I was born and raised in a deeply Christian family and am a Christian myself. However, sometimes I feel like I've not lived up to my Christian roots and I have a lot of questions about various aspects of the Christian lifestyle and I am very confused about a number of things but for now I just wanted to introduce myself and get to know some of you. I've been posting in "regular" forums since back in '84 but I've never been in a Christian one although I have always thought about it. I should also probably tell you that I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obscessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Tourette's Syndrome (TS) and a number of other illnesses so I won't lie to you...I come here with not only some deeply spiritual issue but psycological/physical ones as well. Like I said, I've never used a Christian (or religious) forum before in my life so I have no idea what to expect or what it's going to be like but I promised myself I would do it because I need to start getting to the bottom of some things in my life. Thank's for listening and God Bless!