You must not have had any miracles in your life or you would know that many, many things that at one time seemed impossible have happened. Life was different thousands of years ago. The atmosphere was differet. There was less polution and disease and people lived longer. There were HUGE dinosaurs for which, if archeologists hadn't found bones, people would find that unbelievable. Life itself is a miracle, in fact, such a miracle that scientists spend their lives trying to understand, not only how it works, but how it was created. They still change their minds every decade. Since I have opened my eyes and seen far beyond my narrow experiences in life, i find that anything's possible. Many people believe in aliens and there has been less evidence that aliens exist than God exists.
Spoken like a true believer! I see now exactly what I'm dealing with. Logic fails here. I don't intend to be mean, Heidi, but you may as well have said that you'll believe anything.
Firstly, people are living much longer than anytime in history (excluding mythology), thanks to
Yes the atmosphere was different thousands of years ago, because of pollution nowadays. Billions of years ago it was different because bacteria hadn't yet freed up the oxygen we
now enjoy.
Many people believe in aliens because they want to believe in aliens. They have faith in aliens, but no proof.
As far a life being a miracle, I think your definition needs work. A miracle is something that can't normally happen.