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« on: November 06, 2006, 01:34:12 PM »


From The Federalist Patriot

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The Patriot Post - Page 1

Patriot Vol. 06 No. 45 Brief | 06 November 2006


"Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual — or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country." — Samuel Adams


"If the people fail to vote, a government will be developed which is not their government... The whole system of American Government rests on the ballot box. Unless citizens perform their duties there, such a system of government is doomed to failure." — Calvin Coolidge


"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God... Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience' sake. For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God's ministers attending continually to this very thing. Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor." — Romans 13:1, 5-7


"My father was a World War II Marine. That memory, and all that goes with it, invariably unleashes deep emotions and the threat of tears because it embodies so much about the Greatest Generation guys, young men who considered their military service a badge of honor and who wore their military identity with quiet pride. I grew up knowing that the Marines were heroes because my dad told us about his ‘buddies.'... I poured over my dad's postcards and his incredibly mushy letters to my mother. Those letters epitomized love and romance for me; as much as anything else I can remember, they shaped my view of what love and marriage are all about   wholehearted, passionate devotion to each other and intense longing to be together. My mother's trip from Georgia to San Diego to see my father off to action in the South Pacific was a pivotal event in their lives. Such a trip was a major undertaking in those days and indicates volumes about their relationship and the poignancy of such wartime separations... I'm once again awed by those young people who devotedly preserved the freedom that we take so much for granted today. It is such a priceless freedom, and it angers me that millions don't value it enough to go the polls and cast a ballot when my dad and millions of other GIs fought to keep that freedom alive... for the girls who loved them, then and now." — Janice Shaw Crouse


"America has the best-trained, most professional, most well-educated military in the world. But the moonbats want only to hear the myths of the soldier-as-victim or the soldier-as-brutalizer or soldier-as-indentured servant. This is no isolated case of Democrat incompetence and insensitivity toward the military. Kerry's party is the party of Dick Durbin, who likened American interrogators and Gitmo military staff to Nazis, Soviet gulag operators and genocidal maniac Pol Pot. Kerry's party is the party of Patty Murray, who praised Osama bin Laden's charity work with nary a nod to our men and women in uniform who have sailed and flown to the most far-flung regions of the world on reconstruction and humanitarian missions. Kerry's party is the party that approved of him tarring American troops as terrorizers in Iraq last year. And Kerry's party is the party whose national party website couldn't even find an American soldier to illustrate a page dedicated to ‘Veterans and Military Families.' Until a military reader of my blog called attention to it, the DNC site erroneously featured a photo of a Canadian soldier named ‘Abdul' in its attempt to show support for American troops. Can you trust a party with such entrenched disdain and contempt for the military to use that power well and wisely at a time of war? America made a choice in 2004. Two years later, the Democrats have said and done nothing to earn the nation's endorsement now." — Michelle Malkin

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« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2006, 01:35:46 PM »


From The Federalist Patriot

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The Patriot Post - Page 2

Patriot Vol. 06 No. 45 Brief | 06 November 2006


"Democrats believe in immediate withdrawal from Iraq. If they succeed in forcing us to leave under these circumstances, the United States will suffer a stinging defeat in the war on terror. The terrorists already believe that they drove the Russians from Afghanistan and Israel from Lebanon and Gaza. They are convinced they chased us out of Lebanon in 1983 and from Somalia in 1993. According to Osama bin Laden and those who share his views, we are militarily strong but psychologically and spiritually weak. Like it or not — and no one likes it — we cannot leave Iraq now without utterly and decisively validating this analysis. We might as well run a white flag up the flagpole at the Capitol." — Mona Charen


"I hope that someday your children and grandchildren will tell of the time that a certain president came to town at the end of a long journey and asked their parents and grandparents to join him in setting America on the course to the new millennium — and that a century of peace, prosperity, opportunity, and hope followed. So, if I could ask you just one last time: Tomorrow, when mountains greet the dawn, would you go out there and win one for the Gipper?" — Ronald Reagan, November 7, 1988


"Stem cell research needs neither government money nor politics. It is better to get the government out and let the private sector continue its good work. Those people calling for increased funding could take out their checkbooks and support it. Those who oppose embryonic stem cell research would not be forced to pay for it. The vast majority of medical and scientific breakthroughs in this country's history have been accomplished by the private sector. There's no reason for stem cell research to be any different. Let's end the political debate, and get back to scientific research." — Michael Tanner


"It would be the highest irony if the evidence of conservative evolution came on the occasion of a bruising midterm election, but two stories by the media today suggest that conservatives have changed the paradigm of politics over the last generation. A CNN poll indicates that a majority of Americans now believes that government tries to do too much, while The New York Times reports that Democrats have begun producing less liberal candidates in order to win seats in Congress... The smaller-government message will still win elections, but the question may be for whom it wins those contests when the GOP fails to tend to its Reagan legacy. Regardless, the difference between the 1970s and now demonstrates the power of Reagan's vision — which was not that different from that of the Founding Fathers." — Ed Morrissey


"Here's the Merriam-Webster Unabridged entry for ‘Botch':... To make a mess of through clumsiness, stupidity, or lack of ability : foul up hopelessly : BUNGLE, SPOIL, RUIN. Who uses the word ‘botched' in regular conversation, anyway? Kerry, probably: ‘Theresa, m'dear, please sack the butler. He appears to have botched the martinis again.' Kerry's statement, and his refusal to admit he had said anything wrong, was so astonishingly... John Kerry, that even the Popular Press had trouble pretending the GOP was overreacting. Not Kerry, though. His tortured non-apology was issued as a printed statement, instead of him saying it in front of reporters: ‘I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform...' Which is perilously close to a botched apology because a close reading shows Kerry regrets the misinterpretation of his words... as opposed to apologizing for his actual words which he actually spoke... Kerry's botched joke is likely to trigger in heartland Republicans and Democrats a sense that the elitist Liberals of the Northeast and California coasts are still, at their core, anti-military and soft on national security issues... As I have told you before, there is a strong feeling among Americans who do not live on the Upper East Side of Manhattan that the National Democrats have a powerful Peacenik gene which... remains as a central element of their DNA." — Rich Galen

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« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2006, 01:37:12 PM »


From The Federalist Patriot

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The Patriot Post - Page 3

Patriot Vol. 06 No. 45 Brief | 06 November 2006


"Ronald Reagan, though derided endlessly by Democrats and media elites, won the presidency not just as a consummate showman but as the apostle of three big ideas. First, he believed that a free enterprise system is not merely more efficient than a government-run command-and-control economy — it also is far more consistent with ideals of human freedom and dignity. Second, personal liberty and personal responsibility go hand-in-hand — and are preferable to government choice and group responsibility. Third, America is a fundamentally good nation — we should be willing to stand up for it and if necessary to fight for it. Reagan's optimism about America and devotion to freedom fueled his belief that it was necessary to defeat communism — a system that denied human freedom, denied God, suppressed free will, and sought global dominion — and that we could win if we were committed to doing that. Despite the hoots from sophisticates, Reagan proved right on all counts. His vision of ‘morning in America' resonated with us... [Tomorrow], Americans have the opportunity to reaffirm President Reagan's vision or to take a step back toward the vision of government and of America he fought against... [Tomorrow], Ronald Reagan's sun can continue to shine on America. But conservatives must be willing to make that happen. They must embrace the mantra that partial sunshine is better than rain any day of the week. It's a good time to remember Reagan's optimism, his pragmatism, and his values. And it would be enormously gratifying to win this one for the Gipper." — Ronald Cass


"If you talk to Democrats of the middle-class and upper-middle-class and (in John Heinz Kerry's case) the neo-Gulf-emir-class, you'll have heard the same thing a thousand times: these poor fellows in Iraq, they're only there because they're too poverty-stricken and ill-educated so they couldn't become Senators and New York Times reporters and tenured [Gay] Studies professors like normal Americans do. That is, in fact, what they mean by the claim that they ‘support our troops': they want to bring them home and retrain them so they're not forced into taking jobs as Bush's torturers and thugs. It's part of the same condescension as describing soldiers as ‘our children.' If a 22-year old intern wants to drop to the Oval Office broadloom, she's a grown woman exercising her freedom of choice. But, if a 28-year old guy wants to serve in Iraq, he's a poor wee misguided Grade Six drop-out who doesn't know any better. John Kerry's sound bite is interesting not because it's the umpteenth self-inflicted wound by Mister Nuance but because it gets right to the heart of the Democrats' ‘support' for the troops." — Mark Steyn


(Our servers automatically delete "Reply" messages to this e-mail. To submit comments for publication or to view reader comments, link to http://PatriotPost.US/comments.asp Join the debate at the Patriot Blog (http://PatriotPostBlog.US).)

"In your essay, ‘The case for throwing the bums out' (http://PatriotPost.US/alexander/edition.asp?id=504), you say that based on her comment about children being in a leadership role in the house, Ms. Pelosi owes an apology to the nation's adults. I'd say she should apologize to the children!" — Miami, Florida

"I have heard ad nauseum that if the Republicans lose majorities in both Houses and a number of governorships that it will be because they deserve it. Who cares what the Republicans deserve, or what the Democrats deserve either? What's important here is what WE deserve. We are the people who are shareholders in America. We deserve the best we can get, in terms of goods and services and the management of our enterprise." — Austin, Texas

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« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2006, 01:38:54 PM »


From The Federalist Patriot

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The Patriot Post - Page 4

Patriot Vol. 06 No. 45 Brief | 06 November 2006

"I am appalled at all the calls for an apology from Senator Kerry. In a rare moment of clarity he actually said what he thinks and has been vilified for it. Senator Kerry's comments have been the only true face of the Democrat party this election season! Senator Kerry has built his public persona since 1971 on contempt for the troops, and everyone knows it, especially us troops." — Ft. Campbell, Kentucky

"The First Amendment does indeed guarantee ‘...the right of the people peaceably to assemble...' with the idea that citizens may peacefully join together to petition the government. It does not guarantee anyone the right to brandish weapons in public, real or otherwise, while dressed up as an enemy of the United States. Mr. Connolly, like so many of his ilk, seems unable to understand that actions have consequences." — Albany, California


"We're told the Democrats have an agenda — in the first 100 days, Congress will overturn the accumulated horrors of the Bush regime. (Except for Reagan's funeral. They'll let that stand.) A preview follows. Day 1: Party like it's 1992; citizenship for all Gitmo detainees; a blanket amnesty; and a ‘Circle of Healing' ceremony held on the Capitol steps. Day 2: The troops in Iraq will leave, walking in reverse, as if someone is playing the tape backwards; special construction brigades will quickly repair all the buildings destroyed since the 2003 invasion; and the last American out will reinstall Saddam. Thereafter, whenever someone criticizes America for invading Iraq, we'll look quizzical and say we don't know what they're talking about. Day 3: Bush tax cuts repealed, so the upper 10 percent in income pay 67 percent of all federal taxes instead of 66 percent. That will make all the difference. Day 4: Peace Corps sent en masse to Middle East to apologize personally to everyone and hand out gas-soaked flags and matchbooks. Burn one on us! Don't you love us now? Day 5: Peace Corps Hostage Negotiation Unit commissioned. Day 6: Gay marriage legalized by congressional voice vote, so no one has to go on record. (This allows gay Democratic congressmen to vote no without being outed.) Days 7-100: Impeachment hearings. Sure, Pelosi has said she's against them. But as she promised: The children will be in charge. They're cranky if they don't get their way." — James Lileks

Lex et Libertas — Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world in defense of our liberty, and for the families awaiting their safe return.)

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