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1  Prayer / Prayer Requests / It feels like things are just falling apart! on: January 17, 2005, 12:14:50 AM
Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve been on here!!
Anyways, there has been so much that has gone on, and I’m starting to feel really down!

My grandfather went into the hospital mid. December, and he is now in a rest home. He had Brocades, and it took a lot of his strength, but he is doing much better now, and my hopes of him coming home soon are much better then they once where!!

I got into a car accident about 2 weeks ago, and I’m really bummed because I had to drop all of my classes for College. Not to mention, I was a full time student, so I didn’t have a job, and there isn’t anything in walking distance of my house right now.

I just feel like so much has been stripped away from me right now, and I’m not really sure how to deal with it all. I’ve been crying myself to sleep the past few nights, and I’m worried that I’m going to fall into this state of depression. I just feel so hopeless in so many ways, and that isn’t like me at all!!

Please just be praying for my Grandfather to come home soon. And please pray that I can pull myself together and find a way out of this mess! Maybe I’m in the middle of a pity party or something, but it’s going to have to stop.

Thanks Guys!
2  Prayer / General Discussion / 'Child Like Faith' on: November 12, 2004, 12:17:00 AM
I sometimes wonder the difference between knowing and believing. Does believing really take a ‘Child like faith’? Can you know that something is true, but not believe it? Or maybe, there really isn’t that much difference between the two!
I know that this prolly doesn’t make a lot of since, but I’ve been thinking about it! Maybe I just needed to see it in black and white!
3  Prayer / General Discussion / 'Child Like Faith' on: November 12, 2004, 12:16:53 AM
I sometimes wonder the difference between knowing and believing. Does believing really take a ‘Child like faith’? Can you know that something is true, but not believe it? Or maybe, there really isn’t that much difference between the two!
I know that this prolly doesn’t make a lot of since, but I’ve been thinking about it! Maybe I just needed to see it in black and white!
4  Prayer / Prayer Requests / We both wanted to be point guard on: November 01, 2004, 11:11:47 PM
Hey Guys!! I hope everyone is doing as well as I am right now!!!

    I just got off the phone with a friend of mine that is in rehab! I want to give you a little bit of background info on this situation!!!
    My friend and I grew up in church together!! Although we weren’t always the best of friends (as a matter of fact when we where like 8 we would fight a lot) still the fact remains that we where friends. We where always competing against each other… (we both wanted to be point guard on our church basketball team) as we got older, we went our separate ways, but still remained quite similar!! She was the preppy version of me, and I was the Tomboyish version of her. Around the same age we both started to drink, and get involved in drugs and guys. However, she took things further then I did.
   It’s been laid on my heart the past few months to be prayen’ for her. Then I found out that she was going to have to go to rehab. I’ve spent sometime on my knees for her that she will be able to come home, and really get her life straight
   Tonight she called me, and told me she was going to come home on Wed. and that she was going to stop drinking and using drugs and that she was going to go back to collage and study!!!
   I just really want to ask you guys to be prayen’ for her as she comes back home!!! I’ve invited her to come to the Thurs. night worship for youth @ our church!! Just please be prayen’ that when she comes home, she will be doing well, and that she will keep on a straight path. Also pray that she comes to know the Lord!!!

5  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:What now? <Question> on: October 31, 2004, 09:44:36 PM
Hey Guys! I have a question! Ya know I told ya that I was stayen’ with a friend of mine while all this stuff blew over with my mom? Well, the women I was stayen’ with, called me to the alter today, and prayed with me. Then she started to cry, and told me after church that it had become a burden on her as well. I never meant for it to become a burden on her, and I think that this whole thing has hurt and upset her!! What would you suggest I do???

6  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:I bet we make God laugh!!! on: October 26, 2004, 03:12:17 PM
LOL! good story pixie!  ...  thats like  a little child running away from home...all the way to the neighbors house  Grin

LOL Shylynne...  :DYa know, I think I did that once or twice when I was a youngen'!!!  Tongue
7  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re:Israel on: October 26, 2004, 12:48:05 AM
Thanks!! I've enjoyed reading up on it!! :-)
8  Fellowship / You name it!! / I bet we make God laugh!!! on: October 25, 2004, 02:42:55 AM
I know that I've been posting a lot of these little stories, but I think they are cute, and have some kind of message b-hind them!!! My friends send them to me through E-mails, and if I smile, I post!!! :-)

We all have memories of our childhood that are both good and bad. I suppose we look at both and end up smiling or laughing at our naïve actions! I have one very clear memory that always brings a smile to my face.
I grew up in an apartment that had air conditioning, but also had the necessary structure built to sustain fans in case someone couldn't afford air conditioning. So, if you would look up at the ceiling, you would see a tiny loop-to hang the fan-and a semi-circle with a little hole in the center (where the electricity goes). Of course I was too young to know that, and always thought that since I was indoors and God couldn't see me, the hole was there for him to look from. I must've been only 4 or 5, but my memory is so vivid.
As God could only see me through that tiny hole, it meant that he couldn't see me in the bathroom. I also thought that if I stood really still in a corner, he would not see or hear me. It wasn’t that I was doing anything wrong, because I wasn't, but it was the idea that I could hide from God that intrigued me. Adults always told me that God could always see me, but I was going to outsmart them both!! I would enter the room on tiptoes and directly go into the corner and face the wall. So that if you were looking through the hole, you couldn't see me, and if you could, you'd only see my tiny feet!! You see, they were wrong, God couldn't see me there.
Of course, this worked the other way around also. If I really wanted something from Him, or if I was hurt, I would stand or sit directly under that tiny opening and talk to him. I would show Him a scab, or tell him what my brothers did. I was sure God would be listening, and he could see me full view!
As children we do the most amazing things, and as we grow older we realize how wonderfully beautiful our innocence was. As I grew older and realized that I was wrong, I chuckled to myself because I was sure God was laughing as I was so seriously trying to hide. I can almost feel him as a loving father watching me, and not wanting to tell me I was way wrong!
9  Fellowship / You name it!! / Alphabet on: October 24, 2004, 11:11:49 PM
Although things are not perfect
Because of trial or pain
Continue in thanksgiving
Do not begin to blame
Even when the times are hard
Fierce winds are bound to blow
God is forever able
Hold on to what you know
Imagine life without His love
Joy would cease to be
Keep thanking Him for all the things
Love imparts to thee
Move out of "Camp Complaining"
No weapon that is known
On earth can yield the power
Praise can do alone
Quit looking at the future
Redeem the time at hand
Start every day with worship
To "thank" is a command
Until we see Him coming
Victorious in the sky
We'll run the race with gratitude
Xalting God most high
Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...
Zion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!
10  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:What now? on: October 24, 2004, 10:30:04 PM
Robert, Smiley
 I want to thank you for your prayers, and your encouraging words. It’s a blessing to know that your prayers are with me!!! Thank you so much!!!

11  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:What now? <Update> on: October 24, 2004, 02:41:31 AM
 My dad and I just had a little conference!!! Which ended up being the hardest talk I think I’ve ever had with my father!!!? I thought about some things and finally started to wonder if my dad REALLY knew how bad my mother was drinking. Tonight, I called him in my room and told him that I was sorry for mama fussen’ @ him!! (She fussed @ dad, cause he said something to me that she didn't think he should of said, but had every right!!) Well, he said that it wasn’t a big deal and no one was mad blah blah blah. Then I told him that I was sorry for not being here, but that I didn’t want to be around mama’s drinking anymore. He looked @ me and said “she isn’t drinking anymore” I said “bull feathers” and walked him to the kitchen and showed him a new bottle (to add to the story, I saw a diff bottle that was 1/8  full around 5ish)
   I finally got the courage to ask him what I’d been wanting to ask him for some time now… I looked @ him, dead in his eyes, and said “Have you thought about leaving her?” he said “more then once” I said “Are you?” He wouldn’t give me a straight answer. Finally he said “If she doesn’t go get help, I will”
   Maybe I shouldn’t of asked him that, but I had to know!! Now, I’m sitting here, thinking, if he does leave her, would it be because I pointed out the bottle to him. He thought she had stopped, I thought he knew that she was still drinking!!! I'm worried! I've spent a LOT of time on my knees this week @ my church!! I'm scared to talk to my mother, cause everything I say she takes the wrong way, takes it out of context, or twists my words. I don't know what to do anymore!!!
12  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:scoliosis. (I’m not sure if I spelled that right) on: October 24, 2004, 02:37:29 AM
Doves Wings
Thanks... I'll by praying for your son also!! How old is he? I'll agree with you that is weird!!! I've learned that the Lord works in that way sometimes! But I like it like that :-)
13  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Cab Drive on: October 22, 2004, 01:07:20 AM
Fully agree with you Shylynne!!!

Not a prob. Sincereheart!! I hadn't read it until the other night, but hey, it really makes you think!!!
14  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Israel on: October 22, 2004, 01:04:43 AM

How do we find out what is going on in Israel??
15  Prayer / Prayer Requests / scoliosis. (I’m not sure if I spelled that right) on: October 22, 2004, 12:52:20 AM
Hello all! I come to you today to ask you to pray for a friend of mine. She is around the age of 20, and has had some back problems for some time. She found out yesterday that she has scoliosis. (I’m not sure if I spelled that right) She is also struggling in her spiritual walk!! Just please lift her up in your prayers!!
Thanks in advance
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