As an evangelical, I believe the Word must reach every ear.
There are those in politics who would deny the evangelical’s calling to spread His Word.
As long as there are those who are influenced by Satan to work to stifle the Word, I believe we as Christians are obligated to speak out. If that is called ‘engaging in politics’ then I’m guilty of being quite political.
As far as party affiliation, I am a registered ‘decline to state’. If I were to affiliate with a “party”, it would be the Constitution Party.
Constitution Party Mission Statement
The mission of the Constitution Party is to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity through the election, at all levels of government, of Constitution Party candidates who will uphold the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. It is our goal to limit the federal government to its delegated, enumerated, Constitutional functions and to restore American jurisprudence to its original Biblical common-law foundations. For those of you unfamiliar with them, you can check them out here: God Bless All!
HE IS RISEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JN