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Welcome / About You! / Re:Hello Hello!
on: December 10, 2003, 06:36:47 PM
Yeah, and the cosmic muffin created everything. That's why you should believe it. Here is some more brainwashing: The cosmic muffin feeds you, don't question it. The cosmic muffin is the cause of all creation. I don't need any points to back it up and don't bring up any that are against my view because this is not the place for discussion.
Welcome / About You! / Re:Hello Hello!
on: December 10, 2003, 05:04:35 PM
We aren't in church. I thought this was discussion forum. Whatever. At least at church they tell us why things are wrong. Here all you want to do is strengthen faith by preaching to the choir, not by comparing it to anything else.
Welcome / About You! / Re:Hello Hello!
on: December 10, 2003, 02:16:16 PM
Look, theoretically, if you give equal time for the devil God should still win.
Plus, if we do listen to what they have to say, we know why they are wrong as opposed to, "they are wrong, i'm not listening" Builds stronger arguments builds a way to get to others that think the same way, builds bridges.
Welcome / About You! / Re:Hello Hello!
on: December 10, 2003, 01:19:37 AM
At the advent of the moderator deleting the Evolution vs. Creationism topic, I am going to leave this forum.
I came here for answers. Not to be lectured on what to believe, or listen to propaganda. Since the moderator is so happily deleting anything that is controversial and ignoring anything that could possibly go against his or her beliefs, without thought, this is not the place for me.
There are only 2 places where exclusion of thought occurs. One is a dictatorship, the other one is in the hearts of those who always think they are right.
I am not saying anyone is wrong. I am saying that I don't know what is right and what is wrong, and for me to go on a course of discovery is to listen to both sides, not a one sided argument. To continue on this forum would mean for me to continue in ignorance and not fully explore aspects of which I believe I am entitled to.
You guys have been nice.
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Woman Preachers
on: November 27, 2003, 02:09:20 AM
Wait what was this about, what is sin for one person isn't a sin for another? That doesn't sound right. So I guess we aren't all created equal huh? I'm confused.
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Why Do People Go To Hell?
on: November 26, 2003, 03:24:48 AM
Postmodernism does not make sense. it is simply one of the stupidest concepts I have ever heard of. I can't say anything except that it is stupid, because to explain it would only stress that it makes no sense whatsoever, like I already did.
As for the relatives thing, yeah, if God doesn't love them enough to let them into heaven, then why should we care? Brothers, Sisters, parents, they were created by God anyway, and just because they are our relatives doesn't mean anything.
They are a tool of the Devil, and we will enjoy our time in heaven and they can suffer where they belong.
I agree with you that they are doing that on purpose. I mean how could you possibly not believe in God, when it hits you in the face every day? Your parents tell you, you go to church and everyone tells you, forums, friends, I mean this country is practically a Christian country they probably don't even believe what they are saying. They just want to deny it because they are arrogant and do not want to know God.
Also, it's sad how most people who say they are Christian don't act like it. They say they accept Christ, then they do things like premarital sex. I think that is just wrong.
Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re:Homosexual marriages
on: November 24, 2003, 12:40:58 PM
You know I think I might be going a little off topic, but what do you guys think about Christians marrying non-christians? I know it happens. It doesn't make sense to me, but then again we are not supposed to hate the sinner, but the sin. So what does the bible say on that?
Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re:Homosexual marriages
on: November 24, 2003, 01:04:55 AM
I don't know. Same goes with why people are allowing gays to preach. It's not right. How can you listen to someone who is clearly contradicting him or herself?
Do you think the church can do something about the second one?