TwoBombs quote...
I agree with that much of your post my friend. However, that fact does not negate the facts which lead up to the attack against Iraq, or the possible coming attack on Iran. Bush is not just some lunatic warmonger, he had very, very good reasons to go into Iraq and the lefties arguments against that decision are weak and bi-partisan.
God sees the future, and told us about it, He did not give us a detailed analysis of events that led up-to the attack.
You didn't answer my question my friend.
What would you do about Iran?
Hi BZ,
hmmz... i'm not God nor acting as one, for me it is nor hasn't been interesting to contemplate "what I would do with Iran"
It would be not even remotely fair not to answer such a personal question with a personal answer ehj
Then, i'll tell you the whole truth, and i'll hope bare with me;
I come from a very high profile family; my father was a "rocketscientist" in that he made software for the defense & space industry.
My uncle is/has been the commander of the Dutch airforce, when there is no war to fight for the OTAN he's off learning others
about the art and history of war. My nephew is a high roller in the same Airforce. My other uncle works in an embassy.
I grew up in the 80's meaning in the cold war, and my dad always came with code and stuff to show what he was busy doing; actually I can't walk into a bookstore and read and see what my father help to build ( magazines about military HW ). A lot of my friends in those days had dads that worked in the same palce, in similar conditions. It was/is secret enough that our phones were tapped, and we weren't allowed to come even remotely close to the Iron Curtain.
Fine; here came the 90's and my uncle was send to the Golan Heights and Syria. He came back as a changed man, and learned a very important lesson.
The clock of the people of the Middle East don't tick like ours; meaning that the very concepts of democracy, politics and overview is virtually non-existant. Instead they live in very lets say primitive, primeordeal state.
When Bush attacks countries in the Middle East he, or at least his military advisors know that it'll be another 200 years before the inhabitants of those countries will be able to grasp the concepts of the things that are being "injected" into that place. Until then it's total chaos; they KNOW that on beforehand.
Okay; so the truth of the matter is that those countries pose a threat to their local and international interests, and that's why those poor (civilian) xxxxxxxxx are being bombed to hell.
Surely, some rubbish propaganda will cross your mind; but you know, in the end it's about money and power. You've been on this planet long enough to know that is/will be/has been the function for war since Nimrod. Simple.
Now back to the question; knowing that you have been told from what social-cultural enviroment I've been raised in i can answer your question.
What would I do with Iran ? Answer: "Nothing!"
I know what your response would be, something in the way of supporting pre-emptive strikes, etc, etc.
You're entitled to your opinion. Just as I'm entitled with mine.
Aryan aka 2B
(edited to remove foul language)