Hello. I read your story and just wanted to say that I too my dear have been through the same thing as you all. I was diagnosed with endometriosis. And what some painful stuff to have. I to had never heard of it. I didn't know what to think when they told me that I would have to have surgery. I had miscarried with two children when I was finally diagnosed with this. I had really gave up. I wanted children so bad and when my doctor told me that I would never be able to carry a child I was devastated. I went home and cried my eyes out. My husband and I at the time decided that I try fertility. I went through that for about a year or so and nothing ever came about. So I quit. I just gave up. I told myself that if it was meant for me that the good Lord would give me that. I ended up going through my second divorce so I knew then that the good Lord didn't let me have those children for a reason. He knows what is going to happen to us and I feel that he didn't want me to be a single parent of two of my children. I later started dating a co-worker and we were engaged to be married and guess what? I got pregnant for the third time. I was really scared, but I kept thinking positive and praying to God everyday for my child to be born and healthy. What a miracle. I had a wonderful pregnancy and worked through the whole 9 months, not once got sick, took off work three days before my beautiful baby girl was born...She was very healthy at 8 lbs 12 oz. She really is my miracle baby. Her father and I didn't make it together and now I am that single parent, but I thank God everyday that I have her and I make everyday the best because I do have her. I since remarried and my husband and I now got pregnant two times and have lost both of them also. It is a painful process but always stay strong. It will happen when the time is right. My saying is this "Always keep your head up high and you will go far" Don't ever give up. Good luck to you and you are in my prayers also. God loves you and he will take good care of you