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1  Entertainment / Poetry/Prose / Re: MY TIMES ARE IN THY HAND on: May 24, 2006, 03:36:46 PM
This very Psalm has brought me much comfort over the space of the past month.
God has had many opportunities for me in April, but the intense need for me to let Go
of all I hold dear in life (my children) and trust Him (while 'mama bird flew away for 2 weeks)
I cannot tell you how much of a blessing this particular poem is to me.
God truly has every day planned for us.  It is ours simply to trust Him.
Psalm 139

Thank You So much for posting it!  I was very happy to find this jewel to add to the
sparkle of this beautiful day!

2  Fellowship / Testimonies / Angels watching over me!!! on: May 24, 2006, 03:24:39 PM
I just have to tell somebody!!!
Yesterday, as I was leaving a dentist appointment that I had
I pulled out into the main road (it was clear, nothing coming for
quite a way off)  and then suddenly almost as if the jeep
materialized from thin air, I was side by side with a speeding
jeep with 3 people in it.  The one person in the passenger seat
was hanging out the window, yelling, not very happy with me.  Embarrassed
I honestly can say that God protected me at that moment.
We just missed a terrible collision by a literal hair!

I think about Amy Grant's song
"Angels watching over me, every move I make,
Angels watching over me!".......

I thank God almighty for His protection, and that
it wasn't my time to go home (yet)!

Praise Be To Jehova!!! Smiley
3  Theology / Apologetics / Re: Da Vinci Code- The Movie on: May 24, 2006, 03:03:23 PM
Knowing the Word of God ineed is our best weapon, however i am very thankful that when comes the times I am sharing with others and I am at a loss to answer their theological debate, I can rely on the Holy Spirit of God to "take it from there." It is ours to take the Word, share it faithfully (sowing seed) and allow God to cause it to grow!   
it is awesome to WATCH His Word at work.  It IS powerful!!!

It also is such a blessing to have teachers like Josh McDowell who have equipped the saints further with his book.

I am excited for what God is going to do, is doing, and will do through th e opportunities to share the gospel with movie goers and skeptics alike. 

I am encouraged already by the enthusiasm in you, my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!

Seize the Day!
4  Theology / Apologetics / Da Vinci Code- The Movie on: May 23, 2006, 03:50:34 PM
Are we prepared to defend our faith?
Will the questions that come (And I'm sure they will come)
stump us, OR lead us into a place of opportunity to witness.
There are many who reject the Bible as the Word of God,
and as you know, this is not a new tactic.  To question
Jesus Christ and His Divine God-ness is a direct attack of
who He is, however, this should not take us by suprise.
Just wondering if you have had any deep conversations with
anyone about this particular movie yet, or if you feel prepared
to share.  I know only by the Grace of God alone, I will be ready.
I already have had a direct 'hit' last month when I spoke to an
Uncle of mine who denied the authenticity of the Bible. He said it
"Was a bunch of good 'books' written by a bunch of good men."
Period.  Not the divine inspired, Holy Breathed Word of God???
I beg to differ!  (But in love. 1 Peter 3) 
I know because of the changes it makes in my life daily.
I know because of the Witness of the Holy Spirit in my life daily.
I KNOW because God has revealed it to me, not simply because
"the bible tells me so."
Portraying this to unbelivers requires patience and lots of love, and no
combative arguing.  This can be hard sometimes, since we can become
very passionate about Jesus.  WE KNOW WHO HE IS> WE KNOW
THE DIFFERENCE KNOWING HIM MAKES> and we long for others to know.

Are we looking for opportunities this week to talk to Da Vinci-Code Movie Goers?

Lord, give us opportunities.
open our eyes to see you at work
in and through and all around us!
5  Theology / Bible Study / Re: Sermons4Kids on: May 23, 2006, 03:39:46 PM
These are all great devotions, and links for kids.
Thank you for leaving these posts up...
it is wonderful to have new places to search for stuff
for our children!   Smiley
6  Welcome / About You! / Re: diving deeper on: May 23, 2006, 03:24:26 PM
 Smiley Smiley Smiley
What always is amazing to me, is that no matter where we go on this old earth, when we are in the company of other believers, we're among family.
I just returned from a short trip in Mexico and met a few believers while there.
You shine !  As believers we SHOULD shine.  We don't really need a "Mark" of any kind
(I'm thinking about the mark the believers recevied in the fictional series by Tim Lahaye/Jerry Jenkins and the fact that there WILL BE a TRUE mark during the end times.)
We have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God in us, and as we ABIDE in Him daily, we reflect the Lord's Glory.   I was just reading this during my morning study today.  2 Corinthians 3:16-18 !!!  Grin
I think it is awesome that we have the opportunity to reflect the GLORY of God every day.
The question is, are we?  AM I? 

Lord, help us to put aside our selves, and allow YOU alone to shine.

So nice to have a place to share what God is teaching us, and to learn from one another here at
Thank you for the welcome!
7  Welcome / About You! / diving deeper on: May 16, 2006, 03:43:53 PM
Greetings to all you fellow lovers of our Great and awesome God!
I'm new in town Wink and am looking forward to from time to time dropping in
and discussing the deeper things of life.  those things that matter.
those things that lifts up the name of Jesus.
i am a very busy sahm and teach my kids at home, but do
enjoy hearing the things that God is doing outside the realm of Home.
I am finding that God's Grace is sufficient in all things:
"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things,
at All times, having ALL that you need, you may abound in every good work!"
This is from the top of my head, the address is 2 Corinthians 9...something..
you'll have to look it up!
God Bless you with His overflowing Grace today!
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