with you as He wishes even if it means sending you to some place you do not want to go -- as in your own cross?
Faith in God is never misplaced. But, answers do not always arrive. Therefore, trust God in spite of what you see. Praise His name in the middle of your circumstances and bring glory to Him through Jesus.
Joh 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
Sr. Member
Posts: 470
My Father, it is me your daughter, in Jesus.
Re: Give Me That Old Time Gospel
Reply #584 on:
August 18, 2007, 04:42:09 PM »
Quote from: Pastor Roger on August 18, 2007, 11:47:24 AM
God's Sovereignty
Sovereignty, in relation to God, means that God has the absolute right to do with His creation as He desires. Some verses that support this are as follows: Psalm 115:3, "But our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases." Isaiah 46:10, "Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure;" Dan. 4:35, "And all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, but He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of earth; and no one can ward off His hand Or say to Him, What hast Thou done?"
As you can see, God declares that He does what He wants in heaven and on earth. But, in light of this declaration, some of us might ask, "If God is sovereign and can do what He wants in the world, then why doesn't He get rid of sin? Why doesn't He heal all sickness? Why doesn't God save more people, or all people? Why does He allow terrorists to strike? Why do the wicked prosper? etc." We can ask more personal questions such as, "Why did my baby die? Why is it that when I pray for someone to be well, they stay sick or seem to heal naturally later? Why is it my friend (or me) lost my job and am having so much trouble finding work? Why am I still suffering from xxxxxx when I ask the Lord to deliver me from it?" The questions can go on and on.
As Christians we have to face the fact that these questions don't have easy answers. We are told that in spite of what we see, God is in control, that the answers are sometimes beyond us, that we need to trust God, that these things are the result of sin in the world and that God is letting it have its course, etc. Though these answers are all true, they do not always comfort because our pain sometimes overrides our faith. In light of that, let me tell you a true story of suffering that was lessened by trusting in God and His sovereignty even though the prayer for healing was not answered.
A few years ago, my wife and I were expecting our second child. At six months, after one of the routine examines during pregnancy, the doctor discovered a problem with the baby. Our child, whom we named Jacob, had holoprocencephaly -- a chromosome problem that resulted in various deformities in Jacob's body. In short, Jacob could survive in the womb, but would most certainly not be able to survive outside it. Our son was going to die.
Abortion was not an option for us. Instead, we prayed and asked the Lord to miraculously heal Jacob during the remaining three months of pregnancy. We prayed and trusted God. Finally, when it was time for Jacob to be born, my wife endured the pains of childbirth and delivered Jacob into our hands. One half hour later, the Lord took Him home. Jacob died in our arms.
After the funeral and after many tears, people came up to us and wanted to know how we were doing. We told them that in spite of the pain and the loss, we were fine. We had trusted God and God and relied on His wisdom, not ours, to handle the situation. We knew that because God was sovereign, that He had allowed us to suffer this trauma. And, even though we did not understand why, my wife and I were able to trust God to know that HE understood why. We would simply find out when we finally went to be with the Lord ourselves.
Now, this is the thing that so many Christians need to learn, as difficult as it may be to accept. God is sovereign. He has the right to take us at any time. He has the right to allow our children to die. He has the right to let sickness bring us suffering. He has the right to do with us as we will and to allow things to happen to us that we cannot comprehend and that we cannot explain. He owes us nothing. Yet, He loves us and is gracious. His grace and love to use are based upon His Son Jesus, who died on the cross and rose again for our sins. It is because of Jesus and only because of Jesus that we receive any good at all from the Lord. It is not because we are good in ourselves or deserve some sort of compassion from God. We do not, not one bit. But, because of who God is, not because of who we are, God loves us and cares deeply for us.
Nevertheless, pain and suffering are a real part of our lives and we cannot help but wonder sometimes "Why?" The answer lies in God's all-knowing character who knows better than we do why things happen the way they do. These reasons He has not decided to reveal to us. Therefore, we need to trust God that He loves us and that even though we might suffer great loss, God is still in control. Sometimes, it comes down to trusting God beyond your ability to comprehend.
Do you trust God that much? Have you relinquished yourself, your life, your breath (as Jesus did) to the Father of Glory so that He might do with you as He wishes even if it means sending you to some place you do not want to go -- as in your own cross?
Faith in God is never misplaced. But, answers do not always arrive. Therefore, trust God in spite of what you see. Praise His name in the middle of your circumstances and bring glory to Him through Jesus.
If you love God cling to the Son "my Lord Jesus Christ "and believe!!Ooh I love God the Father so so much it hurts....in Jesus Def
But to us There Is But one God, the Father, of whom Are all things, and we in Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom Are all things and we by Him(1Cor 8:6 KJV)
I believe that Jesus died for my sins was buried rose again and is sitting at the right hand of God Almighty interceding for me Amen
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