I have just read a website that puts forward the idea that Moses was, of all things, an Egyptian. They claim to put forward some evidence, but I am not qualified to make a judgement on how good this evidence is; what astounds me however, is the sheer number of claims, counterclaims and utter nonsense that continually swirls around religion.
From the site: (http://www.angelfire.com/blog/mosesegyptian/)
‘Mose’ is an Egyptian word. It means child. So you get RaMose, (literally, Ra has given a child), now usually written Ramses by Western scholars. Similarly ThutMose, now usually written Thutmes. Originally the man now known to the world as Moses would have been called Something-mose, or Something-mes. The first part of his name has been lost.
Then there’s Aaron, Moses brother. Some scholars argue it’s a version of the Hebrew word Arron, meaning Ark. But its not pronounced like that and pronunciation really matters in languages that were written without vowels. I believe the most likely source for the name is a combination of the two Egyptian words, Ra (God of the Sun) and On (the Egyptian name for the town of Heliopolis), the centre of Ra worship in ancient Egypt. His name was probably Raon......
This sounds plausible and academic, but for all we know, it could be hogwash.
What do you think?