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The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph
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Topic: The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph (Read 5541 times)
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Re: The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph
Reply #15 on:
January 04, 2010, 10:59:11 PM »
Amen, Brother Tom! I couldnt' wait to share it. And I think you do know where this is going. God is showing us so much for these last days through His Word! PRAISE HIS GLORIOUS NAME!!!!
In other words, when he begins to speak to the woman he says, '..
did God say
...' - he puts a question mark in her mind and then he goes on to say '..
if you eat this fruit you're not going to die. But God knows that on the day that you eat the fruit of this tree that you will become like Him knowing good from evil
So here's what happened. He puts a question mark in her mind - she's already distracted by what she sees - a shining one. He challenges what she knows and then he takes away from what God said by saying '..
you won't die
..', and then he added to what God said by saying, '..
God knows that you'll become like Him knowing good from
..'. So the woman is deceived at this point. She takes the fruit, eats it, nothing happens frankly. Then she turns to her husband who was with her, he eats the fruit and then their eyes are open and they realize that they are 'naked'.
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Posts: 446
Re: The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph
Reply #16 on:
January 04, 2010, 11:11:43 PM »
And the root word is the same root word describing the subtlety or the craftiness of the serpent, that is 'aram'.
All this is to say that from the very beginning here's what we see. The objective of the adversary, according to John 10, the adversary's objective is to
. That's the three pronged attack of the adversary. That's his objective.
What is his methodology? To distract, to disarm, to come as an angel of light, as something attractive to look at, something that is, if you will, shiny, charismatic, to challenge what you know, to challenge what you believe to be the truth, and then
to add to what God has said
and then to
take away from what God has said
. And in the end, deception. That deception then leads you to exile and to destruction, to death. That is his objective from the beginning, that is his methodology from the beginning.
He is shrewd, he is crafty, he is clever. How does a serpent stalk its pray? He doesn't come into town with a brass band to say 'I'm here and I'm here to deceive you and I wanted you to be ready for it'. No. A serpent stalks his pray by slithering into the grass, waiting for its prey to make a mistake, waiting for its prey to let down its guard. Then when he does that, then he very stealthily and very shrewdly sets his trap. That's how he operates from the beginning and ladies and gentlemen, that has not changed.
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Posts: 446
Re: The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph
Reply #17 on:
January 04, 2010, 11:24:58 PM »
All that is to say this, that when Pharoah says '...come and let us deal shrewdly with these people lest they multiply...' - he doesn't want them to multiply. He wants to restrict their multiplication and that means that he wants to restrict and constrict the people of God. So he is an adversary to God's people. And so his wisdom is going to be used for diabolical purposes.
What is the objective of the adversary from the beginning?
. And look at what's going to happen here in just a few minutes. His methodology is to be subtle, clever, to disarm someone with a
charismatic personality
. To say one thing but mean something else. I'm gonna put this in our vernacular - he feels that they pose a threat to national security. Because he's afraid that they may side with their enemies in the event of war. And so he sees them as potentially 'domestic terrorists'.
Now, I hope that you've been keeping up with the news, and I hope that everybody listening to this understands that
the Dept. of Homeland Security, under the present administration, considers people who homeschool their children, people who belong to the NRA, people who hava a Bob Barr or a Ron Paul bumper sticker on their car, people who believe in the Bible - all the things that would define alot of you good people listening to this teaching right now...Veterans returning from defending their country. The Dept of Homeland Security, or at least the Sec'y of the Dept of Homeland Security considers all these people to be potentially domestic terrorists and a threat to national security.
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Posts: 446
Re: The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph
Reply #18 on:
January 04, 2010, 11:37:41 PM »
So, ladies and gentlemen, it seems to me, that we see developments that reflect what we are reading here in
Exodus 1
. When the political climate began to change in Egypt, the children of Israel were being considered a threat to national security, as being potentially domestic terrorists.
But what is ultimately the objective of this Pharoah, he doesn't want them to go up out of the land.
He wants to
restrict them, he wants to bring them under subjection, but he doesn't want them to leave the land
. As a matter of fact, read between the lines - this Pharoah, because of what happened in
Genesis 47
, owns everybody and everything - EXCEPT the priests, who worship him as god, and the Hebrews. He doesn't own them or their property, because they didn't sell out to his government.
So what does he want to do? He wants to own them, he wants to own their property. And so he's going to deal shrewdly in order to
. He's going to operate behind closed doors. He's not going to announce what he's doing in advance of what he's doing - at least not in a way that it's going to look like his real intentions. He's going to seem like he has another agenda.
He's going to disarm with charisma
, with that angel of light personna.
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Posts: 446
Re: The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph
Reply #19 on:
January 05, 2010, 07:32:29 AM »
Now, let me get into this, that is the word '
'. That is the title that was given to the Egyptian kings. In Hebrew its spelled equivalent to 4 of our letters
'P R A H'
. Now every Hebrew word has what's considered to be a
The '
' of the word would be the letters that are on the outside. The body is what we see outwardly and so the body on the outside of the word, in this case, 'P & H', would be the body of the word 'Pharoah'.
And interestingly, the 'body' of the word 'Pharoah' spells the word
'Peh' in Hebrew, which means 'Mouth'
. And so Pharoah, in the body, is emblematic of a 'Mouth'.
Consider what he might look like. He would be among his court, sitting on his throne, dressed in his gowns, his robes, his vestments. I'm sure that it wold be adorned with precious stones, you know, all these
'precious stones
would be his covering'
if you will. He would be the focus of attention and something 'shining', very attractive and charismatic to behold.
And, of course, he's the most powerful man on earth, and so when he speaks with his 'mouth', people are going to respond, people are going to jump into action, people are going to be overcome with emotion when he speaks. Because not only is he the most powerful man on earth, but he is a very charismatic, and outwardly brilliant looking person - and I mean brilliance in the sense of something that is shining.
But once again, when he speaks with his mouth he speaks with authority, and people respond - that's what we see on the outside.
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Posts: 446
Re: The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph
Reply #20 on:
January 05, 2010, 07:46:45 AM »
But when we look at the heart of the word 'Pharoah', the 2 Hebrew letters that
form the heart
of this word are equivalent to our letters
'R & A'
. These letters form the Hebrew word '
'. Now 'Ra', ironically, is the name of the Egyptian diety.
But in Hebrew 'Ra' means 'wicked' or 'evil'
. And so
on the outside
of Pharoah, people see a very awe inspiring presonality, someone who is surrounded by all these things that shine, that set him apart, and all these things that set him apart as being the most powerful man on earth.
what's on the inside, what's in his heart
? It's evil, it's wickedness! And so then, we understand from the scripture that, '...
out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks
...' But the serpent, who is very shrewd and very crafty, is going to use his mouth to say one thing, and if you're not careful, if you're not listening, if you're not distracted by what you're seeing, then you may never hear the
that is in the heart of his words.
And so what do we see in Pharoah? He is an evil on speaking these great things with his mouth. And what is his intent? To
. He's not going to voice his intent outwardly. He's going to couch his intent with flattering words. He's going to meet behind closed doors. He's going to deal SHREWDLY wth these people, he's not going to tell exactly what he's going to do - because the people would rebel, they'd want to leave the land. So he'll deal CRAFTILY with these people. That's the image.
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Posts: 446
Re: The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph
Reply #21 on:
January 05, 2010, 08:00:11 AM »
But again, his ultimate objective is to keep people from leaving the land. Now that's important because
Acts 7
tells us, according to Stephen, that the very reason he came to power was because
the time of the promise was
drawing near
. It was almost time for God's people
to go up
out of the land of Egypt and go back to the land that God had sworn to their fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That's the very reason that this new king arose. And yet, this new king, when he comes to power, he doesn't want them to leave the land.
Kind of an interesting development, wouldn't you say?
Here's my point
, God knows that His people aren't ready to leave the land, their hearts are in Egypt. And so, what does He allow to happen? He allows this new king to arise over them who has this evil intention in his heart. And it's not that God told Pharoah what to do - it's just that God knew what was in his heart. God knew, because of the '
', the evil, wicked intent that was in his heart, that he would not be willing to leave the people of God unmolested. Because God is the one who put enmity, according to
Genesis 3:15
, between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent.
So God, knowing what is in Pharoah's heart, knows what he's going to do. He's not going to be able to stand by and leave the children of Israel alone.
And so, here is the irony of the whole situation - Had that Pharoah come to power, and left the Hebrews alone, the Hebrews would have never wanted to leave the land of Egypt
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Posts: 446
Re: The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph
Reply #22 on:
January 05, 2010, 08:14:06 AM »
God knowing that, allows this Pharoah to come to power, who is going to molest them, and that is going to provoke them to want to leave the land of Egypt. In other words, the adversary has his objective, the Pharoah wants to contrict them lest they multiply. He doesn't want them to leave the land, but the policies that he institutes in order to obtain his objective, are going to be the very things that provoke the people of God to want to leave the land, and consequently, cry out to their God, who they hadn't been crying out to up until this point. He's going to hear their cry, and He is, with a strong arm and a mighty hand, going to punish those who've sought to STEAL, KILL and DESTROY His people.
So in the end, the adversary ends up, unwittingly and unwillingly, I am sure, but nevertheless, serves God's purposes
Now what was Pharoah's methodology? We know his intent.
Exodus 1:11
, "
Therefore they did set over them
to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharoah treasure cities, Pithom and
Now, it said that they set '
' over them. And I think that a lot of us automatically assume that the taskmasters were the guys with the whips, the ones who were causing Israel to go out into the mudpits, to make the bricks. Because a lot of times we get these things from movies, ie Cecil B. DeMill, Charlton Heston and Edward G. Robinson...
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Posts: 446
Re: The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph
Reply #23 on:
January 05, 2010, 08:25:35 AM »
And we certainly know that those things did happen. But I want you to consider that, had this Pharoah, when he comes to power, as the political climate changed, had he showed up the next day at people's homes, pulling them out of their homes, causing them to go to the mudpits - had he done that immediately, that wouldn't have been very shrewd. That's important to consider, because the adversary is covert, he deals stealthily.
In the parable of the wheat and the tares - when did the enemy come into the midst of the field to sow tares int he midst of the wheat? While men slept! He operates in shadows, in darkness. So the first thing he does is set 'taskmasters' over them. So if these are the guys with the whips, it wouldn't have been very covert. So I want you to entertain the possibility that maybe the 'taskmasters' are a little different than what you and I have imagined.
If we take it back into Hebrew, the terminology is
'sari massim'
. '
' means princes, rulers, in this case masters. And the word '
' the plural form of 'massas' which means burden -
that burden can be
a levy, a
tarriff, a tax
. So it's possible, that these initial 'taskmasters' that were set over the people, were
Sr. Member
Posts: 446
Re: The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph
Reply #24 on:
January 05, 2010, 09:52:48 AM »
Why would he want to set
over them? Why would he want to put heavy burdens of levys, tarriffs and taxes upon the people of God? Because he did not own them, he did not own their property. And that's what he wants to do. And so the first thing he's going to do is
. He is going to
He is going to exact heavy taxes upon the people to put them in an untenable position
. And he's going to do it through stealth. His intent is to STEAL, TO KILL AND TO DESTROY. He does not want God's children to continue to grow and to multiply. He sees them as a threat to his government.
So the first thing he does, I'm going to suggest to you, is he puts these heavy burdens on them and are exacting these heavy taxes on them. And the end result is they build the treasure cities of Pithom and Raa-masas. But is it possible they built them in a way that is different than we thought? I'm not going to be dogmatic about this, I'm just going to give you something to think about. Is it not possible to build something by funding it?
But then, look what happens:
Exodus 1:12,
But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel."
So the more they burdened them, the more they multiplied and grew. And so there's something else going on here. God through His people is inciting the Egyptians and Pharoah. And by inciting them, they are in dread of God's people- but what is the next thing that happens?
Sr. Member
Posts: 446
Re: The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph
Reply #25 on:
January 05, 2010, 10:05:47 AM »
Exodus 1:13,
And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigor. (14) and they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in morter, andin brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigor."
At that point, the Egyptians made them serve with rigor. And they made their lives bitter.
Exodus 1:15,
And the king of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives, ... (16) And he said, When you do the office of a midwife to the Hebew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son,
then you shall kill him
: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live. (17) But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them...
So my point is this, it was a process, a methodology employed here to obtain this objective. He wants to restrict the people of God from multiplying and growing, and, ultimately, because he doesn't want them to leave the land, he is going to exact these heavy tax burdens from them, probably to make them vulnerable. The Egyptians come in and force them into this labor, force them into these building programs, and then he's going to try to '
' the male children!
Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 10:08:02 AM by Barbara
Sr. Member
Posts: 446
Re: The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph
Reply #26 on:
January 05, 2010, 10:57:27 AM »
You can't get much more 'late term abortion' than while their on the birthing stools. And let me point this out, that one of the first things the new administration did after coming to power, was they reversed a position by Bush II, and
they allowed clinics throughout the world, funded by US tax dollars to continue killing babies
. And it should be pointed out that the present administration, at least the head of the present administration, believes that it is OK that during a late term abortion, if that baby somehow survives the butchery that it is subjected to, that it is allright to leave that baby lying somewhere and to just let it die.
I also need to point this out. The 5 books of Moses are divided into '
' by the Hebraic community, and everybody in all the synagogues throughout the world read those same '
' weekly, thus completing those books in 1 year. In other words, everybody is on the same page.
Here's my point. In
Exodus 1:1
going through the beginning of
Exodus 3
, that was being read throughout the world in
January 2009
. More to the point - in Exodus 1:8 is
'Now there arose a new king over
Egypt who knew not Joseph
..." and then he appropriates all these policies that are ultimately intended to ruin the Hebrew people and bring them under his subjection. The 'portion' above was being read from
January 16
all the way through to
January 23, 2009
. That means, ladies and gentlemen, that on
January 20, 2009
, when a new administration was coming into power, when
was coming to America, this is the 'portion' that was being read in synagogues throughout the world. ..
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Posts: 446
Re: The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph
Reply #27 on:
January 05, 2010, 11:11:32 AM »
There arose a new king over Egypt
." that is the most powerful, most prosperous, most influential nation on the face of the earth, "...
who knew not Joseph
Who had no regard for Joseph, who he was, what he did,
the Godly principles that he employed
that made
it possible for Egypt to become the most powerful nation on the face of the earth
. He had no regard for those things, he had no regard for Joseph's people, and he had no regard for Joseph's God. And he is shrewd, clever and crafty.
And let
me throw this in here too. There are people who would say,
'You can't judge somebody. You know, we're
not supposed to judge - judge not lest ye be judged'
. But the Bible tells me that I am to know someone by their fruit. You examine the fruit, if it's an orange than you know it came from the seed that produced that orange - it's definately not an apple seed that produced an orange. So I know them by their fruit. To test the spirits, we're told, to see if they're of God. And so if I test the spirits to see if they are of God, how am I gonna know if they're of God or not? Does it line up with the Word of God, and if it doesn't - can it be of God? The answer is NO. So I have to make some kind of a judgment.
Paul judged the situation that was going on in Corinth, when there was a young man who was sleeping with his father's wife, he judged the situation, not even being there, he told these people to get rid of this guy.
My point in all this folks is we're told by our culture we shouldn't be judgmental. The reality is that we do have to make judgments. 'You shall know them by their fruit...' and 'test the spirits to see if they're from God...' There is an entire book of the Bible called Judges...
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Posts: 446
Re: The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph
Reply #28 on:
January 05, 2010, 11:22:53 AM »
According to
Ezekiel 44
, the priests are to teach the people to distinguish between the clean (good) and the unclean (evil) and in matters of controversy they are to be judges who judge righteous judgment. Where is righteous judgement found?
In the Scriptures
Now, when Jesus says,
'Judge not lest you be judged'
this is what I believe, line upon line, precept upon precept, what He is saying - Don't rush to judgement. And if you're going to judge you'd better judge righteously. The only way to judge righteously is by the Word of God. And in every judgment you'd better temper it with mercy, because that's what our Father does. Because if you don't show mercy, you won't be shown mercy.
Nonetheless, we can't get away from the fact that we do have to make judgments about things. So here's what I'm saying. If someone were to say
'I'm a Christian'
, and then go out and do something that flies in the face of everything Jesus stands for, is that person truly a follower of Christ? Now we all fail, we all fall short, that's not what we're talking about. I'm talking about someone who says,
'I am a believer. I am a Christian. I am a follower of Christ
.' and then consistently goes out and does things by his deeds, or her deeds, that absolutely fly in the face of everything Jesus stood for -
case in point
- someone who signs an order that makes killing innocents possible.
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Posts: 446
Re: The Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph
Reply #29 on:
January 05, 2010, 11:33:01 AM »
So here's my point. It's my belief that what we see today happening in the financial markets, the auto industry and the bailouts, is a reflection of what already happened in
Genesis 47
. And because I believe that is true, then I also believe that the ramifications of what happened in
Genesis 47
will continue in our country. I also believe further, that what happened in
Exodus 1
is happening now, right in front of our very eyes
In short, I beleve that the political change that has come to America. That has been evolving for a long time, but nonetheless, has come to fruition in a dramatic way in the recent past, I believe that we are seeing the evidence of a 'Pharoah who knew not Joseph', that new king arising in the most powerful nation on the face of the earth, who didn't know Joseph, who saw the people of God as a threat to national security, to him and to his people, and to his ideology. And who wants to restrict and restrain the people of God and to stop them from being able to go when the time has come to go
When the time grew near for the promises to come to pass, that's when Pharoah arose. So if that is happening in our day and time - that is an indication, ladies and gentlemen, that the time is upon us for God's purposes to come to pass.
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