With all due respect, you and the community of Huntsville have all their facts wrong concerning the H2B situation. While there are missing workers and this is a huge problem, H2B is a legal program and may have been executed in good faith. What is the motivation for the attacks on Cinram? Those who are barking loudest, might require a closer look! How many tractor trailer loads of cheap furniture do you think it would take to haul off several hundred thousand dollars worth in the middle of the night? Why would a company pay $20 (Which they obviously would not do) an hour to an employment service if they could get locals for $10-$15/hour. The minimum wage is under $6/hour. It is my understanding that the poor (Which includes the lazy 2.6% in Huntsville) will always be with us. This does not make sense! 2+2 always = 4 and this is not adding up. I would think Cinram was trying to make money. I think the landlords were likely looking for a profit as well. All that I am suggesting is that the drive by media very rarely gets it right. I believe that time will tell a different story. However, when the truth comes out, I doubt the media will cover it on the front page.