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16  Prayer / General Discussion / Re:I am back :) on: April 18, 2005, 03:44:39 PM
Thanks all Smiley

It is great to be back...been trying to catch up on all going on!!!

God bless Smiley
17  Prayer / General Discussion / I am back :) on: April 17, 2005, 06:52:41 PM
Hi everyone,

I have been off the site for a while...not because I wanted to be, but due to a LOT of circumstances.
I believe the last time I was on was sometime last September.  My aunt, who was a pastor, went home to the Lord on 9/11/04.  I had my stepson with us as well at that time, and went through a LOT.  I ended up pretty sick, due to added pressures, I lost a lot of weight, my husband was burned pretty badly 2 days b/f my aunt passed and he is still out of work, and we ended up moving to NY at the end of December.  The house we bought, the night we had the truck 90% packed, we were called by the realator and were told that the pipes had burst, but we were promised the house would be ready in three weeks.  So, we still moved up. We did not get into our new home until about 4 weeks ago, so we had none of our things, no computer, etc.  Everything was in storage.
My middle child ended up in the hospital 3 times in January, she was dx'd w/ PAD(panic anxiety disorder) in FL due to the stress of her halfbrother and the stress of everything else going on...and that flared up, and she also had gastritis and a LOT of ketones, although not DKA.(Praise God).  They did admit her and kept her for 3 days, and now she is on track w/ keeping her numbers right, although she is going to see a cardiologist on Tuesday due to the PAD and a very defined murmur.  (please keep her in your prayers).  
My son has been experiencing terrible migraines due to allergies...he see's the allergist on Wednesday, and my youngest, well, they've all been through the flu and strep a lot since moving up here, but they are all very frustrated and depressed since leaving their home in FL.  They want to go back.
We moved up for a number of reasons.  I'm helping w/ my FIL's pizzeria, and my husband is going to start w/ the computer end of everything.  
I am just now able to get back to work, I fell and sprained my ankle and broke my toe, so I was out for 4 weeks.  Now I am dealing w/ a sinus infection and patiently awaiting the arrival of my sister's first child, due this Thursday Smiley

I have to say though, the Lord is really holding onto my right hand and getting me through all this.  It was very hard in the beginning w/ not having a home, staying w/ relatives, renting a place, boarding our dogs,etc.  We moved 5 times in 3 months...and that took a toll on the kids as well.  

Now, I have been praying very hard to find a church family.  The morning I was going to meet a priest at the church down the street from us, on the way out the door is when I fell down the stairs and sprained my ankle.  I have not made it to the church at all, since, well, crutches and then other things...and at the pizzeria the other night, I met one of a co-workers sister.  She was mentioning going to prayer meeting.  I asked her which denomination and she said, non-denominational...which is the type of church I was attending in FL and truly miss.  I love the contemporary praise and worship and look forward to attending my first service there.  I was going to go today, but fever and this sinus infection kept me home Sad  I plan on going Wednesday night for a prayer service...and I had just gotten off the phone with her.  I love how the Lord puts people in your life Smiley
I've run into so many agnostics and atheists lately...and I've just been praying so hard for the Lord to keep me strong and healthy and worthy of His love.  
I know I am rambling...my head is all stuffed up and I feel like I've been punched in the face, but this, too, shall pass Smiley  
Just wanted to let you all know that I am around(not that I am a huge poster or anything, but I enjoy the posts and the love for our Lord that comes through).
God bless Smiley
18  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:For a friend on: October 24, 2004, 03:03:45 PM
I'll definitely be praying!!!

God bless her and her family and friends...and I pray she gets better asap!!!

God bless...
19  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:scoliosis. (I’m not sure if I spelled that right) on: October 24, 2004, 03:02:07 PM
Thanks Pixie...he's 13...will be 14 in February.  
I like it like that too(the way the Lord works) Smiley

God bless Smiley
20  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Missing child(ren) on: October 22, 2004, 08:36:01 PM
TY Smiley
21  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:scoliosis. (I’m not sure if I spelled that right) on: October 22, 2004, 08:35:37 PM
Definitely praying!!!

Weird...my son was just dx'd w/ that also 2 weeks ago(the doc said it was hereditary, I never knew my husband had it)...and my son has had back problems for a while also.

God bless!!!
22  Fellowship / Parenting / Re:any parents of the STRONG WILLED and REBELLIOUS child here? on: October 22, 2004, 06:59:01 AM
OMGOSH...I can SO relate to this topic(it will explain why I haven't been on as much)...

First off, a bit of a difference...I'm dealing right now w/ TWO thirteen yo boys(20 days apart....one is mine and my husbands and the other is his from an ex g/f)....
Anyhow, my stepson came and lived w/ us in July...the planning has been going on since May/June.  (we also have 2 daughters, 11 and 7)....
Let's see...my dh got a call from NY state (DCFS), stating that it was best for his son to get a fresh start and if we'd take him(I love how they treat kids like animals...NOT)...of course we would.  (Previously, about 5 or so months b/f that, he (dh) rec'd a call from the mom, she was freaking b/c my stepson was busted at school for buying pot.  He was also busted for breaking into cars, drinking, stealing cigarettes, etc...has a nasty temper, punches holes in walls, cusses out anyone, etc.
Sooooooo....July comes around, we get him.  Things were wonderful for a couple weeks, then all holy heck broke out.  
(oh yeah, we also rec'd in the mail that we were being sued for arrears from 1997 - present, not true, and she went onto state aide and child support had jumped to $515/month...and we were paying that even WITH him living w/ us!!!
OK...moving on...stealing from a store was involved, I took care of that w/ the manager, sucker punching my son in the back of the head, the back, kicking him in the chest and leaving marks, throwing him across the room(he has 50lbs on my son and about 7inches...hit my middle daughter, slammed her forward in the car twice, called names I can't even repeat, don't even want to....cussed me out, pushed me, threatenedme, called his dad a fag, told him I suck, this house sucks b/c we have rules, rules suck, if we loved him, we wouldn't discipline him, etc.  The list goes on...my dh had to leave to take care of the court things...he was gone a week, and what a week that was.  I've been lied to my face blatantly by him...from the beginning, called names a trucker would be ashamed of, etc.  The ulcer flared up, started w/ the throwing up all over again, stress overtook me, and I handed that over to the Lord a WHILE ago!!!  (during this time, my daughter broke her arm, my dh was severely burned and is STILL on w/c and can't walk normal ,and my aunt passed on...all w/in 8 days of each other)....
Anyhow, I kept trying to talk to him...he would scream, YOU HATE ME...and I said, no, I don't hate you , I love you, but I don't like you or your attitude.  I DEMAND respect.  He didn't care.  I always drive by this one church, and when things were at their worst w/ my stress, the sign simply said, "Love conquers all"...I was like, I've TRIED that....but, I prayed about it long and hard, and I'm finally feeling the stress lift.  
He has apologized to me, is starting to change his ways and conform, is bringing home passsing grades now(failed one subject, and just missed failing another last quarter), and he even apologized to my mom and step dad for what he said and did to them...on his own.
I know it takes a LOT of time, persistance and patience....and, of course, LOVE...as you show your daughter.  I'm starting to see attitude from my 11 yo, she has fluctuated though since she was 6(when she was dx'd w/ diabetes) and her sugars just are going crazy w/ puberty.  She also has a hard time w/ her halfbrother, the doctor labeled her w/ panic disorder b/c of all the chest pains she was experiencing and suggested counseling for us.  
It's been quite the ride, and I pray to God all is finally settling down.  I know I refuse to stress anymore, and faith and love is really all I need w/ this situation.  

I understand it is a tad bit different than yours, but I can definitely relate to a strong willed and stubborn child!!!

Sorry this is so long winded!!!
God bless!!!
23  Theology / Debate / Re:Abortion on: October 20, 2004, 06:05:09 PM
Actually DovesWings, I saw much wisdom in your post!  Smiley

Wow...thanks sincereheart Smiley

God bless!!! Smiley
24  Theology / Debate / Re:Abortion on: October 20, 2004, 06:31:52 AM
I have to admit myself, I am not very wise, but here's my 2 cents...
I know girls who have been raped and have had their children(I am one of them), I know girls who have been told that their child will be born w/ certain disabilities and STILL have their child...there is always joy when a baby is born...even in the tiniest aspect...espcecially when the baby is sick.  That's life being brought forth, a miracle, and God is w/ all of us.
I'll tell you which women I would consider murderers for having abortions...those who use it as a form of birth control.  When I was in college, I knew this girl, and I lost count after her 4th abortion...one day she and her friends even had an "abortion day out"....sad.
Another girl I knew...she herself was adopted, so at least her mother gave her a chance to live, but she still had 2 abortions because she didn't feel "ready" for these children.  Pretty sad.
I believe God lets a person be created for a purpose.  We don't know how any other person feels except for ourselves.  We can't feel their pain, don't know if they are truly happy, truly in so much pain they can't stand it, etc.  
Another example....a cousin of mine was told her baby was going to be born completely deformed, etc.  She refused to have an abortion...her child is totally normal and perfect.  I have a cousin who was born dead, no pulse, blue as can be, etc....they worked on her, and she finally started to breath and cry(after a few minutes)....they told my aunt and uncle she would be physically and emotionally challenged...she was a straight A student, a natural at the violen, vibrant and now in the Air Force serving our country and a married mom of two beautiful girls.  
Abortion is between the individual, that child and God.  
I can't judge it...I can only say what I've seen and experienced first hand.
God bless...
25  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Missing child(ren) on: October 14, 2004, 08:29:07 PM
UPDATE:  They found her!!!
The other girl turned herself in, and the other boy was w/ her.
She is now w/ her dad!!!

Thank you all for your prayers...

God bless...(He is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!!)
26  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Missing child(ren) on: October 13, 2004, 09:35:00 PM
Hi all...
PLEASE, PLEASE pray for my friend Amy's family!!!  Her brother's 14 yo daughter(will be 15 next week) has been missing w/ a group of kids since Monday morning.  They can't find them anywhere...no money was taken w/ them, just the clothes on their backs.
PLEASE pray that they are ok, healthy and are found A.S.A.P.!!!

It is so much appreciated!!!

I met her this summer, very sweet girl, and her family is just amazing(Amy's like my best friend)...

I can't stress how much prayer means!!!
The police have combed their area and the city around it.  

I'll keep you all updated...
Thank you...and God bless!!!
27  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Family...a lot on: September 15, 2004, 09:26:02 PM
Hello again Smiley

I haven't been around much lately...so much going on.  We rec'd custody of my stepson, my daughter was in the hospital w/ chest pains due and DKA about a month and a half ago...then she had her arm broken by a boy at the skating rink almost 2 weeks ago...and then got an ear infection(she's the diabetic)...my son's asthma was out of control...
Then...Thursday(6 days ago) my husband (a chef) was walking w/ a pot of veal stock and his chef coat caught on the walkin door and he was burnt down his right bicep, forearm and foot.  His foot took the worst of it, and has since developed cellulitis(on top of 2nd and 3rd degree burns)...and they are having me do the wound care and IV therapy here at home(workman's comp)...they had to put a PICC line in him today for the IV therapy...and his pain is still horrid(I know burns are bad)...and yet we still see the doc's and nurses at infectious diseases every week.  He was the only one who worked in the house b/c my daughters diabetes is so unpredictable(seizures, etc)...and NOBODY wants to watch her...so he doesn't even get sick/personal pay at all and neither he nor I have insurance...so no cash coming in right now...w/ 4 kids to feed...and his doc appt.'s...actually, 2 different docs and a nurse)...and he can't drive...so I'm stuck driving him...I know something will come along....

On top of that, which, I know is a good thing...my aunt is finished suffering and went home to the Lord on 9/11....she held out a LOOONG time, but we are so thankful that her suffering is over(it got really bad at the end)....well, the last 2 weeks she was in a coma, but b/f that, for about 3 weeks she was in TOTAL pain....broken shoulders, ribs, collar bone, hips, femur, wrist and tumors all over.  She NEVER once waivered in her faith though...praise the Lord up until she couldn't speak(or we couldn't hear her, I'm sure she did, her mouth would move and she'd smile a lot while in the coma)...

Plus, we've been through Charley and Frances...Charley hit the worst 30 miles south of us.  We lost power and everything w/ both, but are blessed to still have our home and lives.  I feel horrible for those who lost anything and everything, and now w/ Ivan...all those who will and are being affected.  

OK, I've taken up too much time...

Please pray for my aunts family...her husband and her sons and grandchildren, the rest of us and her friends...we're so happy for her, yet sad to see her go....and for my daughter and husband that their wounds heal well....and all those dealing w/ Ivan and the remnants of Charley and Frances....

Thanks so much and God bless!!!
28  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:A prayer request...badly needed. on: June 30, 2004, 08:13:14 PM
I will defnitely be praying for your mom and yourself...

I have a similar situation...
I mentioned on another thread that my aunt, who is a pastor, was dx'd w/ cancer....her blood was free of it, but it decided to hit her bones.  Well, my mom was at her side from the beginning(when told my aunt was dx'd) up until about 3 weeks ago when my aunt kicked her out.
Since then, my mom will not return to church.  She says she is just fine watching services on tv and praying to God constantly.  She says that when she and I pray, or she and my stepdad, that it is at least 2 or more being gathered.
My mom is getting into...well, I don't want to say depression, but I believe it is.  She is so hurt, and I believe she just needs to go to church w/ me(although I haven't gone in the past month...but I was dealing w/ my daughter's 3rd degree burns and my other daughter had blood poisoning from stepping on something at the beach...and she's diabetic...anyway...I not only belonged to my aunt and uncles church, but to another church(interdenominational) and will be returning to that one as of this coming Saturday.  I'm praying my mom will attend w/ me b/c I feel she really needs to be in a fellowship w/ other Christians...

I'll stop my rambling, but please know that I am praying for you and your mom...
God bless!!!
29  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Abortion Protest on: June 30, 2004, 08:05:27 PM
You and your friends are in my prayers!!!

God bless!!!
30  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Sick on: June 30, 2004, 08:04:30 PM
Will defnitely be praying!!!
I know how aggravating it can be when the doc's can't find the source quickly so that the problem can be healed...
God bless!!!
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