I would like to ask whomever may read this to remember me and my family in your prayers. I just recently found this website and have enjoyed looking around at all the things Christians have used the Internet for, and how they have helped one another and spread God's word electronically... Well, getting to my story....
I would like to introduce myself, I am michael bolton, 17, from Spring Hope, North Carolina. Although I am young, I am pretty mature for my age. I had to learn to take care of myself and my siblings from an early age. Now are family hasn't ever been perfect. My mom and dad fought a lot when I was little, and about a year after my sister was born, my dad left. Almost never calls, never pays child-support, never writes or anything. The financial struggles that have come along have made my mom come close to God. With me and my sister brought up pretty secular, it took awhile for us to get into Christianity. Within the last 3-years, we've had so much happen. I went to some youth events and became deeply involved in the word. I also picked up guitar... In the mean-time my dad left the state (moved to Alabama with his parents). Not much happened for about two years. Lately, the things haven't stopped coming...
Last January, I had turned 16 a few months before and gotten my license. I hit a deer, doing about $400 worth of damage ( I only paid $900 for the car!!). Less than a month later, I became very-ill with mono and was doped-up on medication and hit another car. It took me about 6-months to get everything right with the car, mainly because I still had to pay it off ( I had to pay my own insurance, car payment, and gas..., my mom couldn't afford it). Though I had a job...
Right after I got the car back and working, the power steering went out. I decided to sell the car. I parked it and rode around with friends. During the summer, I picked up skateboarding again. This time, I managed to meet my skull on concrete. I was skating down my road and hit a large crack with soft wheels. This threw me onto the ground, head-first. I fractured my skull. I walked home, stunned and not knowing what had happened. As I walked into the yard, my mom was waiting at the screen door, I passed out in the yard. I was rushed to the hospital, where I spent 5 days in ICU... The doctors were amazed that I got out then, but I wasn't out free. I was unable to work for 2 months. I was so weak that I couldn't really do anything for that time. While I was healing, some mexicans came up and offered to buy my car. They only wanted to pay $350. I couldn't really say no in my position, at the time this was a blessing. During this time that I couldn't work, I would still have to pay insurance, so I had to cancel it. I am under 18, so I had to turn in my license. Also, the hospital bills, added up to around $15,000. Also, during the same range of time, my uncle became really deep into drugs and sex. So much that he was taking his children's child support to handle his habit. My mom didn't think it fair for the kids, so she fought him in court, and won. Now there is 7 people( my mom, me, my sister, 3 cousins, and grandma) living in a 4-bedroom singlewide trailer. Also, the fact of all this stress and stuff at once, I decided it best to quit my job. Now I'm recovered and really need a job. My mom makes roughly $30,000 a year. She has to support us all, with help from my grandma's disability check.
On top of all of this, my grandfather just came out of the hospital today. He is really messed up, we don't think he will live much longer. He has smoked for many a year and has only one lung functioning at 65%, he needed triple-bypass surgery and we believe he refused the surgery. He is already in need of going back to the hospital. I'm kinda getting tired, I'll be sure to keep you updated, but please pray for us.... and thank you all so much...