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1  Theology / Debate / Re: Once Saved Always Saved??? on: June 26, 2008, 06:37:58 PM
Hi Sapphire,

It's great to see you here again.

This is an important subject as it does pertain to a persons salvation. There is nothing more important than ones salvation in and through Jesus Christ. We should not decry the importance of anything that pertains to salvation.

The most important questions that come up because of this subject is "Am I saved?", "How can I know that I am saved?", "Do I lose my Salvation because I slip up and commit a sin?", "Do I have to perform certain "works" to maintain my salvation?". These are just a few of the questions that fall into this subject and ones that a person truly has the need to have answered.

I think you're still not understanding what I'm getting at.

We should always live as if once we are saved, we are NOT always saved. I hate this topic because it generates so much debate, but everyone always misses the point completely. Whether or not we are always saved isn't important. If it becomes important, then there's generally a problem because we worry about whether or not the things we do will "un-save" us. I know they won't, you know they won't, we are saved by faith, not good works, etc. You don't need to explain that to me, it's irrelevant.

My point is that we should always live as if once we are saved, we CAN fall from grace. It doesn't matter whether or not you believe that can happen. Living that way helps avoid complacency and stagnation. Stop fighting about the details. You're missing the bigger picture.
2  Theology / Debate / Re: Once Saved Always Saved??? on: June 26, 2008, 02:14:57 PM
I am almost speechless there Smiley

The discussion is if you are saved are you saved forever or can you at some time loose your salvation?  And you ask what difference does it make?

Well to me what you believe does not make any difference to me, I know that I am a child of God and no matter what I am counted as a saint.  I would have to say though that if you think that you can lose your salvation then you may not have been saved to begin with and that does matter to me.

Allow me to restate my meaning, then.

If you believe that once you are saved, you are always saved, are you going to live any differently? Is there any purpose at all behind trying to prove one side or the other?
3  Theology / Debate / Re: Once Saved Always Saved??? on: June 26, 2008, 03:33:24 AM
Once Saved Always Saved???

What difference does it make?
4  Entertainment / Television / Re: Not the History Channel! on: June 25, 2008, 04:14:57 AM
I hope and pray that things are going good for you. YES - you are still in our thoughts and prayers. So, how have you been? Time literally does fly.

Bored at home and busy at school. Majoring in physics is no picnic Undecided
5  Entertainment / Television / Re: Not the History Channel! on: June 24, 2008, 02:47:22 PM
"The Universe" (Don't laugh, I know.)

The only reason that show isn't great is because it uses too many poorly-done computer generated effects. Otherwise, it's awesome.
6  Fellowship / You name it!! / Man, I remember the good old days... on: March 22, 2007, 04:16:29 AM
Back in like, 2002, with the ORIGINAL (as far as I know) CU message boards. And then they crashed and we had to start over, in early 2003. Yeah, 2002, those were the days. Back when the Admin didn't say anything, heck, he probably didn't even really exist. Isn't BEP the admin now? Or something close to it?

What happened to sincereheart? And Angie? nX? Kestrel? Symphony? TIBBY? Oh geeze, is A4C still around?

Sorry, I just wanted to stop in and say hi, I haven't forgotten about this place. Though it's still too conservative for my tastes - you people are more thinckheaded than I ever was...oh, and on that note, sorry for being an impossible, jerkish brat way back when :/ I guess it just comes with being a teen...my bad, everyone I offended, although I still think that some of you could stand to be offended every now and then.


7  Entertainment / Movies / Re: The Presence of God in World Trade Center on: August 27, 2006, 05:47:53 PM
When Steven Spielberg remade War of the Worlds, my biggest complaint was that, amid all of this mayhem, the audience never once sees Ray Ferrier, the frantic father, pray. Unlike the 1953 original, in which everyone across the country was huddled in churches petitioning God for deliverance from the Martian spacecrafts, by 2005, I guess, no one had an inclination to call out to the Almighty as heat rays were vaporizing everything in sight.

Yeah, but in the actual book (which was written in 1898) he doesn't pray either. So really in that respect, Spielberg was more accurate. The movie still sucked, though.

Anyway, World Trade Center is just Hollywood using a tragedy as an excuse for more money. It wouldn't be so bad if they waited a little longer, or if they didn't use actors that are already too rich for their (or anyone else's) own good. I personally can't support this movie that plays on people's emotions just so the rich can get richer.
8  Entertainment / Television / Re: The presence of magic in cartoons on: August 26, 2006, 01:54:23 AM

I've been on these boards long enough to say that this whole topic is just beating a dead horse.
9  Welcome / About You! / Re: Dag, yo on: March 25, 2006, 05:12:29 PM
Post #800. And what better place to make it?
10  Entertainment / Movies / Re: Christians Urged to Prepare for Sharing Truth After Da Vinci Code Movie Released on: March 25, 2006, 05:11:27 PM
See? This is why I hardly ever post anymore. Every time I do, arguments full of misunderstandings arise. Just 'cause I'm a teen.

11  Welcome / About You! / Re: Dag, yo on: March 23, 2006, 04:21:51 PM
Hey. I remember you making this topic.

12  Entertainment / Movies / Re: Christians Urged to Prepare for Sharing Truth After Da Vinci Code Movie Released on: March 23, 2006, 04:20:20 PM
I know many "normal teenagers" and he certainly doesn't qualify as one.

What's normal?
13  Entertainment / Movies / Re: Christians Urged to Prepare for Sharing Truth After Da Vinci Code Movie Released on: March 21, 2006, 04:26:28 PM
I believe it is called scarsm.

Actually, I believe it's called sarcasmWink

And if I may chime in on this little teenage boy/girl discussion, I never gave my parents any trouble really; all in all, I was probably exceptionally easy to raise. Now, my little sister, who's just recently turned 14, is pretty much exactly the opposite.

Thus, I'd have to say girls are tougher to raise.

But then again, what do I know about parenting?
14  Entertainment / Movies / Re: Left Behind on: March 20, 2006, 04:34:25 PM
But I've enjoyed "reading" you over the years!

I appreciate that, really.

15  Entertainment / Movies / Re: Christians Urged to Prepare for Sharing Truth After Da Vinci Code Movie Released on: March 20, 2006, 04:32:44 PM
And Dear Sapphire, if you think that Christians only come out for media releases such as this, you obviously haven't been a Christian very long or you're a very weak one; because trust me little brother, WE'RE EVERYWHERE!

...And for the reasons stated above, this offends me.
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