Tom- Wow! I am not sure whether I am more disturbed by the vitriol (under the guise of "love in Christ") or the arrogance displayed; which I also find offensive. I had to double check to make sure I didn't accidentally find your personal webpage of private interpretation by mistake; rather than an open public forum to debate theology... but obviously the former is the case. Your "personal belief" (and experience), contradicts 2Peter 1:20; that no prophesy of Scripture is of any private interpretation. I am cautious whenever anyone assumes just simply because they have "prayed" (obviously with their understanding), that it automatically means they have the mind of Christ and full understanding of any Scripture. Fortunately, Scripture can also explain and interpret Scripture as well beyond "context." Unless it is God-breathed by His Spirit, it is just natural minds failing to receive or discern anything spiritual. (1Cor. 2:14) One has to twist pretty hard and take one Scripture out of context to argue that The Holy Bible (KJV? or later translations perhaps being more "perfect"?) are remotely what Paul is referring to... then knowledge would also have vanished away as well after 1611- 1884 (depending on which date the Holy Bible actually came into being in your opinion) if that were true. (See 1 Cor. 13:
Roger- You won't debate but you will use God's Word (out of context) to validate your personal opinion; is one of the methods the Pharisees perfected centuries ago. Unfortunately, being "filled with the Holy Spirit" wasn't any of verses you bothered to give or any explanation of what you think any of those terms might mean either.
Brother Sheep, I don't get the impression that you "need agreement to be happy" or were looking for a fight either. I find your question neither offensive or unworthy of "debate" in a "humble" searching of the Scriptures together just as the Bereans did; rather than the condescending and dismissive tone of "presumption" to which your genuine question remained unanswered... yet He has exposed and revealed the answer. Truly, you would be one of those who our Yeshua spoke of that would have specific signs (tongues) following because you "believe" just as the early disciples believed. The evidence of those who do not believe is also very apparent here. They will not speak in other tongues, or mysteries to God or pray in the Spirit or probably any of the other signs Jesus mentioned would follow those who believe. I do know that "gibberish" is an unscriptural term that grieves the Holy Spirit in me because it is just an attempt to deny the Holy Spirit's power and one of the manifestations available to every true believer. The presumptions and private interpretations abound both in and out of context; by twisting Scriptures; but I encourage you... He (the Holy Spirit) has revealed Himself and the Truth concerning the charismatic gifts; but will not be found here or any agreement or "fellowship." That which is precious should not be cast before those professing to be wise; who are always learning but never coming to the knowledge of Yeshua the Truth. The only Christians uniting here are apparently those who want to preserve their philosophy but deny His power... please hold the door.
Your "gibberish" speaking brother