Sometimes you need to get on their level to get them to listen at all. Yes, that is true, Saved4. Certainly Jesus came down here on our level.
A recent New Yorker cartoon had God sitting on his cloud, looking down at a distant Earth, shaking his finger, saying, "Don't make me come down there!"
Yes, you have to go to where the person is--physically and spiritually.
Maybe it's a balancing act between knowing what you would like to say to them, and waiting, or praying, for the Holy Spirit to move them.
Effectively, it's all of what the HS is doing through us, after Jesus left.
(So I'm taking that too to mean that the HS wasn't here
before Jesus came...)
I mean, effectively, it's not our ball of wax. It's His.
So if longdog and the others, or whoever, are calling us closeminded, does that necessarily even deserve a response?
And, sometimes, we ARE closeminded.
Maybe that's what scripture means, "...rightfully dividing the word of truth..."
When to hold'm; when to fold'm?