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1  Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re: Latino leaders want sheriff's hotline shut down on: July 26, 2007, 12:30:06 PM
Pastor Roger:
When I looked at the list of unread posts today, only one thought came to me and that is"Thank God I'm saved" "Thank God for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
No human being can contend with all this stuff that is going on in this world today which prompts us Christians to take one day at a time, the trouble of this day is sufficient. God Bless you/ Jerry/ lsm250@lowcountry.com
2  Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re: No health insurance? You're probably illegal on: July 18, 2007, 12:08:51 PM
I have so much to say, I don't know what to say. Unless the workers from Mexico and central america wish to come here legally, I don't want them here. If they wish to come as seasonal workers get a temporary card of some kind and adhere to the dates thay are allowed to work, otherwise leave. This group of illegal's are not only putting pressure on our Health Care but on our prisons and our legal system. How dare they march on the streets of LosAngles for their rights waving Mexican Flags.
Go home, learn our language, our History and come here legally. Come here to become an American and enjoy our prosperity. The left wing news and TV keeps saying they are hard workers, we're all hard workers, thats not a reason to come here illegally. I wish there was a solution to this problem, but nothing short of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ coming back would solve this problem. God Bless you:
3  Entertainment / Music / Re: Anyone here like bluegrass/gospel? on: June 15, 2007, 11:43:44 AM
On Saturday June 1, Channel "RFD TV" Bill Gaither had a program titled "Bluegrass Homecoming" Absolutly the greatest. I  bought 2 DVD's and they were wonderfull.
I love Bluegrass because it's original and still sung as it was in the church's of Kentucky, Tenn and Virginia. I also like country, but what they have done with it the last 10 years or so is terrible. You have probably figured out all ready that I'm an old guy and your right. I can honestly say that the good old days were exactly that. They were not as complicated or busy as we are now. Also we were more driven to family and church. Thats all for now. Jerry
4  Prayer / General Discussion / Re: TOO BUSY NOT TO PRAY on: April 13, 2006, 12:49:09 PM
If I don't find time to pray, then how will I have the peace and  understanding, our Lord and Savior promised each day. For, without the peace and understanding how could I possibly face the problems of each day. Mostly I pray for peace and protection and to be given the opportunity and effective words to be able to witness, to whom I may reach. God Bless!
5  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re:Prophecy and End Time Series. - Israel on: December 22, 2005, 02:06:52 PM
Something to think about would an attack from Iran possibly destroy the Temple Mount thence the rebuilding of the Temple? I have really enjoyed the end times study and feel that maybe not in my lifetime but shortly, the gears are turning. Thank God I'm saved! Bless you all. lsm250
6  Prayer / General Discussion / Re:"Happy Holidays" on: December 07, 2005, 09:29:19 AM
I was reflecting on todays date, December 7th. I was 14 years old when the Japanese attacked us, and what I recall is that we were a Christian Nation. Since then Sin has prevaded this country and I am not surprised at Happy Holidays. Happy anything that makes money. Lord have mercy on this country, as this country has turned from His face. For us Christians we need to remain steadfast and not shop where they have taken Christ out of Christmas. Pray for this country and their leaders and may God have mercy on us all. Jerry Droney
7  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re:Gorilla uses tools on: October 28, 2005, 11:37:28 AM
Calling a tree branch that has not been carved or shaped a tool is a stretch. I suggest that those who believe in evolution say at the age of maybe 75 revert back to the gorillas they think they came from.
8  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re:One Thing Being Overlooked on: October 27, 2005, 09:10:24 AM
Don't worry about Greenspan, we have no control over what happens anyway. There's no place to hide, buy, sell or whatever. God is in control and will provide, He's the One who
who will care for and direct us in these final days. God Bless
9  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Evolutıon???? on: October 14, 2005, 11:47:20 AM
I have the solution for those that believe in evolution: Say that those who believe this stuff, when they reach maybe 75 years, that they start to revert to the monkies they belive they came from and leave the rest of us alone! We'll be with the Lord Jesus and they will be swinging in the trees!
10  Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:Give Advice Here on: October 12, 2005, 01:40:31 PM
This is difficult but go fishing with him. I have been married 42 years to a Saint. We do everything together. I don't leave the house without her. We are always helping each other, in or out of the house, arm in arm. We pray together, attend Sunday school and church together and we both love eachother, eventho we're a shadow of the two people who married eachother. I however run the tv, if something comes on that has bad language or is sexual I change the channel, you sometimes can't avoid it. You have to be together, do everything together, I don't go to the gas station without her. I'm 77 and still work everyday, she gets up at 4am to kiss me goodby, and kisses me when I come home. We kiss before we go to bed and kiss again when we wake up. She is a blessing to me, you need to be a blessing to your husband.
11  Fellowship / Testimonies / Testimony on: October 12, 2005, 01:15:58 PM
I was a traveling salesman when, in a christian book store I picked up a copy of "Evidence that demands a verdict" by Josh Mcdowell. After reading the book I decided it would be a good idea to read the bible. Every day after I finished my sales calls I would kneel by my bed in the motel and read a chapter or two, and by the way not understanding a thing I was reading. On November 4, 1979 I knelt by the bed in the Holiday Inn, St Louis, MO. and opened my bible to Romans, suddenly the chapter I was looking at lit up as if you had shown a flashlight on it. I knew the Lord was speaking to me. A week later I was baptized in a little country church in Hickory Withe, Tenn. There is much more that happened to me to first of all get me to the Christian book store and since I am thankful I found Jesus as my personal savior. Thank you Lord Jesus and help me to be the person you would want me to be. lsm 250
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