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1  Theology / Bible Study / Re: Book of Job on: December 18, 2007, 01:26:51 PM
Those that put ice and snow prior to that time frame do so to support evolution and an old earth, the supposed "fact" that the earth was not made perfect but had to evolve into it's current state instead of degrading or devolving. It is scripture interpreting scripture, one portion supporting that of another.

There is no need to defend creation. Nor is there any need to debunk evolution. All that is but a distraction from the fact that we are sinners in need of a savior. Anyone who does not believe in the one true God of all creation is not going to be convinced by any proof-texts from the Bible. Anyone who does beleive in the one true God of all creation deosn't need need proof-texts from the Bible (as regards creation), for they have the mind of Christ (see 1 Cor 2: 6-16)

Grace and peace.
2  Theology / Bible Study / Re: Book of Job on: December 18, 2007, 12:23:02 AM
Job 6:15  My brethren have dealt deceitfully as a brook, and as the stream of brooks they pass away;
Job 6:16  Which are blackish by reason of the ice, and wherein the snow is hid:

Here Job is giving us a simile in describing a situation with his brethren but in so doing he uses ice and snow giving us the first mention of it in the Bible. Snow did not exist prior to Noah's flood.

Careful. Just because there was no previous mention of ice or snow in the Tanahk, that does not make such a claim valid.

I am curious, what is the point of such a statement? How is that helpful?
3  Fellowship / For Men Only / Re: Pornography- The silent killer of the Body of Christ on: October 16, 2007, 11:49:40 AM

I realize this thread is somewhat dated, but I wanted to add my thoughts regarding this issue.

The best response is always biblically based and with love. Therefore I offer the following for all to prayerfully consider...

A Changed Life

The testimony of the Apostle Paul was “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor. 5:17).  When a person comes to personally know Jesus Christ as his Savior, God inwardly transforms his life.  He gives him a new nature—the nature of Christ, for all believers have become “partakers of the divine nature” (2 Pet. 1:3-4).  This new nature naturally produces new attitudes and opinions, new likes and dislikes, new loves and hatreds.  The things a person once loved, he now hates; and the things he once hated, he now loves.  The whole inward motivation of his life has been changed.

Not only is this change apparent to the inner consciousness of the individual himself, his outward life also will appear different to those around him.  The whole character of his life will be changed.  Often a complete change of disposition will occur and even one’s conversation may be altered.

When a person has accepted Christ, there will be changes within him, particularly in his desires.  Ambitions, affections and inward nature will be switched from evil things to godliness.  If you can honestly say that such a change has taken place in your life, you may rest assured that it was accomplished by the Holy Spirit and is a sign that you have been born of God (John 1:12,13).

When a person becomes a Christian, he is “born again” (3:3).  Human birth is the demonstration of physical life.  The new birth is the demonstration of spiritual life—the evidence of the work of the Holy Spirit.  When a person is born again, he receives a new inner nature (2 Cor. 5:17).  The consciousness of a new nature—the Christ life—within is evidence that you are born of God.

Of course, the old nature is also within, and conflicts often arise between the old and the new natures.  “The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would” (Gal. 5:17).  Your old nature (“the flesh”) fights with the new nature (“the Spirit”).  Such conflicts are normal in the life of a real Christian—one who has been saved and made a child of God forever.

As has already been pointed out, we must examine ourselves, "to see whether you are in the faith" (2 Cor 13:5).

Related Scriptures:

May God always be your greatest need and may Christ always be your greatest treasure.

Your servant and brother in Christ,
4  Welcome / About You! / Re:OOPS! on: June 21, 2005, 04:28:30 PM
Warm Welcome to Christian's Unite Karl!! Grin

Hugs, YSIC \o/


Thank you for the warm welcome!
5  Theology / General Theology / Re:Jesus and his Word are the Answer on: June 11, 2005, 12:38:01 PM
Nicely said on a touchy subject.

All glory to God.
6  Theology / General Theology / Re:Jesus and his Word are the Answer on: June 10, 2005, 06:51:07 PM
Hi All!

I was just reading through this thread and would like to share a couple of thoughts...

I am a lot more cautious about various books published under the Christian genre banner than I used to be. You see, as a recovered alcoholic/addict, early in my recovery I got caught up in the binding/loosening taught in the Neil T Anderson books The Bondage Breaker and Victory over the Darkness.

I was about half way through The Bondage Breaker when (I believe) the Spirit of Holiness led me to this page on the Internet: The Bondage Maker - Topical Index - Anderson, Neil T..

After reading the article, I was amazed at how easily I had been drawn in and caught up in the false teaching! That experience really opened my eyes. However, some lessons are soon forgotten and it wasn't long until I was promoting the 40-Days of Purpose curriculum to my then pastor. Not long afterwards, I was once again (I believe) led by the Spirit of Holiness to a web page that brought out some facts, much like the the one about the Neil T. Anderson books did.

When the Prayer of Jabez and the Wild at Heart books came out, I was sorely tempted to jump on the band wagon and gobble them up as well. But by then the lesson was beginning to sink in. So instead of running out and obtaining a copy of the books (when they came out), I prayed about them and waited on God. I am so glad I did!

I watched other people who highly touted these books - people whom I knew up close and personal - to see if their walk with God deepened and/or if their life changed at all. I was unable to notice any perceivable change in their life. They were the same after reading the books and participating in the small groups, as they were prior to doing so.

Again, I was led to some web sites that examined the respective author's teaching with Scripture, and again I was saddened by the truth of the distortions and heresy contained within the teachings of the respective books.

Please understand, I'm not saying that lives were not changed by people who read the books. I'm saying that I fear the false and/or misleading teachings contained within such popular books may being doing more harm than good. However, I know that God can and does use anything to His glory. So I do not concern myself with those who are caught up in the latest popular teaching to come out. Instead, I pray for guidance as concerns my walk with God in Christ, and praise Him for His many blessings.

I think sometimes, many of us who have placed our faith in Christ, spend an inordinate amount of time and energy trying to do things FOR God, thinking we are being good Christian Soldiers. I sincerely believe that God would much rather have us doing things WITH Him, rather than FOR Him.

I would encourage all if us who claim Christ as our Lord and Master to spend less time finding fault within the body of Christ and more time building up the body of Christ. I sincerely believe that is God's will for us. Don't you?

Read Ephesians 4 and pray about it. Okay?

Thank you for your time and prayerful consideration of my comments.


[Edited to update URL link]
7  Welcome / About You! / Re:OOPS! on: June 10, 2005, 05:18:49 PM
Welcome aboard CU.  Hope you find lots of new friends and are blessed during your stay here.  

I haven't read your profile but will, sooner or later. Grin

Hi Cris! thanks for the welcome.

There's really nothing special in my profile. I only mentioned it because there is a link to my personal web site, in case anyone wanted to learn more about me and where I'm at in my walk of faith.


8  Welcome / About You! / Re:OOPS! on: June 10, 2005, 05:11:08 PM
Hey Karl - WELCOME!

On March 16, 2005 I turned 50 years old. Smiley

Hey, how about that!?!

Thanks for the welcome.

9  Welcome / About You! / OOPS! on: June 10, 2005, 04:02:07 PM
Hi All!

I just did a check of my profile and discovered that I had failed to come here and make a post of introduction. I'm going to cheat a little bit and do an edited cut-n-paste of my intro from one of my two web sites...

I am a 51-year-old American male of European descent, and a native of "Colorful Colorado" (USA). On March 16th, 2005, Susan and I will have been married for 26 years. [By previous marriage] I am the father of one son, Daniel, who is now 31-years-old and currently resides in Alabama.

If you would like more info, feel free to ask and/or check my profile for my site link. Much more is online there.


10  ChristiansUnite and Announcements / ChristiansUnite and Announcements / Re:E-Mail Privacy Warning on: June 10, 2005, 03:30:41 PM
Thank you for the "heads-up" on the email addy thing.

I have a question... would this also apply to what I call "throw-away" email accounts, like one can get at yahoo, google, hotmail, etc.?

I can certainly see the risk using your ISP email addy, but it would seem that a "throw-away" email addy would be safe from such hackers.

Thanks for you feedback!
11  Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:Lust on: April 16, 2005, 06:10:20 PM
I am young, at 15.  Already I find myself fighting lust, and I fear I am losing.  I would really appreciate it if someone would give me some pointers on how to combat this destructive emotion.

You Are Not Alone!

by Seth Louis Carter

In the summer of 2000, on June 15, my friend and I were riding our bikes to a local convenience store. We rode down his street to a four-way stop. The driver to our left waved us on. My friend went. I looked the other way to see if any traffic was coming, then I went. The driver to our left apparently thought that I was waiting, and she started out at the same time as I did and hit me.

My bike was knocked away. I fell under the car and was run over by the tires. I made it out with a skull fracture, a broken jaw, both heels cut and an Achilles tendon partially cut.
Everyone including the doctors considered my survival -- with no injuries to my internal organs or to my spinal column -- a miracle. After staying in the hospital for a week, I was up on crutches and back in school in September. By October 1 I was healed and actually able to participate in the first day of wrestling practice!

Since the accident, God has been so real in my life. He woke me up from my dry and dull relationship with Him. I realized that I had a lot of sin in my life and that I wasn't doing anything for His Kingdom. I struggled with sexual temptations and lustful desires. But because of God's awesome grace and mercy, I am able to put the past behind me. I still face struggles, but God's grace helps me to move forward.

Everyone struggles with temptation to sin -- it's hard not to, especially with the pressures at school. The pressure was bad enough in middle school, but now that I'm a freshman in high school, the pressure is much worse.

I constantly hear about sex and face other temptations in school. It is important for me to stay focused on living for God and on doing what is right.

I have taken to heart a story the youth pastor told our youth group. There was this teenager who struggled with the same sin that I do. His youth pastor told him that he couldn't overcome sin unless he sees sin the way God sees it, hates sin the way God hates it, and forsakes sin the way God would have him forsake it.

Thinking about that every day can help us to keep from giving in to temptation. Here are some other ideas that have helped me, and may help you too, to grow and be victorious in Christ:

1. Memorize Bible verses related to your sin. It is helpful to quote these verses when temptation occurs.

2. Have a quiet time with God each day. Read God's Word and pray each day. This is key to being close to God and to overcoming sin.

3. Be accountable regarding your quiet time. If you don't have someone helping to keep you on track, you may drift away and go back to sin. A good accountability partner may be a Christian friend or a youth pastor.

4. Don't become discouraged -- remember, you are not alone!

Seth Louis Carter, a freshman in high school, enjoys wrestling and volunteering with his church's youth group. He lives with his family in Lexington, Ky.
This article was taken from DECISION magazine, March, 2001; © 2001 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, used by permission, all rights reserved.
12  Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:Lust on: February 01, 2005, 06:40:59 PM
Escape the Trap!

If sexual temptation looked and smelled like roadkill, we wouldn’t need this site! But that’s not the way it is…sexual temptation will always confront guys who want to please God.

That’s why we’ve created the Escape the Trap! web site—to be a practical online reminder that God is always ready to help you resist and overcome temptation. Here’s what’s available now. Check in from time to time to see the new stuff.

Read the book online

13  Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:When Squirrels Attack! on: February 01, 2005, 06:28:34 PM
Here's another good squirrel story...[sorry, link no longer valid]
14  Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:Men's Groups on: February 01, 2005, 06:10:17 PM
I am in the middle of starting a men's breakfast group in my church. The problem I find is the negative feedback I keep getting. "well we have tried in the past and failed" (Pastor) and there have been other's in the church saying the same thing. Now I am afraid that my group is doomed before it starts. I need your prayers and any ideals to get this group going and growing.

Bro in Christ

Wild Bill  Cool
Hi Bill!

A few questions for you...
  • Why are you trying to get a men's group going?
  • How are you going about it?
  • What is the purpose/goal?
Blessings in Christ,

15  Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:Lust on: December 08, 2004, 05:39:22 PM
I use a lot of scripture to combat the lust of the eyes.  For example:
Pro 4:25, "Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you."
Psalm 101:3, "I will set before my eyes no vile thing."

Those verses seem to help me a lot.

As men of God, we need to be like Boy Scouts, in the sense that we need to "be prepared". We need to have a plan of action - know ahead of time what we can and *will* do - when we are tempted.

God wired us guys to be visually stimulated. Having select verses of Scripture memorized, as you said, is a great piece of the *whole armor* of God that we can use when we are visually tempted.

Another suggestion to those who are married is -when visually tempted- think back to what it was about your wife that first attracted you. Then thank God for His blessing your marriage to her, as you also consider some small way you might be able to personally thank your wife for blessing you with her commitment to you. You'll be surprised how fast the lust goes away when you turn your thoughts to God and the woman He blessed you with.

If you are single, set some time aside to consider and write out the qualities you would like your future wife to have. If you find your list tending to emphasize physical attributes over Godly attributes, prayerfully ask God to help you gain a good understanding of His plan and purpose between a man and a woman. I would also strongly suggest to prayerfully consider if it is God's will for you to have a wife. Be sure of your calling and God's will for you. Make sure that you truly desire to seek to know and love and please Him *first and foremost*.

It is good for all of us guys, married or single to keep in mind that our time on earth is temporary. We were not created to live for ourselves, but for God. We were created to worship Him, not His creation(s).  Smiley

See Romans 1:18-25

Blessings in Christ,
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