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Prayer / Answered Prayer / Kicked Booze
on: October 31, 2003, 02:11:50 PM
Well, I'm not sure if I'd prayed for this or not, but I finally was able to kick the drinking problem I'd had for a number of years. It'd caused a lot of problems in my otherwise successful existence: A wrecked car, jail time, $7500+ in fines/ restitution. Even after all of that I hadn't kicked it, it was only recently that I've done so.
It even hurt my health; I was told that I had liver damage; being in my mid-twenties this kinda scared me a little bit.
It's been about a year now, I've definitely gotten my focus back. I don't sleep with a lot of women the way I used to. I guess I'm here because I feel a benevolent force out there that helped me out of it and I'm just trying to make some sense of it.
Fellowship / You name it!! / Forgiveness/atonement Q&A
on: October 31, 2003, 02:05:29 PM
I am new here, and am not altogether that familiar with the Bible, but I am trying to connect with my Christian roots.
Here are my questions:
What appropriate reading is there for seeking forgiveness and atonement.
Example: Man with a 20+ year heavy drug/alcohol addiction wakes up and seeks answers to why he'd suddenly awaken sober and clean; has caused many years of turmoil for family and friends, thought he was a dead man and now is trying to make peace for the horrible things he did while under the influence.
Can you help?
Welcome / About You! / New here.... MY goals.
on: October 31, 2003, 02:00:28 PM
Hello everyone.
I wanna tell you a bit about why I am here. I grew up in a fairly Liberal household, and while my parents were deeply SPIRITUAL, they tended to blackout Christianity and downgrade it a lot.
This seemed very hypocritical to me, that they would boost all of these other religions, yet condemn the religion upon which so many great things- including the basic tenets of the society in which we live- have sprung from. I need some Christian teachers, hope all of you will help me out. I tried to read the King Jame's Bible front to back like one would a novel, but I found this a bit discouraging. The Bible seems to have references for how one is feeling, the trials that life deals one and philophies behind them.
Please help!