I everyone, I haven't been around much but wanted to jump in real quick and say HI to everyone. ONE more year of college down and my last year lays ahead. I am doubling up on classes so I can graduate by next may with a BA as a Special Ed, teacher and Reading Specialist. SO got lots I needs to do. Pray tht I can keep the pace I need too, That God would still be number one for me.I don't put him first the way I should cause I'm so busy tryng to get through school. Situation in my home life is still not good, and I just want my old brain to learn to absorb all that it needs too so I can do my job right, please pray for that giftof teaching, I need a God given insight to work with my students.
Going back to school at my age is hard, and sometimes I think it was a mistake to continue on, but God has opened to many doors to get me to where I am. .
God is great, God is GOOD!