Watching through "Jesus of Nazareth". A six+ hour movie. Just a bit this eve. Peter Ustinov as Herod.
This whole gospel narrative, not to mention the OT too, is like a suspension of reality(or what we term as reality). A wonderful suspension of reality.
God rips apart our world of hatred and death(the Massacre of Innocents, depicted so horribly in the movie--Herod, the madman...), bringing forth in the humility of an obscure barn manger, something wonderful, something forgiving...a baby.
The movie gives us a much trimmer James Earl Jones(Darth Vader), as one of the wise men--perfect.
Nice to just take it in pieces and meditate on it. And all out of Hollywood. Hmm. God was bringing out of naught the things that are, millinea ago, and here He is still doing it, out of the likes of Hollywood.
Out of the scum of the earth, God bringing forth miracles like an ongoing symphony playing forever....