Announcing the 2003 TGF Bible Conference
Nov. 28-30, 2003
The Castle
Franklin, Pennsylvania
Conference Theme: The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Of those who hold a Mid-Acts/Acts 9 theology‹who strive to live according to Paul¹s Gospel and his teaching of the dispensation of the Mystery‹it is often said that too much emphasis is placed upon Paul and not enough upon Jesus. Failing to understand that the Body of Christ is uniquely charged with following Paul as he followed Christ (1Co 11:1), our critics mistakenly allege that we minimize or disregard the non-Pauline portions of scripture. Contrary to this assumption, many of the recent annual Bible conferences sponsored by the Trinity Grace Fellowship have focused such topics as the Five Great Prophetic Clocks of Scripture (1997), The Ministry of the 144,000 (2000), The Lord¹s Supper In Light of Sola Scriptura (2001), and The Earthly Life & Ministry of Christ (2002). Continuing the topic of last year¹s conference, the theme for 2003 is The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The conference will be held during Thanksgiving weekend (Nov. 28-30, 2003) at The Castle‹a Christian retreat location in Franklin, Pennsylvania‹a little more than an hour¹s drive north of Pittsburgh and a two-hour drive east of Cleveland. Please visit the TGF website for registration information and downloadable PDF brochures:
www.tgfonline.orgAbstracts for the sessions are below:
2003 TGF Bible Conference
The objective: The 2003 TGF Bible Conference presents five teaching sessions examining the final days of the earthly ministry of Jesus of Nazareth ‹ His death, burial, and resurrection. These presentations will survey the Biblical accounts of various key details showing the design and ramifications of Jesus¹s final conflict with the rabbinical leadership of Israel, the events leading up to and surrounding His crucifixion, His post-resurrection ministry, and the specific applications of Christ¹s death to the atonements for the houses of God¹s elect. By a consistent hermeneutical and exegetical treatment of the scripture, these studies will demonstrate the specificity of Christ¹s ministry to the elect of the Nation of Israel and elaborate upon the implications for the Body of Christ.
Session 1€ Friday, Nov. 28 € 10 A.M.
Final Conflict With The Rabbis
Session I describes the escalating conflict between Christ and the rabbinical leadership of Second Generation Israel, a conflict resulting in the crucifixion of Christ during the last week of Christ's earthly ministry beginning with His riding into Jerusalem. This conflict is ultimately rooted in Christ's loyalty to the Law, Prophets, and Writings, as understood by the normative hermeneutic, His Person as the fulfillment of those passages detailing the coming and suffering of Messiah, and the proper rabbinical role of operating within this Biblical framework. In tracing the final conflict, a chronology is developed for this last week and correlations are made with the great prophetic clocks of the Feasts, the Generations, and the Weeks (or Sabbaticals).
Session 2€ Friday, Nov. 28 € 1:30 P.M.
Day Of Crucifixion
The second presentation details the actions and events of the 24 hours leading up to the crucifixion, including the ordeal of Gethsemane, the trial before the Sanhedrin, the trial before Pilate, the manner of crucifixion, the Seven Sayings, the manner of burial, and the place of burial. Special emphasis is placed on the synchronization and simultaneity of Christ's trial and beatings and crucifixion with the preparation and offering of the Passover Lamb of which Christ is the fulfillment. The relationship between the Sanhedrin and the Roman authorities is also examined in order to properly assess the responsibility of the leadership of Second Generation Israel for the crucifixion.
Session 3€ Saturday, Nov. 29 € 10 A.M.
From Burial to Second Ascension
This talk presents the burial of Jesus, His resurrection, first ascension, the 40-day period between the ascensions, and second ascension. Relationships of these events to the clocks of Feasts and Generations are established. Preparation of the 11 apostles (and Matthias) during the 40 days preparation between the ascensions is developed, including the role of this preparation for their Pentecostal ministry for the remainder of the Second Generation. The role of each ascension is discussed, including the manner of each, and the relationship of the second ascension to the sense in which Christ returns in the Third Generation to establish the eternal and Millennial kingdom.
Session 4€ Saturday, Nov. 29 € 1:30 P.M.
Atonements for Israel and the Nations
Session IV examines the atonements that Christ made for Elect Israel and the Elect of the Nations. In the atonement for the Elect of Israel, Christ stands in their place as Messiah, justifying them as their blameless representative in relationship to the Law for Israel; and in the atonement for the Elect of the Nations, Christ stands in their place as the Last Adam and Savior of the Nations, justifying them as their blameless representative in relationship to Law for the Nations. The relationship of these atonements to the necessity and manner of the crucifixion is also examined.
Session 5 € Sunday, Nov. 30 € 10:30 A.M.
Atonement for the Body of Christ
The final session details the atonement that Christ made for the Church which is His Body and Fullness. In the atonement for the Body, Christ stands in their place as Head, justifying them as their blameless representative in relationship to the Law of Paul, that Law which Christ has satisfied from eternity past as the Ancient of Days and which He personally revealed to Paul and the Pauline apostleship for the Body of Christ. The relationship of this atonement to the necessity and manner of the crucifixion is also examined.