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My bf isnt christian
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Topic: My bf isnt christian (Read 4489 times)
Posts: 4
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My bf isnt christian
November 06, 2004, 08:04:28 PM »
Hi im crystal and i am almost 17, i have been dating this guy for a lil over 2 months, but he isnt christian he is agnostic. I dont really know if it is right to be with him, sometimes i stray away from God when im around him, I talked to him about it and he told me he is closer to god then he was before he meet me, but still strongly does not believe. He said he really wants to be with me so i said ok, but it is still weighing on my heart, i have prayed about it and stuff but i would still like to get some opnions.
Jr. Member
Posts: 60
Re:My bf isnt christian
Reply #1 on:
November 11, 2004, 03:58:12 PM »
Hi LilGirl,
I know the exact situation you're going through right now.
It is the choice of whether to date someone who doesn't know the Lord or not. It's a hard, heart wrenching choice
to make. It happened to me when I was about 18 with someone I had met at my HS graduation. I felt as though he was perfect for me. We liked each other right away, and we even went to the graduation dance together. However, a few days after the graduation, I asked him what his religious
believes were. Like you, this guy I fell head over heals for was not a believer in Jesus. What would I suggest you do? I suggest you pray and ask God about it, but I think the whole reason you're asking for opinions on this situation is because you have felt convicted in your heart about this relationship. I can tell God's already been convicting you, and I think it's great that you're trying to seek God in this. I would also suggest that if you're confused about it, you go to the Bible. When I was being convicted in my heart about this guy, I looked in my Bible and found 2 Corinthians 6:14 which tells us not to be unequally yoked with non-believers. I would also suggest that you go to a pastor or elder of your church and ask them about the situation. In my situation with the guy I really, really liked, I ended up telling him that I would rather be friends with him. It was a hard decision to make. Like the guy I met, the person you met may seem absolutely perfect in every way for you, but if he doesn't know Jesus, later down the road there will be problems. I still know and talk to my guy friend. We've gained a lot of respect for each other through friendship, and I pray one day he will accept Jesus. I can't make your decision for you, but I ask you to follow your convictions, follow God's Word, and possibly talk to a pastor or elder in your church. I will pray for you about the situation.
Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it. Hebrews 11:1
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No Gray Areas
Posts: 40
Re:My bf isnt christian
Reply #2 on:
November 12, 2004, 12:18:12 AM »
This is a difficult situation but the word does tell us not to be unequally yoked
No Gray Areas
Posts: 5
Re:My bf isnt christian
Reply #3 on:
November 12, 2004, 01:28:57 AM »
not being a woman, this may not be appropriate for me to comment, but I believe than I can help you.
When my girlfriend and I met, nearly a year and a half ago, I had given up on Christ. I had decided that there was nothing to believe in and that I was done trying.
Then this girl that I had grown up with and I started dating. She was and is a wonderful woman and a christian woman. We discussed religion very early on in the relationship and we both knew that it was very limited because of our differences in this regard. From the very beginning, the first week of our relationship, she began to pray for me to know Christ. We began conversations about the Lord and about religion and the Bible and she took me to church for the first time in a long while. She bought me my first Bible for Christmas. I began to feel myself being moved towards Christ. I was still resisting it at first, but I know now that it was happening. A few months later when I was more open to the idea of accepting Christ into my life, we began to have a thing where we pray every night together. We were in a long distance relationship, so we did this over the phone each night. I believe that this was a very important step. In the last six months I have come to accept Christ as my savior, and I am just so thankful that He put my girlfriend in my life at this time and that, through her, He brought me to Him. In the last month or two we have begun to have nightly "Bible time" as we call it. We alternate picking books of the Bible and we read them together each night and discuss and pick the lines that mean something to us.
I apologize for the length of this reply, I probably went into more depth than necessary; and your situation with this guy may be completely different, but all that I am saying is that if you really care for him, you should give it an honest effort to bring him to Christ. It will probably not happen as quickly as you would like, but the good Lord will take care of it if you are perseverent. I hope that this helps
God Bless.
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Re:My bf isnt christian
Reply #4 on:
November 13, 2004, 02:20:27 PM »
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Re:My bf isnt christian
Reply #5 on:
November 15, 2004, 02:42:09 AM »
Quote from: LilGirl on November 06, 2004, 08:04:28 PM
I dont really know if it is right to be with him, sometimes i stray away from God when im around him, ~Crystal~
There's your answer!
Posts: 23
Re:My bf isnt christian
Reply #6 on:
November 15, 2004, 09:36:15 PM »
My daughter, who is now 24, and professes her faith in Christ has put herself in the postion you are now in time and time again. As I counsel with her, I share with you. First of all, I think dating a non-believer brings temptation into your life, and the word tells us to avoid temptation. Secondly, dating someone who has no respect for God, or the word, also brings into play a worldly quality to your relationship:ie// presure to have sex. I have told my daughter time-and-time again, God is not going to bless an unholy relationship, neither is he going to turn a blind eye to a Christian knowingly entering into the sin of sex outside of marriage. So why waste time dating unholy people?
While you're tied up with them, you might just miss the perfect mate God has planned for your life.
I don't know if this helps, but I hope you will remember to always put God first in your life, then you are sure to be blessed in all things.
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Re:My bf isnt christian
Reply #7 on:
December 02, 2004, 11:34:06 AM »
I know of a dear preacher, who speaks convicting and powerful messages, who was not a Christian when he first went out with his wife ( then girlfriend), but became a Christian as a result. Sometiems this is the way God, in His mercy, works. But it the exception to the rule rather than the rule.
Imagine you are standing on a chair, your boyfriend is standing on the ground.. do you think it will be easier for you to pull him up onto the chair, or for him to pull you down off the chair? The bible in no way promotes knowingly entering into a relationship with a non believer.
I also have friends that did that.. my female friend had a non Christian boyfriend, he was a nice guy, but not saved. She brought him to church and he "got saved". However when they split up, he soon stopped coming to church. It makes me wonder whether his conversion was genuine or not... I cannot be the judge of that, but i do know that she became a more liberal Christian as a result of that relationship.
Be careful who you get close to.
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Posts: 30
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Re:My bf isnt christian
Reply #8 on:
December 02, 2004, 04:04:31 PM »
If you plan to marry this person there is no way of knowing that he will change or accept Jesus. I know of a sweet woman in our church who sits without her husband because he simply cannot accept that Jesus is Lord. She is nearing 60 years old and she thought she could change his mind. You say that when you are around him that you drift away. Is this relationship worth you loosing faith too. How easily are you swayed by others? That should tell you if this relationship should continue. He may ask you to give up things like tithing or attending church. Or he may not, but are you willing to risk a happy life without another believer.
When you walk down the isle on your wedding day you are being joined in Holy matramony by yourself. Pray hard on this decision and ask yourself honestly if you are strong enough to keep your faith alive with an unbeliever?
blessing to you
If you meet me and forget me you have lost nothing, but if you meet Jesus Christ and forget Him you have lost everything.
Posts: 1
Re:My bf isnt christian
Reply #9 on:
December 13, 2004, 12:20:14 PM »
:-\I married a guy who was not a christian and did not have a christian background. At that time I was a backsliding Christian or not really living for the Lord so we agreed on a faith-- believe in God and be good to our fellow man. Sounds great, doesn't it.
But when I came back to my faith and embraced it, problems arose. This thing about being unequally yoked came to the fore. My pastor likened it to a team of oxen --one wanted to go one way , the other one another way.
Before you become too serious with this fellow, I would suggest that you really look at your faith and decide how important this is to you. Marriage has enough of its own problems to add this major difference to it as well.
Re:My bf isnt christian
Reply #10 on:
December 15, 2004, 01:34:05 PM »
Quote from: LilGirl on November 06, 2004, 08:04:28 PM
Hi im crystal and i am almost 17, i have been dating this guy for a lil over 2 months, but he isnt christian he is agnostic. I dont really know if it is right to be with him, sometimes i stray away from God when im around him, I talked to him about it and he told me he is closer to god then he was before he meet me, but still strongly does not believe. He said he really wants to be with me so i said ok, but it is still weighing on my heart, i have prayed about it and stuff but i would still like to get some opnions.
You're only 17 and awfully young to be looking at this person as a potential lifemate. Maybe change your perspective to his being a friend, who just happens to be male. Sometimes God brings us into a non-believer's life for a reason, but I would have some concern that you stray from God when you're around this young man. I don't know what you mean by "stray from God" but it sounds like you need to refocus the relationship around events that don't cause you to stray. Also, what does he mean "he's closer to God than before he met you but still doesn't believe"? How can he be closer to something he doesn't believe exists?
I was a Christian before I met my agnostic husband (a widower with a 5 and 6 year old) and I firmly believe he was God's answer to my prayers. After 14-1/2 years of marriable that has not changed. We have 3 sons who were raised with their father telling them he doesn't believe in God but can't prove it and a mother telling them that she believes in God but can't prove it. He had no problem with me taking them to church and involving them in the church activities and youth group.
My oldest is now almost 21, is an agnostic and is (about to be officially) engaged to a Christian who has managed to get him to go to church with her on a sporadic basis. I believe she is the Lord's answer to my prayers and one day he will unreservedly accept the Lord.
My middle son (19) is much like his father -- super intelligent and believes only what can be explained by traditional scientific theories...but I believe God will answer my prayers and open his heart as well.
My youngest son (12) believes in God but I'm not sure he realizes yet what that entails and does so more because he is very close to me and wants to please me.
None of these situations worries me because I believe God put me in their lives for a purpose and the seeds have been planted.
Continue to pray and ask God for guidance....and allow yourself a few more years to grow up before you get involved in a serious relationship. The Lord will lead you if you let Him.
Posts: 7
I'm a llama!
Re:My bf isnt christian
Reply #11 on:
December 18, 2004, 07:46:40 PM »
I feel it's a good idea to question jesus on this one. Only jesus can answer darling, just ask him in your prayers and he will enter your heart and give you the holy truth. Maybe your bf will cry tears, but if you bring him to christ those will be tears of joy & belief. Read the bible my sister, and carry on asking jesus, for only he will know the truth and the answer.
I'd like to take this moment to ask forum sisters to pray for crystal. We owe her that at least, for opening her heart to us, jesus's children. Praise the lord for he art the one and only true glory.
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