My wife and I are starting this as a gotcha187, so making a profit will obviously be one of our goals. Our main goal is to use this magazine as a ministry. To start off, we are going to print 15 to 20 thousand magazines and distribute throughout the North Dallas area. Some will be mailed to designated zip codes and some will be delivered to certain locations. The way the magazine will make its money is by selling ad space to local businesses and church's. Our main focus for this magazine is to reach non-christians. We are looking for articles that are christian based and that are not directed towards any certain denomonation, ie. Baptist, Catholic, Protestant, etc.
We would like articles that both christians and non-christians would be inspired by.
If you would like any more information please contact us at
editor@kidstreasures.netThank You!
Tracy Ahlborn
Owner/Publisher of Treasures for the Christian Heart