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1  Theology / Debate / Re: Debate to end all debates! on: June 22, 2007, 08:46:00 PM
 Cheesy That is what I thought when I first tried KFC. I had heard all the caving about it and we finally were close enough to one that we stopped. I kept thinking, this tastes like Mama's chicken. What is the big deal? LOL
I know now that all fried chicken is not created equal.
I think I could fry one of mine now and it would taste like a duck. I'm not sure, but I think some of my chickens are getting webs between their toes. We got another downpour today with more ordered.
I have a feeling Old Noah wished for a bit of sunshine before the 40 days were over. LOL
2  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re: Coffee Time! on: June 21, 2007, 10:59:01 AM
Hello Okie,

I was born and raised in Lawton. They call it Lawton Fort Sill now. I've been to your area of the state several times and think it is beautiful. We are still in danger of flooding here, but things have gotten a little bit better over the last 10 days. However, it wouldn't take much of a rain to start the flooding again. In fact, we thought it was going to happen last night with some major thunderstorms.

Just think - we were praying for rain this time last year. Farmers were going under, the stock-ponds were dry, and we had wild fires all over the state. This year, I think that a lot of the crops are under water. We should just give thanks, pray, and trust GOD. Everything will work out for good for those of us who love GOD.

Love In Christ,

Hebrews 11:1-3 NASB  Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the men of old gained approval. By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.

I know Lawton well, or I used to. I was raised about 40 miles North of you in Ft.Cobb. Husband is from Anadarko. We got rain all night last night and more looks to be here soon. I was just looking at a junk pile that needs burned. Last year we were under a burn ban and now we are soaked. The treee frogs are happy little critters. lol
 I wish I could share this rain with all who are needing it. Been in drought enough to have plenty of sympathy. God will do what he sees fit, it just doesn't always work like us mear humans think it should.
3  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re: Coffee Time! on: June 20, 2007, 09:42:53 AM
Good Morning. This is a great cup of coffee. Hey BEP, can you pass the umbrella?  This year is reminding me of the rains we had in the Fall of '83. Don't know where you are in SW Oklahoma, but I am over here in SE OK. I am about 30 miles from McAlester now, but I was raised in Caddo County. In '83 I was slogging through water in Altus helping my sis save her turkey's from flood water. We had to drive over 100 miles out of the way to get home because of flooded roads. It is about that way here now. We have had 13 inches of rain in the past 5 weeks. The drought is officially over.
I just put on another pot of coffee, Y'all just float on in and get you a cup. 
4  Entertainment / Animals and Pets / Re: Chickens on: June 18, 2007, 12:49:24 PM
Yeah, you gotta watch the fertilizer. Too much and you might sprout a turkey. lol
5  Entertainment / Animals and Pets / Re: Chickens on: June 16, 2007, 10:10:11 PM
I had never heard of the tractors until a short time ago on a poultry forum. When we got the big rains last month, the one tractor I had built got to go to higher ground. The poor penned chickens were in skinky mud up to their knees. I decided then and there that tractors were the way to go. I am working on my third one now, only about 7 more and I should be pretty well stocked. Now my daughter is looking at the tractors thinking rabbits. LOL
6  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re: Experiences In Your Own Words on: June 14, 2007, 11:42:39 PM
I don't think this is exactly what you are looking for, but I want to share anyways. Smiley

My DH and I have recently built an addition on to our house. We didn't put enough pitch on the roof and it sagged with all the heavy rains. We brought in a Bois D'Arc fence post to hold the roof up until the rains left and we could rebuild our roof.( We now have a nice gable roof built, like we should have to begin with.)
 I was sitting at my computer desk. My chair was where it always is. I kept feeling like something was mentally nudging me to move my chair. I finally did move it over about 6 inches. WHAM!!!! The sun had come out, dried the roof enough that it lifted off the post. The post fell and hit my desk. It cracked this solid oak desk, grazed my arm, smashed a tea glass into glitter sized pieces. If I hadn't moved my chair, it would have crushed my skull. It hit hard enough that there is no way I would have survived. I always pray that God will keep me safe and he came through with flying colors.
 I didn't even freak out when it happened. The first thing that went through my mind was that God has a plan for me.
 My Husband freaked enough for both of us. LOL
I am still finding tiny slivers of glass. Smiley
7  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re: Coffee Time! on: June 14, 2007, 11:33:07 PM
This child is a super handful. Did you ever watch old Yeller? The littlest boy, Arless. That is my Sunnie. What is so funny, I can remember my Mother saying the same thing  about me. I call her Mini pretty often. She is me made over again. She lives here with me. Mama and Daddy are here everyday. Mama is here all day. So it isn't a normal situation with a visit here are there nor is it like so many Grandparents that don't have the parents on the scene either. We are all close knit, we just didn't want to disrupt Sunnie's life when they moved into their own place. My house is her Home.  I drink lots of coffee now. LOL
Thanks for pouring me a cup. I needed it.  Cheesy
8  Entertainment / Animals and Pets / Re: Chickens on: June 14, 2007, 11:23:18 PM
My tractors are much smaller than the comercial type. Most I have built so far are 4'X8' that is big enough for a half dozen hens and a roo real easy. I have attached old lawn mower wheels to one end so I can move them to new grazing daily. I have been around chickens all my life. As a kid, my folks had a big truck patch, milk cows, chickens and rabbits. We sold milk and eggs, fryer rabbits and chickens and produce. By the time I was 8, I had an incubator. I kind of got away from chickens in my teen years. Daddy had sold the farm. Mom had a handful of bantys and a few guineas and I was working. Then I got back to raising chickens shortly after getting married in '79. In the 27 yrs that have passed since then, I have got into and out of having chickens several times. This is the first time I have ever messed with trying to keep breeds pure for selling hatchlings and hatching eggs and breeding big broilers. My daughter and two grandaughters are as excited about watching the babies hatch. My daughter and I have wittnessed it for years, but it is always so neat to see.Smiley
 I have had problems finding old mower wheels for the tractors and didn't want to put out the money for new ones. My daughter and the youngest granddaughter and I went to a junk store today. While talking to the man, he mentioned working on some mowers and junking others. I asked about the wheels and he said he would give me as many as I could haul off. He said he probably has 500 wheels that he would be tickled to death for me to take off his hands. I will be going back with the pick-up:)
I had been wondering where the wheels would come from and he had been wondering what he would do with them. We had both mentioned our problems to the Lord and he did the rest.
9  Entertainment / Animals and Pets / Chickens on: June 13, 2007, 04:35:29 PM
Anyone here raise chickens?
I do. I have Americauna, Buff Orphingtons, a couple of RIR, some banty Cochins, banty OEGB and a few mixed breeds. I have some Dark Cornish ordered along with Cornish Rocks for broilers. I plan to breed the Dark Cornish to the B Orphs to see what kind of broiler I can raise from them.
I am in the midst of building tractors so I can have pure breeds to sell hatching eggs.
I would love to hear from anyone else that is raising chickens. Maybe we can do some egg exchanging or at least some story swapping.  Smiley
10  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re: Coffee Time! on: June 13, 2007, 04:21:38 PM
I need a cup of very strong coffee. I have been building chicken tractors in this sultery Oklahoma heat.
I have had a 4 yr old Granddaughter helping. Did I mention that I need coffee? With her help it takes me three times as long. But we are also building memories and she is learning. Smiley I think I need coffee. I had to do a little reworking on my hen house to make it more livable for them for a while longer. There were earth worms like crazy with every shovel full. Between the chickens and the kid fighting over who got the worms and old Gandma trying to keep from stepping on them or hitting them with a shovel. Whew!!!
11  Theology / Debate / Re: Is it me or.... on: June 12, 2007, 03:05:19 AM
America is the Land of the Free. Freedom to do what we should is not the same as freedom to do what we want. Too many don't think that way.
I look at our American coins. They all say In God We Trust. I think is a shame how many people worship the coin and not the God We Trust.
12  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Strawberry Meth on: May 18, 2007, 11:26:31 PM
I recieved this by email today. I know we aren't supposed to post links, but perhaps this one is Ok. Please join me in prayer for all of the children.

There is a very scary thing going on in the schools right now that all need to be aware of. There is a type of crystal meth going around that looks like strawberry pop rocks. It smells like strawberry also and it is being handed out to kids in school yards in AR. I'm sure it will make its way around the country if it hasn't already. Kids are ingesting this thinking that it is candy and being rushed off to the E.R. in dire condition.

Please instruct your children to not accept candy that looks like this even from a friend and to take any that they may have to a teacher, principal, etc.

Please pass this around it could save some family a lot of heartache!

That is what they are calling strawberry meth or strawberry quick.


13  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re: Weather prayers please. on: May 08, 2007, 08:12:37 PM
Well, here we go again. It rained most of the night last night, cleared off today, but is building again.
14  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Weather prayers please. on: May 07, 2007, 10:25:07 PM
 We are in SE Oklahoma. We recieved 5 inches of rain today. Only one road in is passable. There looks to big a (((BIG))) T storm headed up this way. Please pray for all the people's safety in this turbulent weather. Thanks.
15  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re: Gift or Curse? on: May 05, 2007, 09:28:23 PM
No, I do not have the occult books, haven't had one for over 30 yrs. I don't read horescopes,carry a rabbits foot or throw salt over my shoulder either. Cool

I do not attend a Church regularly. The Churches around this area seem to have waxed cold. I attended every Sunday for two years and never heard Hell mentioned at all. My daughter and I are home schooling her 4yr old daughter and 12 yr old step daughter. Bible Study is part of the Schooling. I usually spend and hour or more reading the Bible everyday and visit 6 different Christian Forums.
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