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1  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re: A friend's decisions... on: August 14, 2006, 01:49:45 AM
In my prayers you shall again be.

You know I will be there for you and for Holli, and if I can be there for you, then God most certianly shall be.

Put your trust in him, and your prayers he shall answer.
2  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:help... please... on: April 04, 2005, 06:04:41 AM
Don't worry about it Brian; it happens.
3  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:help... please... on: April 01, 2005, 07:39:19 PM
Perhaps Tim, thank you. I'm glad you don't consider your time wasted.

I really appreciate all of the help, support and advice you and the others here have given.  Smiley
4  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:help... please... on: April 01, 2005, 12:23:45 PM
She's fine... turns out it was a very elaborate, sick joke...

...I hate people  Angry
5  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:help... please... on: March 30, 2005, 03:47:39 AM
Thanks... She's now been given a 45% chance  =(
6  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:help... please... on: March 29, 2005, 02:43:55 PM
Last I heard, they've given her a 55% chance. I'll let you know if I learn anything more...

I'm doing okay, though certianly not the best... I kind of need a break right now, and life just isn't giving me one.
7  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:help... please... on: March 29, 2005, 01:40:32 AM
Thank you...
8  Prayer / Prayer Requests / help... please... on: March 28, 2005, 01:56:49 AM
I wasn't sure where to turn...

I heard a short time ago that a friend of mine was hit by a truck today, less than five hours ago... I don't know all the details, but I understand that she's in the hospital, in a coma, and that the chances of her surviving are not in her favor... I don't know if she knows God, but I suspect not, which troubles me all the more. Her name is Alyssa, and she's 13 years old; a young, aspiring artist.

This is the first time in my life that I've truly needed God's help and yet been unable to think of anything to say to him... Words just won't come. Please, help this get out to people who can pray for her.
9  Welcome / About You! / Re:Hello on: November 14, 2004, 01:51:24 PM
I've been so busy, I've all but forgotten about this forum. *hits self*
keeping up in college has been difficult lately, as I broke my right (dominant) hand. (which will need to be broken and reset once again because I keep using it to do my college work)

Life just never stops rolling eh? Anyways, I figured I had best make it known, that YES I AM STILL ALIVE since I dropped by to post a prayer request that had been on my mind the last 13 hours.

In a few weeks I'll be flying up to Minnesota -- still in a cast -- for a Christmas vacation between simesters (won't airport security have fun with THAT). but that also means I might have a chance to refamiliarize myself with my pathetic excuse for a social life... and this board.

My website and photos are down by the way... my free hosting plan was the last of a dying breed... they dicontinued it, and you just can't get free hosting anymore...
10  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Prayers needed on: November 14, 2004, 01:12:45 PM
It's my first time asking for prayer here, so I hope I'm going about it the right way.. Something came up that for the first time in years has shaken me to the point of crying for a miracle.

Someone who I have known and respected for some time -- but only recently spken to directly -- is in a state of mental regression. She is 27 years old, and has been gradually slipping; as of now, she is said to be at the mental level of a 12-13 year old girl, but from me recent attempts of communication I expect that her cognative ability is already much lower indeed, and it is apparent that she is suffering from amnesia. The doctors she has seen say that this regression is irreversable, ad will not cease until she's reached the level of a 3-6 year old. While the cause is not officially determined, it is suspected to be repeated head trauma inflicted by her abusive mother. From what I understand, her father has been told there is nothing anyone can do for her aside from making her as comfortable as possible. Her father already needs to do most things for her, and this seems to be happening on a very short timescale.

Her name is Sharry, and lives in Nebraska. She is a Christian.

*click-edit* corrected something.
11  Welcome / About You! / Re:Hello on: September 07, 2004, 12:14:20 AM
thank you for the welcome.
Between the current weather (the hurricanes are particularily nasty this time of year), Computer problems and college, I won't be on very often for a while. Sorry if I'm just popping in and out over the next month or so.

I already have to get back to working out my computer problems, and then I have homework, so I'll have to leave it at that for now.

EDIT: I finally uploaded some of my photos, so... Clickie! Some sunset stuff, one of me (sort of) and a short video capture of the surf kicked up by the departing frances.
12  Theology / Apologetics / Re:What is there to believe... on: August 30, 2004, 10:17:37 PM
2nd Timothy
Death is a certainty is it not?
Life is a terminal illness; God's son is the cure.

God did not set us up for failure. He gave us the gift of free will so that we could love and worship him as he does us. Since he is a Sovereign God, he knew that we would rebel against him. The only thing that for me passes as a logical explination for why he created us knowing this, is that he was already willing to give his son for us. He loved us that much before he even created us.

God is all-seeing, all-knowing and omnipotent in the fullest sense. He does knows yet does not manipulate our hearts (to simply bend us to his will would not bring him or us the same joy as worshiping him freely), so he knows who will accept his gift to us and who will not. not everyone is reached before death to be told about Christ and God's plan for us, (the world population of >6 billion is growing by the second) yet since he knows what they would chose, I believe he has a plan for those people too.

"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." John 3:17

Welcome to CU Anduril =)

13  Welcome / About You! / Re:Hello on: August 30, 2004, 01:42:13 PM
working on it eh? well let me know when you succeed. ;)

I live near the gulf coast, and as nice as the gulf is to look at, I try to avoid swimming in it. We do however enjoy dinner and a sunset on the beach from time to time. I enjoy a bit of photography from time to time, and as such I have a few good photos of it, perhaps I'll remember to get them uploaded one of these days when I have the time. Unfortunately, after going to the dark (digital) side of photography, none of them have turned out very well.
14  Welcome / About You! / Re:Hello on: August 30, 2004, 08:34:57 AM
'Snowbird' is the common term around here for one who moves with the seasons. I'm originally from Minnesota, though Alaska's weather isn't far off at times :). I move back and forth from Florida to Wisconsin each year.
15  Welcome / About You! / Re:Hello on: August 29, 2004, 06:00:42 PM
Thank you for the welcome Music4Him, MsGuidedAngel and Starrleicht (I'm going to have a hard time spelling that one, is there something else you would like me to call you by?)

I've found that many forums tend to non-judgemental. (some others however are polar opposites.) If it wasn't for those forums, I'd probably be under a rock in some lost corner of the web ;) Most of them were not Christian however, (there were a few Christians scattered amongst them, but the majority was not) so this will be a good oppurtunity to help me grow in my faith.

I looked at your proboard MsGuidedAngel, you have a lot of forums going there. I don't think I will be joining however, as I have little enough time as is. (I just delivered the announcement that I would be leaving another forum for this reason 20 minutes ago)

I really must be going now, I once again (typical MO) have things to get today.

<Off-topic topic> If anyone wants to see my poor excuse for a website here, you will have to do it in the next 4 days or so; it had a fatal problem before I even finished scripting the main page. Since it is getting discontinued so soon, I just uploaded the unfinished pages to give it a sendoff. ;) </topic>
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