When governments fail to act
The situation with Arab militant groups needs to end.
These groups are founded, funded, armed and given safe haven in places such as Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Iran. Yet, after they carry out a mission, the Arab governments of these nations throw their hands into the air and say they have no responsibility or control over said groups. How can they claim they have no responsibility or control over these groups??The world buys it, and then Israel is condemned for using force in a foreign land on anyone other than the handful of people who carried out the attack. The prospect of attacking with impunity, I assume, is a major reason why these groups would cross the border and murder soldiers. Obviously they weren't trying to start a shooting war with Israel.
Imagine Israel creating its own militant groups who attacked troops and targets in Lebanon or Syria. Say they blew up coffee shops, killed innocents, kidnapped soldiers and made demands, etc. Could Israel then claim it wasn't responsible for any of it while the militant Jews lived nicely in Israel? What if, to negotiate with them, you had to go through the Israeli government?
Solve the problem with the militants and you'll take a huge step forward in the peace process.
Talking about peace while refusing to act against these militants tells me that the Arab governments are not interested in peace.Leaving Israel to deal with the militants gets the result that y'all are seeing today.
I'm sure the Arabs could eliminate the militants with much more precision than Israel can. The only question is will they...