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16  Entertainment / Music / Re:Christian metal. Good or Bad? on: September 08, 2005, 09:49:37 PM
I think God uses all forms of music to reach people. Personally, I don't care much for Christian rock, but I know many like to listen to it.
My son-in-law was saved and joined a Christian rock band. They give a good testimony to what Jesus means in their lives.
17  Theology / Debate / Re:liberal media on: September 08, 2005, 01:22:42 PM
You know, none of us are even close to perfect. We all make mistakes, some of them really bad.
I always try to put myself into someone else's shoes and think like they think. Although we don't like to think our present emotions might play a part in our actions, they usually will.
I'm really surprised that more "mistakes" aren't made everywhere, especially war zones and where the terrorist threats are the greatest, like the iraqis who were killed on that bridge when someone said there was a bomber there. If we are in the line of fire, we will make mistakes.
I think God is in charge of everything and when people die, from whatever reason, it is their appointed time to die.
It may be an accident, disease, natural disaster, or outright murder or war.
There needs to be less finger pointing and more of what can I do to help these situations. Only One can control everything, and that is God. we are His tools.
Everyone from the local to the feds have responsibility.  Sad
18  Theology / Debate / Re:liberal media on: September 07, 2005, 11:32:01 PM
I used to believe everything I heard on the news. It didn't use to be so slanted as it is now. Its just that since Viet Nam that is has gotten so bad.
We are so spoiled. We take everything for granted. I used to, until 9-11. I was unaware of the the hate the Islamists had for us and fail to see why they should come over and attack us.
If anyone goes to www.persecution.com, you will see that many more governments are persecuting other religions, such as China, who requires churches to register with the goverment, and then arrest the pastors.
I usually watch NBC, but am thinking of switching. We only have antenna tv. We live in a remote area, but can get around 10 stations with antenna boosters. that keeps Gene's hands busy switching between them. Grin So we get only the major stations, not any of the news stations. I started noticing Katie Couric change her method of "interviewing". She will make a statement and then say, "right?" to whomever she is talking to, instead of letting them talk. And the way they phrase everything is in a way that it will reflect negatively on our president. Roll Eyes
I never thought that we should invade Iraq, but am sticking with them thru thick and thin. I have sent several packages to people I don't know. And if they had WMD, they had lots of time to hide them. Gene, who is a minister, read something in the Bible that made him believe that they are buried in the desert. I dont remember where it was, but Iraqi weapons were found in Syria, and the goverment told them to get them out. They were aiming to use them on Jordan.
It was on the last page of the local newspaper a yr or so ago.
But we are ready to join Jesus. All of our grandchildren have been saved and baptised, except the ones who are not old enough yet. And we praise Him every day.
Freedom is not free and those who think we should analyze our enemy and figure out what we've done wrong will realize that one day. Freedom is worth fighting for. I think most people who have been born after 1960, the yr my son was born, have no idea what it is to be under oppression, or what has been necessary to keep our country free. Some of the cowards in the 50's had the saying, "better red than dead''.  I would gladly give my life for my country and its freedoms.
19  Theology / Debate / Re:liberal media on: September 07, 2005, 04:10:42 PM
And the media is giving the terrorists all the ammunition they need to discourage Americans in the war effort. The terrorists have to be taking some of the pictures of the bombings, maybe all, that are put on our televisions.
I sent Dan Rather an email telling him he might as well go report for aljazerra, as he was giving them the positive press and he was a traitor to our troops.
If we all pulled together, we could win. When our tv shows all the antiwar movements, it gives the terrorists more courage.
I agree, I think the media will play the major part in the coming of the  antichrist, and personally, even though we haven't seen him show himself yet, I think he's on this earth among us. Almost all prophecy has been fulfilled.
20  Theology / Debate / liberal media on: September 06, 2005, 08:37:30 AM
I am a mild tempered person,  but it infuriates me to see the media causing disent among the Ameicans. They are so bent on destroying President Bush, they don't mind losing the war. the media does not show all the good things going on, only the things that damage our president and us.
I'd like for all of them to have to deal with the problems we have and then we could criticize them, but we wouldn't, because we know nobody on earth has all the answers. But whatever they can do to run down President Bush, they will do.
Polls are worded in such a way that if we are truthful, such as are we satisfied with the way the war is going. Of course, no one is satisified, but that is not to say that we are absolutely against it.
the only thing that keeps me going, is that soon Christians will be taken out and then let them find someone to criticize then. If we had a democratic president, they would be supporting them, with the circumstances being the exact same as they are now during the hurricane.
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