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1  Theology / Apologetics / Re: Cults, Different groups on: August 19, 2006, 02:02:17 AM
I see i cant redeem myself even after my explanations. Its like you hav'nt been reading any of the post Ive been typing , Yuu persist to focus on the thread wich I will say again you totaly missunderstood.Any thing else i type goes right out the window. Like i said...in the private messege, I dont mind leaving this site, I just dont want to go missunderstood..Looks like thats inevetable. Im sorry you guys cant keep up with what im trying to say.

"When you think with you brain, you fall into satans trap" WOW. we dissagree there.

I will agree with what you said about me paying too much attention to the UFO explanation..That in it self is Unholy. But for you guys to think that my intentions were to spread anti-christ propaganda is insane.and to think i support it and that im trying to convince members here is even twice as insane. If my links were still there...you would have seen what i was trying to put out there. I think churches should be aware of Satans Lies, especially when this cult inpaticular describes the anti-christ to a "T". Where else would I post that Topic? Prophecies and Current events sounds about right to me, then again I was thinking with my Brain "oops" You guys remind me of those old judges in white wigs slamming there hammer down not even hearing my case. You totaly Miss Read My Post , You still Dont get it..You dont want to get it. And thats Fine. Its My fault because It was Titald "Yay the Anti Christ" You actually took that Litterlly. I can not beleive you took that sarcasem litterally. Like I would post that on a christian site...Its Mind Blowing. im not angry..just frustrated. I will see you guys in heaven. It makes no sence to stick around and plee my case. Ive already been judged.

2  Theology / Apologetics / Re: Cults, Different groups on: August 19, 2006, 01:08:42 AM
You are miss understanding what i was trying to say...I was just INFORMING people how most men are interpiting the bible. I too fell in to thease thoghts and theorys...I know they are satanic ones..Read it again but this time know Im a christian and read it. I was only trying to make you see what is about to happen ( whats happening) with non christians and how the anti-christ will make his move..I know thease are lies, you know thease are lies.

Can I be any more Clear?? or is there still a missunderstanding? Honestly do you think any one can come on a Christian forum and spread anti-christ propaganda and get away with it? Do you think that was my plan..as If any one on this forum can be convinced other then the holy Bible? Think Hard Now...Think Logicly.
3  Theology / Apologetics / Re: Cults, Different groups on: August 19, 2006, 12:31:46 AM
Not as I describe Pastor...as the cults describe..I am Christian and see how what i wrote can be interpited the way you did. I was trying to explain why the Anti-christ will have such a easey time deceiving man kind. As I said...I too turned to Science for answers....But GOD revealed the truth to me in my science research wich is why i know thease things in the sky or demonic.

I am Going to Heaven because i confess that Jesus Christ is LORD, He died and rose from the dead by the power of GOD and he will return in a SOOON to come rapture.
I have asked him in to my heart and stray from sin as much as man can.

im sorry I was not specific in detail as to what exactly i was trying to say.
4  Theology / Apologetics / Re: Cults, Different groups on: August 18, 2006, 11:37:27 PM
amazing!! before i bumped in to this thread i had just posted something simular on this site in prophecies--> http://forums.christiansunite.com/index.php?topic=12780.msg167730#new

Its my beleife that UFO's are real...Ive seen one. I also had a demonic encounter with one and guess what it looked like? thats when i came to a relization ( theory)
That thease things are in fact real, but they are demons, or Satan and his fallen angels.

Lets not argue the cave drawings, the lost civilizations with incredible technologys, the renisance paintings, the recent incline in technology and the increase of sightings. It has all been planted from day 1 building it self up to be the COUNTERFIT LIE of the anti-Christ. Thease things are in fact real. Satan Runs Earth untill God comes back. He was here 1st, to temp eve with the forbidden fruit. Now If you Read the Bible looking for Proof that The Bible is real ( like most unbeleivers do ) you will discover many UFO encounters. From The Birth of Christ ( Artificial Insimination ) yo The Rib Taken from Adam to make Eve. ( Genetic DNA cloning ) and of course the Book of ezeikial and his sightings , it then sadly makes sence in a twisted way. This is how the Anti Christ will decieve man!!! with twisted scripture from ALLLLLL religions. I was a Victim of this crime!! And Guess what Just as the Bible prophecised so will the entire human race with the exception of Christians who beleive through FAITH. The Road To Heaven is a Narrow one....Now you relize why. Those are only a few holes I mentioned in the Bible, there are many more but i will not go in to that..But this is what man kind will see. Man kind with no Faith. Most Demonic Encounters are described almost exactly like UFO abductions. Ghost , Spirits, Ufo's...all Demons in different Image. " Well It sais so right here in the Bible" will not work on the human race. but Proof from the beast will.

The UFO's will come down and man will see these ET's in the Flesh. They just wont know that it's Satan. By the Time this happens Christians will all have alraedy been raptured.

This is My theory.
5  Theology / Apologetics / Re: Is Jesus God? - Part Two on: August 17, 2006, 03:15:24 PM
That would make sence if God came as man...a Real man with no powers.

but he did not come as a real man. no man can heal the blind or walk on water. He had GOD in HIm or he was GOD.

Yet the devil try's to tempt him in the desert when he was fasting to not only eat but to commit suicide. So Satan was Trying to Tempt his Own Creator GOD? Did Satan not know Jesus was GOD?

It seems more Like Jesus Is man: son of GOD but Has GOD on his side performing mirricals in the Name of GOD..Just as he did for Moses. Then Jesus is Killed. GOD can Not Die. God is eternal. Jesus died, and was brought back to life by GOD. This is how i always interpited the Bible. Dont it make more sence this way?
6  Fellowship / Witnessing / Re: what not to do on: August 17, 2006, 02:47:44 PM

I understand.
7  Theology / Apologetics / Re: Is Jesus God? - Part Two on: August 17, 2006, 02:14:54 PM
i am so confused.

"forgive them father for they do not know what they do" Is he talking to Himself?

Jesus was born a man from the virgin Mary. Joseph was not his father so who was? I thought it was GOD.

GOD came in Human Form as Jesus? Did Jesus not Pray? If he did who was he praying to?

Who Is Elohim? Who Is Jahoavah? Please help!!
8  Theology / Apologetics / Re: FAQ For Non-Christians on: August 17, 2006, 12:25:26 PM
If there is a God, why did he create evil and allow such suffering, pain, and grief for His creation?

my reason:

GoD will not interfere every time a injustice pops up. He already did that and it dont work. Humans are hard headed and excersise there GOD giving ammendment "Free will"

example: After all the miricals God did in the Bible..even after Moses Opened the Sea and escaped The Pharroe...moses was givven the 10 commandments..Mean while The free'd slaves who just whitnessed gods mirricals still fell short and sin'ed with Idoltry , paganism, and orgys..

i feel By this Time, God was like..."Thats It" Im taking a Vacation, when i return I will be taking the true beleivers with me..and Damning the unholy, Finalizing once and For all The history book of mankind. ( Only My Oppinion )

God is our Father...and since he created man in his image..God has Man Like Charrecteristics...technocly we have God like Charrecteristics ( we are made in his image )

That is why he feels regret, sorrow, happyness, and love..Because he is a Father.

I am a Father and a Son..and I understand when enough is enough. If i had say, 12 kids and one was a real screw up..Hard headed boy who just wouldnt listen..at 1st I would do all i can for him..But if this went on for years , eventually I would give up on my son.

The Great Thing is, GOD never gives up on his.. he gives us free will. ( Only My Oppinion )
9  Welcome / About You! / Re: newbie in the house on: August 17, 2006, 12:13:50 PM
thanx for the welcome Grin
10  Welcome / About You! / Re: Hi everyone on: August 17, 2006, 12:12:56 PM
Im also new, thought id say Hi.
11  Theology / Debate / Re: JEHOVAH WITNESSES on: August 17, 2006, 12:08:57 PM
I really dont know much about them, I know they dont cellebrate birthdays or Christmas.
12  Fellowship / Witnessing / what not to do on: August 17, 2006, 11:56:11 AM
I cant really tell any one exactly what to do....But heres what not to do.

how many churches must i abandon. The reason why non beleivers have such hostile feelings towerds christians is this. hypocrites!! I find most people of the church are too quick to judge others based on back grounds and apperence. T.V.evangelist dont help either with the gold Pinky Rings and $$1000.00 suits.."send me your money"

mild mannord christians on sundays...selfish, unsensitive, money hungry bigots through the week. dont Judge some one by thare hair cut or hair color...do you know this person you are judging? Has Fashion passed you by? when the musics too  loud..your too old. Expression and Influence is a huge factor in todays youth/young adults.

Is that a tatoo i see?? son your going to hell. c'mon now. Only God can judge. The same people who make church donations talk about the homeless in insesitive ways. There are still church goers who use racial slurs behind closed doors. If they done...It sure seems that way. Why?

And Quit pretending the Bible is a Fact. Its not a Fact. we beleive through our Faith. Most Faith is  "tought faith". We are conditioned and trained to beleive. It dont happen over night. Keep that in mind when a question pops up...most questions with the Bible are valid ones...Non beleivers Dont have time for a "thats just the way it is" and "Well Its right here in the Bible" Be more understanding and understand That The Bible is verey hard to swallow with this generation.

Hope I did not upset any one..But thease are my experiences with Churches and I have been turned off amny times. We are supposed to spread the word but the way we do it is almost a force fed meathod sometimes.

Recently I was on a Christian Forum and expressed some feelings simular to the ones above...You should have seen the lashing out ..Is this christian type behavior? What would Jesus do? Bite my head off?? I think Not.

Hope i was more of a help then a pesky menace. Good Luck.
13  Fellowship / Testimonies / my most recent story.. on: August 17, 2006, 11:17:30 AM
I will only discuss my most recent testimony....God Knows I have a hand full.

but Untill recently, I was consumed in figuring out this huge mystery of life. I mean Consumed. Evrey day and night thinking of the same questions and researching history, culture and religion, and mostly Science for answers. I have already been a christian and knew the word of GOD, but some how It wasnt enough. The Bible had too many holes in it and I was looking for a logical explanation...I needed reason, Proof and Fact. I basicly Lost My Faith..well never lost it but the flame was dimming big time.

Too many other things in the world going on That made much more sence then Harps and Bird Wings.

Well recently I have finnally reached a conclusion!! I feel like a archeologist who has been digging for a lOOooOOOoOOOng time and finally found my hunt. I will not go in to great detale and I have decided to not trouble any one here with my beleifes. They are controvercial and I have already went on another "Christian Forum" with thease theorys and they gave me the boot. Although im sure many of my interpitations of the Bible are different then most here, the Important thing is it falls right back on Jesus Christ and His Teachings..The word Of the Holy Bible is 100% True. I have restored my Faith in christ and am back to maintaining a personal relation ship with GOD, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Ghost.

I will say this..The Anti Christ will have so much backing and concrete evidance that he is the true Christ..it will be Un deniable to the uneducated. He will Use actuall scripure ( twisted up scripture / miss inturpeted scripture ) to support His being and fool the left behind. Science and Religion will soon become one because there is a way for both to support each other...This is The Anti Christ's Counterfit lie to man kind...Indeed it will be the perfect crime for i was almost sucked in to it myself. Keep Your eyes on the Star Of David....It is no Longer Holy. I pray we will be gone before any more sighns surface. Amen.
14  Theology / Debate / Re: JEHOVAH WITNESSES on: August 17, 2006, 05:51:21 AM
I was always tought to stay clear of JW......how ever I think it should be known to all readers of the Bible that "Jehovah" translates "OUR GOD" in hebrew.
and also take in to mind , Im sure JW feel the same about Catholics, who feel the same way about pentacostal, who feel about bla bla bla..

This is why since the beginning of time there has always bee Geehad ( holy wars ) all over the globe.

There comes a time when "Only GOD can Judge people"
15  Theology / Debate / Re: Will you go to hell... on: August 17, 2006, 05:40:04 AM
When I was Younger, I thought it was foolish to blame suicides , Crime,and drug use, on Music. I would argue that people are going to do what they want to do if thats what they want to do.

Now im a bit older and I kNOW Music has a powerfull influence on the human mind and it can play a roll in fact a major contribution to peoples actions. once upon a time people were scared of subliminal messeges.....Have no Fear , The subliminal has been replace with Direct orders. Its simple phsycy.

The Military doese alot of training and conditioning to our soldiers in boot Camp through Verbal communication.

Christian Rock?Huh Theres Nothing un holy about that.
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