Hi, My name Is Jacob Hensley I am 17 years old and I am from Norton Virginia. I attend John I. Burton High School where I am in the 11th grade and play on the varisty tennis team at the number two position in singles and one in doubles. I as well Attend Norton Christian Church where I am a proud member of "Crosswired" which is my youthgroup. I am a born again beliver in Jesus Christ, and was baptized January 16, 2008. I am in love with the word of God, and anything to do with his name and word. On Feb. 2 2008 I believe God reveald unto me my life calling through prayer with a minister in which god revealed unto him a prophecy, that I am to be a youth Minister. I thank god daily for each and every thing that he has blessed my life with. I humble my self before his wonderfull name daily and give all credit to him for everything in my life. I thank God for allowing me to preach to the youth in which i try to do everyday during lunch. I thank Jesus Christ for saving my life through the blood shed on the cross. I Live my life by Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first his knindon and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."(NKJV). This does not mean that I live every second of my life Holy and perfect because I dont but I try my best. I dont wish to make myself seem hypocritical in saying I live every day Holy because I stumble just as much as the next guy. The Important thing is that I am not to proud or ashamed to get on my knees and pray to my god all mighty, the great I am, and ask for my forgivness. I know that God will fogive you of your sins, and that you are made to sin(II Corinthians 5:21). When I am preaching to the lost youth at my school I often here, "I have sinned way to much for God to forgive me" in which i tell them about II Corinthians, and true repentance, so if your reading this and wanting know if forgivness is for you, YES it is and YES God can and will forgive you. God uses sin in our life to show us what we are doing wrong, and what needs to be improved to better you relationship with him. so please I urge you, everyday, to seek Gods' kingdom and repent. I look foward to meeting all the wonderfull people on this website, and to honor and glorify Gods' Holy name, and always remember Jesus Christ Is Lord...God Bless You All!!!!