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Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Well, speak of the Devil! (Know your enemy)
on: November 28, 2003, 01:40:04 PM
Yes, I find enormous useage of herbs and ancient treatments Willow. It's an amazing earth. It's such a pity medicine and the big Medical Companies have smothered the useage of herbs. But, I reckon the big drug companies may be one of the enemies we should know about huh?
Prayer / General Discussion / Re:smile
on: November 28, 2003, 04:38:48 AM
Well! That sure made my day! I haven't laughed so much for a long time! Thanks a mill Reba!! Got anymore like that?
Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Well, speak of the Devil! (Know your enemy)
on: November 28, 2003, 04:23:43 AM
We learn from one another in more ways than one Willowbirch. Talking of snakes. Guess what I caught in the snake net today? Yep! A four foot King Brown trying to get in my back door! It was dead in the net..but! Another good thing we do in the outback here is, if we have hurt ourselves and the bleeding is profuse, to stop the bleeding, we wind cobwebs around our finger & place it on the wound. Stops the bleeding instantly! Amazing what our Father has for us should we be harmed in anyway isn't it?
Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Well, speak of the Devil! (Know your enemy)
on: November 26, 2003, 11:17:51 PM
Yes. I can believe that. I don't know who sets there laws & rules for mankind but it's easy to see we are not a protected species Willowbirch! Getting to know your enemy is something we should all do. The snake is an enemy to man. It won't hurt you if you dont hurt it, but is even a little child happens to tread on the tip of it's tail it will strike, and the little one is dead unless immediate action is taken with either, our knowledge, or the knowledge of those in the hospitals. On Australia, in the outback where Ilive, if a dog is bitten bu a snake, we have to immediately cut the tip is it's little ear off in order for the blood to flow out of it's little body. This takes exactly 3 days, and 3 nights to eradicate. Then the little dog (or big dog) is at the door waiting to be fed and watered. But, they have to be kept in a shaded p[lace while recovery is taking place and just kept an eye on. We have to know the snake in order to combat it's poison. Likewise with mankind. It's always better to be safe than sorry in this issue. Mankind's poison is a slow death. They can kill in so many ways. One of the most common is mental anguish or stress. I know it well belonging to a family in which I am the walking human joke. Yet, the first one they run to if they need someone. Now, I run when I see them coming. I don't want to run the risk of treading on those vipers tails!!!
Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Well, speak of the Devil! (Know your enemy)
on: November 26, 2003, 08:52:54 AM
The description sounds something like one of our Australian reptiles with horns & tail spikes. Yet he's a cute little fellow! Australian Aboriginal legends speak of the serpent snake. Or the Rainbow Snake. Quite amazing isn't it? So many cultures hold the snake in their creation legends. I forget the whole story of the aboriginal (Oz) legend. Many aboriginals have been taught the Bible, but still hold fast to their legends. Nothing in the world can change their minds about that snake! To me theyare yukky things. But, in Austrlaia they are a protected species. We are not permitted to kill one. We must stand aside and let it go as people in the city (the 'greenies) hold that everything has a right to live.
Prayer / General Discussion / Re:God Dependent?
on: November 26, 2003, 03:04:19 AM
We are free individuals. It is up to us whether or not we pray. But, often Father leads us to pray when we least expect it. Our very life is dependant upon God. And I believe he watches our every move. If we are grieving in any way, Father would see our plight whether we prayed to Him or not. Our grief would be a prayer in itself because the Holy Spirit is with us and prays for us.
Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Well, speak of the Devil! (Know your enemy)
on: November 26, 2003, 02:58:25 AM
Very interesting posting Wilowbirch. It has given me much room for thought indeed. Satan was once a very beautiful being. But through reading your letter I have wondered iof the term 'snake' was actually a snake as we know them. In Australia, people use the term 'snake' for a devious person. I wonder......?  Love...Tamara
Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:The Gospel is so Revealing!
on: October 26, 2003, 08:20:18 AM
Thankyou Loggedintojesus,
The Majesty of God is overwhelming. The Gospel is overpowering. I see God in all I do for I cannot live without Him. And, without the gospel, none of us can live. Could we imagine a world without it? The very thought that the Son of God came to earth as a human being and sacrificed His life for us in such a manner is a little mind boggling. After all, Jesus is the Son of God. It also amazes me to think he breathed the same air as we did, ate as we do, and talked as we do. Often I do meditate on the gospel of salvation and it still remains such an amazing fact. A fact we will never be able to fathom. A love as immense as this is just astonishing. In the beginning God chose the Israelites. But, when they went astray, He decided to embrace all mankind. To do this, He chose one man. Paul. And Paul has preached the gospel right down the ages for 2000 years. This alone is astounding. That today, we open the New Testament and read the words of a man called Jesus...the words of a man called Peter...the words of a man named Paul. Yes...the mind does boggle!
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Metro
on: October 26, 2003, 07:56:00 AM
Yes, Tibby is right. There are alot of these people around now. And, it's just another way of flaunting themselves in a sick manner before the world. I think they need a good kick by the laws of the land. But, that won't happen! These people are not homosexuals. They pretend they are and act as though they are women. Yet, they are men. Men? What am I saying here? They'd be most offended if I said that!
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Double Whammy
on: October 26, 2003, 07:49:53 AM
What Tom said is true Symphony. We offer no sacrifice as the very Son of God sacrificied His life for us. From there on, in faith, we walk with the Holy Spirit who guides and teaches us. We need no statues or images. And have no need to be reminded of Him through these items. He is in our heart. His laws are engraved on our hearts. We serve a living God.