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Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Truth
on: October 27, 2003, 08:14:33 PM
I agree with Tibby that every day is made by the Lord. I agree with HuniBuni that we should not celebrate death, which is so prevalent in Holloween and does have pagan roots that should be dead and gone. I think the best solution is to have Harvest parties. Dress up as holy characters, or as a drachma. I personally celebrate Reformation Day, which falls on October 31st. I think it's sad that eveyone knows about Holloween, but I didn't even know about Reformation Day until five years ago. And I'm Reformed. Something mighty disturbing about that. But if I see a Christian celebrating Holloween, I'm positive they're not celebrating paganism, even if that was the original event. They're just having fun eating candy and dressing up. It's what's in their hearts that counts. If they have set aside Jesus as Lord and don't feel they're offending Him, then maybe they're just having fun.
Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:How did you get your screen name?
on: October 27, 2003, 08:01:43 PM
Mine comes from the name of an Inn where theologians used to meet to discuss the latest occurences in Christianity during the 1600s. Eventually the ideas discussed there spread the Reformation across Europe. The name of the inn was The White Horse Inn. It also reminds me of a friend who didn't know the Lord. But God gave me a chance to share the gospel with him, and he did ask lots of questions. But it was the last time I spoke with him, because he was killed in a car accident shortly thereafter. The white horse had special meaning in his life, but why it was special to him is a theequit!
Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Happy Monday, Everyone!
on: October 27, 2003, 07:56:18 PM
I made a booboo! I changed my email and when I did I got a message saying I was getting a new password. But apparently I messed up my email when I punched it in which is why I never recieved the new password. So, Ray is sending me a new one to my actual address which I got confused with one of my ten other email addys I'm WhitehorseToo until I can use my old one. I'm sorry to hear about your spasms. Potassium is very good for muscles, and can help with the spasms. If I spout too much beta tell me to button it but I can't help it. It's genetic!
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Metro
on: October 27, 2003, 07:49:35 PM
But Edia, YOU brought up the genetics! We never said anything was genetic. Untill a few years ago, It was a mental illness. But, even is it is genetic, so what? Cancer is genetic, too. Sickel Cell, genetic. Gene's can't prove anything. DOn't get me wrong, IU don't think it is genetic, but if I'm wrong, and it is genetic, that doesn't mean it is any less of a sickness.
You said, it Tib! And they can still master their own behavior.
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Metro
on: October 27, 2003, 07:47:54 PM
You think this behaviour is genetic?
Well, I don't remember saying that; I'm saying, how long will people want to do something that keeps 'em from finding a girlfriend? Gays go for other guys, regular people go for the opposite sex; who does the metro guy get? No one! They're not gay, and not a girl on the face of the planet is going to be attracted to that. How long do you suppose they'd really keep it up? Wouldn't they want to get married at some point? Or at least do what unbelievers do?
Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Very Toubled
on: October 27, 2003, 07:40:42 PM
Will do, my friend. If you've been studying very hard or wearing yourself out, maybe there is a chance you have mononucleosis. This illness is associated with the Epstein-Barr virus, that can also cause chronic fatigue syndrome. Do you have a sore throat or swollen glands?
Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:I need help/advice/prayer
on: October 27, 2003, 07:36:11 PM
I'm so glad you're hanging in there-I know it isn't easy. I'm doing a study on Job right now and making a list of comforting observations that I'd be pleased to share with you when I'm done if you're interested.
I think whether it is a test or spiritual warfare, I think you can safely treat both the same way. When you succeed, you will feel a burst of faith. I know this sounds almost cliche but it truly isn't: asking God for the specific individual things you need really opens doors and does damage to the kingdom of darkness. I know I'm not alone in agreeing with you in prayer on these things. They might include encouragement both generally and in certain circumstances, that God would give you more information on why you are going through this and what He wants you to do, for counsel from His Holy Spirit-anything you want. In fact, I often make a "shopping list" and present my shopping cart before God and ask Him to fill it up for me. I might ask for grace for a certain circumstance, wisdom, guidance, increased knowledge about a particular circumstance--I go to Him frequently and ask for all kinds of things.
But this much is certain-your faith will certainly grow stronger because of this and it will increase the remarkable skill you possess to use what God has given you in the past. Even though you may not see it now, it looks to me like you're being given a very special gift. Hard-won, to be certain, and special.
Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Dying friend and the gospel
on: October 27, 2003, 07:24:09 PM
Thank you so much for your prayers. Sad to say, she is very bitter; she's kind of shutting down and driving people out of her life. That sounds like a good book-thanks for the suggestion! I'll get a copy for her and see if she'll read it.
Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Happy Monday, Everyone!
on: October 26, 2003, 11:00:31 PM
Past 2 weeks have been non-stop school work. My muscle spasms are coming back, which means my headaches are coming back. I've spent all my free time sleeping. Reports, study for major tests, study for major practicals. BBV has been forced to cut hours, which is both good and bad, because my bank account is running a mere $100 from empty. But on the bright side, if I was forced to work, even part time, it would have but killed, mentally, and academically. Now I know why binge drinking in college is so big... Ok, that is my pity party. next? I'm sorry to hear that, Tib. Why are you having muscle spasms? Do you have fibromyalgia? BEP, I'm sorry! I can't top that one, so we'll give you a CU Honor Award to compensate. But that first place winner-that sounds like one sorta costume-ewwwwwwwwww!
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Double Whammy
on: October 26, 2003, 10:54:49 PM
Well, I'm still struggling to understand what you're looking for; but I do have a pamphlet on comparative religions published by Moody press. It's called The Spirit of Truth and The Spirit of Error, and it gives the basic doctrines of Christian Science, Spiritualism, Jehovah's witness, Armstrongism, Mormonism, Easter Mysticism, The Way International, Unity, and Unification Church. It is quite long; this might be a good resource. Here's a link I found to to Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara-they have this one and apparently there's a sequel to it, too. I don't know if they charge anything; maybe email and ask. Otherwise let me know and I'll get you the information any way I can. Also, if you can fill me in about what you're looking for, I can try to help, too. there anything we can help with in the meantime?