I have such a burden that the Devil has gotten us all SO busy that besides not evangelizing and making disciples (which is the most important) that almost as important we are too busy to really understand, OR EVEN, getting involved in what is happening in our government.
I am a fulltime Pastor (Missions and Childrens Pastor) which I love and am honored to be able to serve the Lord in this capacity, but HE has burdened me so much to try and educate and GET educated from other Christians on what we can do in our government to help turn it back to God! That is burns me up everyday.
I have created this website
www.patriotreview.com and ask everyone to come and join and learn and teach. It is all about exchanging ideas and information and how we can get ourselves and others involved in U.S. government.
I truly believe that we have been given (Americans) such a responsiblity from our freedom that we must use it to keep our liberties! The entire world depends on Missionaries from the U.S. and for other services because of our great wealth.
This isnt a point of PRIDE but of humility! As we continue to lose our Christian liberties, the world will continue to lose to Satan. AS we rise UP and get involved, so the world will be blessed. Not because we are anything but because we have been given such great wealth compared to the rest of the world ((WEALTH as in money and the amount of Bibles and current Religous freedom--we are very wealthy))
God bless and I pray I see you there! We've only been open a week, so I could use moderators and administrators!
I love you my Brothers and Sisters in Christ and I can't wait to get involved WITH YOU AND MEET YOU!
Todd Vance.