Soul-[New Testament]: (Psuche)[5590]: breath, the mind, life, people, person
Do you see anything about and immortal soul from the Greek? Nope, sorry
So the core of your personal doctrine and belief is no doctrine and belief at all. You really shouldn't mention the Holy Bible at all in connection with whatever it is that you believe or don't believe. Your personal doctrine could not include eternal life, everlasting life, Salvation, heaven, hell, etc., etc. You've already stated numerous times that Jesus Christ was just a man, so the Holy Bible is the opposite of everything you believe. Homer or Plato would serve your purposes better than the Holy Bible. No, scratch that, just Homer, HOMER SIMPSON.
Now, you need a name for your beliefs that would have zero connection to Christianity. I'll try to help you. Look up the below in Greek, and it should give you several ideas.