You might be deficient in Vitamin D3. Your doctor can write an order to have this tested. Most people go deficient during non-summer months.
Vitamin D3 is called a vitamin but it actually is a very potent hormone that benefits many areas in the body. You can research this online. I will also include the sites for a few articles.
Vitamin D is made naturally on the skin during the summer from the rays of the sun. Many people live to far from the equator to get proper sunshine all year it greatly helps to take supplements during the winter. Keeping your blood level at therapeutic doses year round can help to prevent or miminize influenza, MS, the risk of developing cancer, heart disease, etc. It is low in price and available at health food stores, Walgreen's, etc.
God made the sun.......and the hormone D3 is made on your skin from the rays of the it is from Him. Naturally......pray for His blessing upon any food or supplements that you take. Best wishes for the future and may God be close to you.