Let us first look at the man's role. The man is to be head of his household and the woman is to subject to his authority: this is scriptural(Eph.5:22-29) However to many times egotistical men want to lord over their wives and tell them what to do, yet arent fulfilling their roll as a man,father.husband,ect... The man is to be submitted to Christ. A guideline such as (Phillipians 2:1-5), I start my day with this scripture is a good place to start. When the man is humble and submitted to Christ's authority, then the woman will recognize Christ's authority in the man. She will have no problem submitting to the man's rule when in fact it's not his rule but rather Christ's. Also, if the man is truly under Christ's authority then he will view his wife's need as more important than his own. They say that behind every great man you will find a woman; I submit that behind every great woman you shall also find a great man. True power and authority is rarely exibited by the leader out front. It usually is backed by an even greater power in the wings. I submit that men and women have equal roles in the church, each one fit jointly together to make up the body!