I consider myself a man of science (whether you consider me one is for you to decide.) As nobody's mind works flawlessly, logic can contradict itself at times; it is for this reason that one cannot rely on logic alone. What can logic alone explain? Certianly not God's motivations for anything - certianly not God. Neither does logic explain God away to any satisfaction. There is certianly a good deal of evidence (both scientific and historic) to suggest that God exists. The veracity of the Bible itself has withstood centuries of keen scrutiny. As is the very nature of evidence, it works both ways. Please do not get me wrong, reason and logic certianly do have their place as was stated earlier, but when used in relation to something that obviously cannot be explained by logic, you need to be very careful how you apply it. Science ends where the one who made those laws of science possible begins.
The reason athiests will so aggresively defend their belief is faith - faith in what they believe - that there is no God. Just as I have faith in God, they have faith that God doesn't exist. While this may not seem like a good reason to some, (If he doesn't think God exists, why does he work so hard to disprove God?) I can fully understand the motivation they have. Many people, when they truly believe they are right about something, will fight long and hard (and often in vain) to keep someone else from blindly believing somethig that 'is not true'. I've been there myself, trying to show someone why what they're suggesting just doesn't work that way. I was not always right either; I could name at least one situation where despite my adamance, I found myself (a good week later) to be completely wrong.
I have gotten to know a good many people who do not believe in the one almighty God, some of them athiest, others of pagan religions, and they all defend their beliefs just as stongly as the next. None of this has stopped me from caring about them, or helping them when they are in need. Just as they believe that they are right, I believe they are not mine to judge, and I should give them every chance possible to be saved.
Alice, I have known people who like you left God for something else they believed. I am on unofficial suicide watch for one right now; he left God to pursure logic, and now he does not see any logic in living. I do believe that it is mankind's unwillingness to release it's firm grasp on what it considers logic that has pushed this world to become the mess it is now.