I wrote:
I think the High Court is high alright. Homosexuals should get the death penalty if found guilty of such immoral crime against our society. That's what a good government like the one God established is supposed to do to homosexuals, execute them!
Forrest replies:
Its responces like this that gives credence to the hate legelation thatwas passed a few years ago, and may be expanded to include speech.
You should not be calling the truth "hate speech." "Hate speech" is just more rediculous legislation coming out of a Washington that has lost its marbles.
I wrote:
Oh, and there is no such thing as a homosexual marriage!
Forrest replies:
The Mas. state supreme court has ruled to alow gay marriage, and by the constituion other stats basicly will have to reconise them.
Just because idiots serving on the Mass. S.C. have allowed gays to the have the same status as marriage, does not mean homosexual marriage exists. It does not exist, and it cannot exist. Marriage is between a man and a woman.