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1  Entertainment / Books / Re: Ted Dekker on: March 21, 2006, 08:39:24 PM
I really liked "Blink" and was wondering about other books of his.  Anyone else read any?  I compare them to John Grisham's fast pace.
2  Fellowship / Just For Women / Re: Hello everyone on: March 20, 2006, 09:22:48 AM
Hi Leahbeans, welcome to the list.  Thanks for getting us talking in the women's room again Wink

I like to read Christian fiction and non-fiction.  I just attended a workshop partially based on the book Lies Women Believe which I will begin reading soon.  Anyone else reading it?

You'll see that I am here weird times, because I am 12 hours ahead of you, so your early morning is my night, etc.  I'm posting this now at 10 pm my time and it's 8 am in the Central time zone according to my little clock in my office. 

Again, welcome!
3  Fellowship / Just For Women / Re: I always wanted to know one thing on: March 12, 2006, 06:50:27 AM
I certainly believe that God made men and women different for many reasons.  Women aren't necessarily weaker, because there are many areas in which women are stronger such as pain thresholds and maybe multi-tasking.   Wives are certainly to be submissive and responsible to our husbands, but husbands are also to treat women with respect and love.  It's usually easier for women to express their emotions than for men, but men certainly still have emotions. 

God loves men and women, and created each person with his/her unique qualities. 
4  Fellowship / Just For Women / Re: Chocolate is a Vegetable on: March 03, 2006, 12:49:09 AM
Now, dear, sincereheart, why in the world would you post an article about chocolate in the "Just for Women" secton!!??? Wink 

Are you a fellow choc-aholic?  I admit that I usually have some form of chocolate everyday, and I'm not huge, just a little overwt.  From my avatar, I look downright thin, ha.

Thanks for the chuckle.
5  Welcome / About You! / Re: GREETINGS IN HIS NAME on: February 28, 2006, 09:22:49 AM
Welcome JAS, Please jump right in to the other topics and let us know your thoughts on things. 

What is PT?

We also look forward to you being an active member.  have a great week.

PS:  Just so you are aware...........When you use ALL CAPS, it means that you are YELLING! Wink haha
6  Welcome / About You! / Re: Hi i'm new on: February 28, 2006, 09:19:35 AM
Tundra:  Welcome to the Forum.  We are also happy that you have come to know the forgiveness and love of our Lord Jesus.  May you grow in your faith by reading His word and fellowshiping with other believers.
7  Fellowship / Just For Women / Re: Being alone with a man not your husband on: February 28, 2006, 09:16:51 AM
Thanks for saying I'm not invisible, ha.  My husband drove me to the meeting and we followed the other man in his car.  Everything was very comfortable. 

You guys are very sweet.  I appreciate you. Wink
8  Welcome / About You! / Re: Hidi Hi all the way from New Zealand on: February 27, 2006, 08:45:32 AM
Hi there Helen/Trudy:   Welcome to the Forums!  Please tell us all about life in New Zealand.  We are interested!

How do you serve the Lord there?  Are many coming to know Him in NZ?

Take care
9  Fellowship / Just For Women / Re: Being alone with a man not your husband on: February 24, 2006, 11:48:17 PM
I did tell my husband's boss that I wasn't comfortable riding alone with this other man.  The timing is ok that my husband can go along, but it will be an inconvenience for him to have to wait for me, but it's for the best.

Thanks for replying.  Sometimes I feel invisible if no one replies Wink
10  Theology / Bible Study / Psalm 91 story on: February 22, 2006, 09:00:15 AM
I just read a commentary about this psalm saying that it's known as the soldier's psalm because in WWI, the 91st brigade prayed this everyday.  They didn't lose anyone to combat, even though most other brigades lost 90% of their men. 

What a powerful passage on trusting God and claiming His protection. 
11  Fellowship / Just For Women / Being alone with a man not your husband on: February 21, 2006, 09:03:12 PM
I'm having this issue come up more and more.  I know I live in a foreign culture but the same thing happened in the US at times.  When a guy friend of your husband comes by and your husband isn't home, do you allow him to wait with you in your house?  Do you take a ride in a car with a man not your husband?   

Yesterday a Chinese friend of mine who does facials and massages in her home, had a man come for an appt.  I was startled by this as I know she lives alone. 

Next week my boss has arranged for me to go to an event and he told me another man will be driving me the hour there.  Now, I have to make a big issue with him about why this isn't appropriate. Ugh

This kind of goes along with the modest dress clothing idea.  Ladies, do you also find it difficult to stand up for what is appropriate and honorable for your husband?  Even putting ourselves in a situation where even one party could be tempted in wrong.  What do you think?
12  Fellowship / Just For Women / Re: What is "Gossip"? on: February 15, 2006, 06:16:59 PM
I've heard it said that some people are "transmitters" and some are "receivers".  This cartoon really showed that concept in a real way.  It's unfortunate that we all know people like this major transmitter.  May we all have a servant's heart and have "big ears" to listen but also discernment to know when to speak up to tell people we don't want to hear gossip.  I wish I had done that more in the past.  Too many times our conversations are about other people and not about sharing our faith.

13  Fellowship / Just For Women / Re: Where is everyone from? on: February 10, 2006, 06:24:28 PM
Ok then... Roll Eyes   Many people have lived in the same places all their lives.  I fully expected to live all my life in my hometown area in the midwest, but the Lord moves me whenever I get too "comfortable" ha.   

Thanks for clearing that up, Terri Wink   I assumed you meant ever even for a visit, but of course you meant where you'd actually lived.  No problem.

YSIC,  Butterflies  Shocked
14  Fellowship / Just For Women / Re: Where is everyone from? on: February 10, 2006, 07:47:26 AM
I agree!  I would love to know more about you, ForHisGlory and about Africa.  I've never left So. California let alone leaving the country!   Roll Eyes (Boy am I sheltered)  Roll Eyes  So please post and educate me!


              I can't believe you have never left southern CA.  Not even to go to NORTHern CA? ha   I lived in AZ for years and never went to Mexico.  So I have only been in US and Taiwan, no other countries.  Maybe you should fly to Vegas just to get out of the state! Wink

<gotta tease you>
15  Fellowship / Just For Women / Re: My country on: February 10, 2006, 07:43:52 AM
Wow, the assumptions we make.  I assumed you were a North American woman who was a missionary in SA.  I didn't realize we had a "real native" on this forum.  Wonderful!   

Thanks for the links.  I'll check them out so I can get to know you more.  I've always wanted to visit the UK.  (And do you mean redneck American or farm guy from UK?)  11 languages make for interesting times.  For example, in my area of Taiwan, there are 3 major languages so I've been in homes where bilingual folks were translating all  night.  ha

I rejoice with you that the Lord is blessing your land with much needed rain!   He is awesome!
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