Do you guys realize that you throw so many pot shots at each other that eventually, anyone who happens to come along to read the topic hasn't the slightest idea what is being said?
Take the last two comments for instance:
"Did you read what I just wrote, or did you just make something up?" (Irritation)
Followed up by:
"Frankly, Ebia, your opinions just contradict themselves anyway."
Wow. You guys really help to make a conversation productive, don't you? The topic begins on the concept of God's Word and it somehow wanders into "You don't make sense anyways, so why do you even bother talking?"
Now, to be honest, I really get a kick out of Ebia for one reason and one reason only. He pushes the boundaries of what people believe. But unfortunately, the degredation that he seems to face day in and day out for his alleged ungodliness is the same ungodliness that is slammed back in his face. "You don't listen. You don't this. You don't that." What kind of obligations do you expect of people in a discussion?
Thus far, at least as I've scanned the introducing posts in each thread, I notice that Ebia seems to at least provide his point of view (however you may agree or disagree) and then get barraged with the most illogical backlash of conversation. Perhaps all of you have seen him (or her) around other conversations are just plain sick of seeing his name in each dialogue, but for those of us who happen to just enjoy seeing productive dialogue, the constant badgering of one specific individual seems quite the waste of a forum entitled, "Christians Unite."
Truly, when I open up a conversation, I hope to see something that either makes me think or gives me reason to hopefully offer limited insight... anything else... such as the bogus that seems to show up in nearly EVERY thread around these forums... well, it really leaves me little to offer or profit.
Imagine being in a room where two parents are supposedly discussing the pros and cons of the youngest child moving out at age 17. You, as an adult, walk into the room and hear this...
"You never listen to me!"
"Well you don't listen to me!"
"Shut up!"
"He can leave if he wants to!"
"Fine! I never said that he couldn't!"
"Yes you did! You said you don't care!"
"That's not what I said, I said..."
Do you see it? Lack of productivity. Wasted words. Not to mention, when its literally face to face... its a waste of breath and energy.
I love to see productive and cordial debate, but constant badgering of opposition really feeds no progress toward the goal of developing communication.
There. I said my peace.
In Christ Alone,