If someone had predicted thrity years ago that "gay" marriage would be legalized in some American states (and all across Canada), many in the church would have scoffed at the possibility.
If someone had predicted sixty years ago that prayer, Bible reading and creation would be thrown out of America's public schools, well, most in the church back then would have also thought it to be ridiculous.
But .... they have happened!
Now, what if I said the following?
If America continues on it's present course of abondoning the absolute Word of God - - and teaching generations of students that they are the result of random natural processes - - Christians who teach their children to believe that God created in six literal days will have those same children taken away ... and the parents will be arrested for "child abuse".
Would you scoff and say, "That would never happen here?" Would you think that I'm just over=reacting?
Friend, that day may be closer than you think! In a TV program broadcast recently throughout the United Kingdom (and no doubt soon to be shown on American television as well), the world's leading spokesperson on evolution, atheist Dr Richard Dawkins of Oxford University< made these remarkable and shocking statements:
I'm very concerned about the religious indoctrination of children.I want to show how faith acts like a virus that attacks the young and infects generation after generation ....
It's time to question the abuse of childhood innocence with superstitious ideas of hellfire and damnation. And I want to show how the scriptual roots of the Judeo-Christian moral edice are cruel and brutish.
What in the 21st century are we doing venerating a book (the Bible) that contains such stuff?
The raving continues. After saying that religion is a form of child abuse, Dawkins' tirade (he became very angry at times on the program) against Christianity did not wane:
The God of the Old Testament has got to be the most unpleasant character in all fiction - - jealous and proud of it, unjust, unforgiving, racist, an ethnic cleanser urging His people on to acts of genocide . . . . When it comes to children, I think of religion as a dangerous virus. It's a virus which is transmitted partly through teachers and clergy, but also down the generations from parent to child to grandchild. Children are especially vulnerable to infection by the virus of religion.
As you read such comments from atheistic evolutionists, you can see that it can often get quite emotional for them when they attack creation and intelligent design - - and get very upset when the arguments against evolution are presented (especially in public shool science classes).
While many secularists say that creation should not be allowed in public scool science classes but should be relegated to the religion philophy class, a school in California was threntened with a lawsuit because the topic of creation was taught in a new philosophy course. The school dropped the course.
Genesis can't even be discussed in a philosophy class!
The bottom line. Christianity is now marginalized in what was once the greatest Christian nation on earth. And the more control the secularists grab in this nation, the bolder they will become (following Dawkin's example) in applying their atheistic philosophy - - which simply cannot tolerate Christianity and its absolute morality.
Yes, it could happen one day. In fact I believe that the die is cast and wel will face that day in the not too distant future - - unless Christians start really believing the Bible and acting out their faith! If this generation fails to share the good news of the Gospel, beginning in Genesis, your children or grandchildren may be accused of child abuse because they teach the Bible to their children. (Let's not forget the rapid cultural and social transformations of China, Russia, etc. in the first half of the 20th century.)
This is a reminder of the spiritual war we're in (Ephesians 6:10-20). And what a reminder that we need to be soldiers equipped with the whole armour of God so we can do battle for the souls of people.