This is practical, solid advice; the first I've heard from you. One problem with it. Why are you afraid to say where your search led you and what congregation you found, so that others don't have to repeat your same search, or so that others can put your search to the test?
Do not understand this question.
It is not a problem to reveal the search.
I studied and met with many organizations and groups. Many of them leading religions of the day.
Upon studing the Bible and coming to the conclusion that this was the only authority from God and Christ for us; and not the additions and traditions that men have added to the word.
So throwing out all the things of man, it was discovered that Christ's church is the church revealed in the Bible. It is God's people, not man made institutions. So the search began for a group of people that fit the pattern of the church revealed by God in The Bible. People obedient to God and trying to live their daily lives Christlike. This was a very difficult task as there are so many deviants out there.