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Author Topic: Iraq WMDs In Syria...  (Read 1441 times)
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« on: October 23, 2008, 01:55:38 PM »

I remember seeing a CNN video showing a huge line of covered military vehicles shown via satellite which were headed to the Iraq Syria border from weapons depots.
The odd thing was I watched CNN obsessively in the weeks leading up to the beginning of the war, and that piece was never shown again which was extremely bizarre considering the serious implications.

I have always contended those weapons were there, and were moved out prior to the war, and there is mounting evidence that this is exactly what happened.

Russia helped shuttle them out, and there is a growing disturbing connection between Russia, China and Iran. Many of us are familiar with bible prophecy which puts these nations along with others in league at the end times, and I am constantly amazed to be a witness to the unfolding of these biblical prophecies.

What a wondrous time to be alive my friends!

So why wouldn’t the U.S. government simply reveal this information?
If these weapons were really there then why would they keep quiet?

There are very good reasons for this silence and it involves the fact that exposing certain countries including Russia at present would put our agents and countries (U.S. Canada, England etc) in jeopardy.
Exposing the countries involved in being in league with Saddam’s regime at this time of our history could lead to WWIII, or in the very least, it would get a lot of people killed.

I think the general populations of our democratic countries (allies) are extremely naive when it comes to political disclosure. Most of us believe we have the right to know ever little detail in relation to foreign policies and intelligence. That is extremely irresponsible my friends, we foolishly believe we know what’s going on in the world but we truly have no clue.
When it comes to the protection of our countries we really cannot trust our own eyes.
There’s huge vicious dogs in the yard, and it would be stupid to attempt to remove them without the appropriate protection. In other words if there’s a killer lose in the house I don’t want a pea shooter for protection,  want a 44 magnum semi-auto.

This is a hard and cruel world my friends. We simply cannot afford to be open and out front with our intelligence. It’s a recipe for certain destruction. I want my leaders to be just as tough as the bad guys, I want my front line commanders to be every bit as cunning and vicious as the bad guys are, or even more so!

I want my leaders to know how to keep secrets secret! I want my leaders to keep my family safe and if that means lying to the general public in order to keep the terrorists in the dark then so be it!

The democrats knew the weapons were there, they knew the weapons were shuttled out and they knew who took them out and they know where they are. Still, they used the knowledge that the present administration could never divulge this information publicly as a weapon to attack them and gain political ground. T’s shameful. Think about it…how could all the top secret services from all over the world have been so dead wrong? The obvious answer is they were not wrong at all, but they cannot tell the truth for reasons which are not obvious but can be inferred by those who have common sense and political savvy.

Here’s yet another source which makes the case ever stronger that the weapons were there and are now in Syria waiting to be used against us.


Russia and China are in bed together and have had military exercises together in preparation for the war which the scriptures tell us is coming and soon.
Iran, Egypt, and other Eastern countries are all in league with North Korea and the countries I just mentioned. All these countries are making preparations for a huge world war. Russia never let go of her communists roots, they simply sat in the shadows and are now firmly in charge of that country again. Putin was the former head of the KGB, and his entire political membership are also KGB. They patiently waited and built up their military quietly until we got to where we are today. They once again have a huge military force, which includes the largest nuclear submarines on the planet. The Kursk was not an accident, and it is common knowledge in military and political circles that a U.S. submarine sank her.

It is believed that the USS Memphis was buzzing the Kursk in an open protest by the U.S. after being assured the Russians would not be rebuilding their military with billions and billions of U.S. money which was supposed to be used to rebuild the country’s economy.
The Russians were openly flouting their new attack subs to the Chinese of all people…imagine that!
The Memphis got too close and collided with the Kursk, as the Memphis was attempting to get away, the USS Toledo heard the Kursk opening their torpedo bays and had to respond immediately because of the super fast new Russian torpedoes, and so the USS Toledo fired a torpedo and sank the Kursk.

Don’t believe it?
Look at this photo of the Kursk and judge for yourselves…

Just look at that odd looking hole in her side...hmmm, looks suspicious don't it?!

This almost started WWII, but as in the case of the Iraq WMD’s this story was buried under a mountain of propaganda and the Russians received a huge compensation check from good old Bill Clinton.

We can’t trust our eyes in these matters my friends, but I can tell you this…the U.S. didn’t go into a war which costs the precious lives of so many heroes, and so many billions or trillions of dollars based on a “maybe” They went in to keep us safe from almost certain annihilation by terrorists who would have, and will eventually get their hands on these weapons. The scriptures are clear. Russia along with several middle east and east allies including China and her 100million man army, which they happen to have today, will attack Israel. The scriptures clearly describe horrible nuclear war, and the inevitable destruction of God’s enemies when Jesus Christ along with His ruptured saints and angels, return to put an end to the attacks before satan and his friends wipe out the entire planet, and that takes a lot of weapons. Some of that arsenal is stored in Syria today and came out of Iraq.

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« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2008, 03:00:31 PM »

Hello John,

It is the same as in Korea and Viet Nam. There was more to both of them than people think. Of course most of these anti-war people wouldn't care how much of this information was given to them. They would still have the idea that these wars were not necessary and that we could put a stop to them by simply talking or buying our way out of them (yes, I am talking about giving in to extortion as they would have it.)

Syria is a much bigger player than it looks on the surface. They are definitely not neutral.


Joh 9:4  I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
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« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2008, 06:47:31 AM »

Hello my friends.
I thought I had already posted this yesterday, and if I have and it was removed for some reason please accept my apology.
Here it is...

I remember seeing a CNN video showing a huge line of covered military vehicles shown via satellite which were headed to the Iraq Syria border from weapons depots.
The odd thing was I watched CNN obsessively in the weeks leading up to the beginning of the war, and that piece was never shown again which was extremely bizarre considering the serious implications.

I have always contended those weapons were there, and were moved out prior to the war, and there is mounting evidence that this is exactly what happened.

Russia helped shuttle them out, and there is a growing disturbing connection between Russia, China and Iran. Many of us are familiar with bible prophecy which puts these nations along with others in league at the end times, and I am constantly amazed to be a witness to the unfolding of these biblical prophecies.

What a wondrous time to be alive my friends!

So why wouldn’t the U.S. government simply reveal this information?
If these weapons were really there then why would they keep quiet?

There are very good reasons for this silence and it involves the fact that exposing certain countries including Russia at present would put our agents and countries (U.S. Canada, England etc) in jeopardy.
Exposing the countries involved in being in league with Saddam’s regime at this time of our history could lead to WWIII, or in the very least, it would get a lot of people killed.

I think the general populations of our democratic countries (allies) are extremely naive when it comes to political disclosure. Most of us believe we have the right to know ever little detail in relation to foreign policies and intelligence. That is extremely irresponsible my friends, we foolishly believe we know what’s going on in the world but we truly have no clue.
When it comes to the protection of our countries we really cannot trust our own eyes.
There’s huge vicious dogs in the yard, and it would be stupid to attempt to remove them without the appropriate protection. In other words if there’s a killer lose in the house I don’t want a pea shooter for protection,  want a 44 magnum semi-auto.

This is a hard and cruel world my friends. We simply cannot afford to be open and out front with our intelligence. It’s a recipe for certain destruction. I want my leaders to be just as tough as the bad guys, I want my front line commanders to be every bit as cunning and vicious as the bad guys are, or even more so!

I want my leaders to know how to keep secrets secret! I want my leaders to keep my family safe and if that means lying to the general public in order to keep the terrorists in the dark then so be it!

The democrats knew the weapons were there, they knew the weapons were shuttled out and they knew who took them out and they know where they are. Still, they used the knowledge that the present administration could never divulge this information publicly as a weapon to attack them and gain political ground. T’s shameful. Think about it…how could all the top secret services from all over the world have been so dead wrong? The obvious answer is they were not wrong at all, but they cannot tell the truth for reasons which are not obvious but can be inferred by those who have common sense and political savvy.

Here’s yet another source which makes the case ever stronger that the weapons were there and are now in Syria waiting to be used against us.


Russia and China are in bed together and have had military exercises together in preparation for the war which the scriptures tell us is coming and soon.
Iran, Egypt, and other Eastern countries are all in league with North Korea and the countries I just mentioned. All these countries are making preparations for a huge world war. Russia never let go of her communists roots, they simply sat in the shadows and are now firmly in charge of that country again. Putin was the former head of the KGB, and his entire political membership are also KGB. They patiently waited and built up their military quietly until we got to where we are today. They once again have a huge military force, which includes the largest nuclear submarines on the planet. The Kursk was not an accident, and it is common knowledge in military and political circles that a U.S. submarine sank her.

It is believed that the USS Memphis was buzzing the Kursk in an open protest by the U.S. after being assured the Russians would not be rebuilding their military with billions and billions of U.S. money which was supposed to be used to rebuild the country’s economy.
The Russians were openly flouting their new attack subs to the Chinese of all people…imagine that!
The Memphis got too close and collided with the Kursk, as the Memphis was attempting to get away, the USS Toledo heard the Kursk opening their torpedo bays and had to respond immediately because of the super fast new Russian torpedoes, and so the USS Toledo fired a torpedo and sank the Kursk.

Don’t believe it?
Look at this photo of the Kursk and judge for yourselves…

Just look at that odd looking hole in her side...hmmm, looks suspicious don't it?!

This almost started WWII, but as in the case of the Iraq WMD’s this story was buried under a mountain of propaganda and the Russians received a huge compensation check from good old Bill Clinton.

We can’t trust our eyes in these matters my friends, but I can tell you this…the U.S. didn’t go into a war which costs the precious lives of so many heroes, and so many billions or trillions of dollars based on a “maybe” They went in to keep us safe from almost certain annihilation by terrorists who would have, and will eventually get their hands on these weapons. The scriptures are clear. Russia along with several middle east and east allies including China and her 100million man army, which they happen to have today, will attack Israel. The scriptures clearly describe horrible nuclear war, and the inevitable destruction of God’s enemies when Jesus Christ along with His raptured saints and angels, return to put an end to the attacks before satan and his friends wipe out the entire planet, and that takes a lot of weapons. Some of that arsenal is stored in Syria today and came out of Iraq.

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« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2008, 08:49:20 AM »

Yep, you did post it yesterday. Not a problem though. The prophecy section has just gotten enough posts to make it roll over into the second page already. I went ahead and merged the posts together.

Non-disclosure of foreign affairs of our governments can be both a good thing and a bad thing. With such non-disclosure it can keep the enemy from knowing what is going on and therefore cannot make plans against us. The bad side of it is that our own politicians can use this lack of information to the public for their own political agenda's, to further their own positions in office, to manipulate the people. Besides that often the enemies of our nations already know what our governments are doing.


Joh 9:4  I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
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