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1  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / US Votes-Missouri : People face Billionaire +Blackmail$ on Embryo Genetic Manip. on: November 08, 2006, 10:09:57 PM

- US Votes-Missouri : People face Billionaire +Blackmail$ on Human Embryo Genetic Manipulation

=>Moral Majority shall win 2008 Election !

- Missouri simple and Honest People : we love you ! You represent the real Moral Majority, and YOU deserve to -and shal-l win at 2008 U.S. Presidential Election !

- Politicians left you alone to struggle in front of a Bilionnaire paying 30 millions $ against your Christian and Moral Beliefs ; a dirty Blackmail by a BioTech lobby threatening to cancel investments if you didn't obey ; many corrupted Media, misleading Publicity even with a TV Actor used by a BioTech lobby to tour the U.S. for propaganda serving their interests ; an army of distording or threatening Lawyers ; a possible Scandal for buying votes in a poor, ignorant suburb or after-Midnight electoral Fraud, (etc).

But you succeeded, alone, to neutralize, at first, a Dangerous pro-Genetic Manipulation' Bill which opened the door to possible abuses on Human Embryos etc., ("Amendment No 2"), by obtaining a 50 - 50 % vote result, (See Photo). Later-on, you obtained even a Majority with more than 50.000 votes against that risk, (as it was anounced in the latest results before going to sleep at Midnight). Finally, it seems that "something" happened overnight, after Midnight, during the Dark Night, and the Billionaire with his BioTech Lobby bought a tiny "majority" with a final slim "difference" of less than ..."50,3 - 49,7%" !..

Naturally, it's Not Legal at all for anyone to claim, with less than one percent (-1%), obtained in doubtful circumstances, to block any Future Law which may be made in order to protect the Human Right to Life and Dignity, in the intetests not only of a Democratic Society but also of all Humankind. Therefore, People should win at the Courts and/or Fresh New Polls, (as they currently plan).

But, more than that : - These and many other Converging Facts clearly indicate that you, Simple and Honest People, of America's "Moral Majority", will WIN the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election.

You, the Simple, Honest, Combative PEOPLE.

Not the "Billionaire" pals of a BioTech Lobby which obviously backed Mrs Pelosi
(from California to Missouri), to mislead voters under fallacious pretexts (as ... "Iraq", etc : See our previous text), and make Publicity for its "stem cell research" on dangerous Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos dark interests...

See, f.ex. : http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/news/politics/elections/15954955.html

(P.S. :  - No Time for details, now.
+=> Any provocation will NOT receive a reply, but only many days/weeks later).
2  Theology / Debate / Re: U.S. Election: Respect People's 2004 Verdict + Real Issues. No Fake Iraq on: November 07, 2006, 02:49:47 PM
../.. PART 3 ../..

   >>> In "Conclusion" :

- All these CONVERGING elements, clearly indicate, that, very probably, the notorious pro-Cloning and pro-Genetic Manipulation Lobby currently attempts to grossly MANIPULATE and MISLEAD Voters, in order to serve its Dark Interests under "Iraq" Hypocritical Pretexts, by UNDERMINING 2004 U.S. Presidential Election's clear Popular Verdict.

-  The main real Targets apear to be People's Welfare and Values, until now protected from attempts often Dangerous even to all Humankind (See above), mainly thanks to U.S. President's right to Veto.

   => AMERICAN PEOPLE MUST NOT BE MISLED, on Tuesday, November 7 :
   >>> Neither towards Abstention, nor to Erroneous Votes for those who attempt to Hypocritically exploit Iraq's "Sly Trap", in order to seize U.S. House's Majority and impose a HIDDEN Political Agenda, on Other Issues, to the detriment of People's Welfare and Moral Values, and Dangerous both for American Society and all Humankind.

- Such an Explicitly Dangerous Attempt, failed in 2004 U.S. Presidential Election.
(See our Publications, then).

- Now, there are even more Positive Reasons and Negative Threats (See above) for such an Implicitly Dangerous Attempt, to fail also in 2006 U.S. House Elections.

=> People's main and clear political Verdict at Top U.S. Presidential Election, must be respected.

Not undermined by any hypocritical and sly divertion, with hidden agenda, Undemocratically Manipulating "mid-term" partial House and Local votes.

   (See above).
+ See , among many other related Links,
also the following contrasting News:

 - "'Iraq Factor' Key to Political Fortunes in U.S. Midterm Election
- "FOX News Poll: 2006 Election Is All About Iraq"
(and the DATA contained at the FULL POLL :

compared with :

- "FOX News Poll: Economy,
Iraq and Terrorism Top Issues for Midterm Voters"

+ As well as, among others, also, f. ex. :



3  Theology / Debate / Re: U.S. Election: Respect People's 2004 Verdict + Real Issues. No Fake Iraq on: November 07, 2006, 02:48:07 PM
../.. PART 2../..
- Moreover, it's a Not Credible at all, coming from DP's political "Liberal" pals of UK's "New Labor" Prime Minister Mr. Blair, who notoriously pushed U.S. President GWBush to Iraq's "Sly Trap", only to attempt to exploit that politically during 2004 - 2006 U.S. Elections.. (See our 2003-2004 publications) :

   Previously, Mr Blair's "Liberal" pals, from London-based "GreenPeace" NGO, up to D.P. inside the U.S., or Latin America, etc., notoriously hindered U.S. President GWBush and his associates from Peaceful exploitation of Oil-Gaz sources in the Antarctic, Alaska, or even Latin America, with various "Envrironment" and/or Political pretexts.

   But, later, even State Secretary Condoleeza Rice, together with former Defense Secretary Collon Powel, denounced the fact that the only War-triggering Report on Saddam's supposed "WMD" which was proven to be grossly Fake, "was given by the Brittish (liberal) Government".

   The only Government in the World which was generally suspected for a Critical Expert's brutal and bloody Killing when he dared denounce Fake Reports on Iraq, (See Dr. Kelly's Deadly Affair), was NOT the U.S., but only that of UK PM, Mr Blair's "liberals"..

   It's again Mr. Blair's British companies who mainly took control of Bassorah's and other Iraq's Oil/Gaz main outlets. Even in the U.S., Brittish and not American interests try to control and exploit the biggest pipelines for "addiction to Oil", (from which U.S. President GWBush tries to escape : See above)..
   Today, it's not in Australia, Canada, France or Germany, but in Mr. Blair's UK and "Liberal"-controlled Media that Brittish polls are made to accuse U.S. President GWBush as worse so-called "danger" than North Korea's Kim il Sung, shortly outdistanced by Bin Laden !..

   But, controversial "liberal" Brittish PM Mr. Blair (surnamed : "Bliar", by many in his country, precisely on Iraq), personally has narrowly escaped after a recent  vote at Westminster to start "Investigations" on his personal role in pushing to Iraq's War...

   => Mr. Blair's U.S. "Liberal" political pals are the LAST to have any Credibility when they "flip-flop", changing stance on Iraq...

   - It's also Dangerously UnDemocratic, since those pseudo-"Liberals" who claim that "Troops should return back home to check Terrorism" (sic !), not only disregard the fact that America already remained Safe during the last years, but even take the Risk to impose ...Military Intrusion of Armed Soldiers inside American People's everyday and Family life !...

   - It's Unreliable, because DP has No clear Alternative policy, as many observed.
   Not even French President Chirac didn't ask for an immediate withdrawal of Troops from Iraq, as he recently said. But for international cooperation to prepare such a "Perspective" for the Future.
   Meanwhile, U.S. President GWBush has reportedly started a "Review" of Iraq policy, which may lead to developments.

   - Worse : It's Suspect, because it seems to HIDE something else :
=> What is really at stake ?
   => Indeed, if Iraq is, in fact, a fake, hypocritical pretext to divert attention elsewhere from other, real issues, then, what is really at stake now ?

   This Question arises also from the strange fact that, curiously, "Democratic Party"'s candidates to 2006 House Elections, curiously, do NOT campain at all on a clear-cut Program :

   - Astonishingly, nobody in U.S. Media (not even themselves) doesn't say, nor pay any attention on what they intend to do, if they get the Votes they want !...
   Only U.S. President GWBush speaks about Economy, Energy, Environment and other concrete issues, without eluding Iraq. (Comp. above).
   In fact, there isn't any known Political Project for the D.P., and People are practically kept to the Dark on what they will do if they get hold of the Congres, etc...

   => Therefore, People are obliged to GUESS what might be D.P.'s HIDDEN Political PRIORITIES, based on Logic and Facts :

   Obviously, D.P.'s current leaders search to get hold of a Majority in the Congres, if not at the Senate, for the first time since 1990-1994, by seizing 15 and 7 seats, respectively. But,  TO DO WHAT ?

   - A Risk to Block Tax-Cuts, including for Small-Medium Entreprises, if D.P. gets such a Majority, was already invoked by U.S. President GWBush.

   But, even important, this might happen only once per year, and, at any case, it's not an overall, General concern which might affect all People. Therefore, it seems Insufficient in order to explain, alone, everything of what is happening right now (See above).

   Therefore, there must be also SOMETHING ELSE.

   >>> A Topical Fact helps to guess :

 - F. ex. . At Kansas, Missouri, some are pushing a Controversial Constitutional "Amendment 2", which attempts to open Dangerous paths towards Genetic Manipulation of Human Embryos under disguise of "Stem Cell research", at Tuesday, November 7's vote.

   Many People, including Missouri's Christian Catholic Bishops, reportedly denounced Risks to "prohibit any Governor, Judge or other State Officials from regulating or limiting the research" on Genetic Manipulations, which might even go as far as to "Clone Human Beings".

   - "This Extreme" attempt, "for something that is inherently and Gravely Immoral, is Unprecedented",  Bishop Robert Finn reportedly denounced.
   Dangers look, indeed, imminent, since Kansas has already become notorious by reactions from all over the World against a Maveric "Doctor" who shamelessly claimed, repeatedly, that he intends even to "Clone" Humans...

   => This topical Threat at Kansas, helps reveal what might happen Nation-wide, for the entire U.S., if DP's and other pro-Genetic Manipulation Lobbies get hold of U.S. House's Majority :

   -  The recent opposition between U.S. President GWBush and a pro-Genetic Manipulation Lobby which managed to obtain a Small lead in U.S. Congres for a controversial, extreme Bill which threatened to completely open-up Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos, obliging the White House to use, for the 1st time, a Presidential VETO, according to 2004 Electoral promises and People's Mandate (See our Publications then), reveals the main Risk :

   NB =>  - If the pro-Genetic Manipulation DP's a.o. Lobby usurpates U.S. House's Majority by hypocritically abusing the pretext of Iraq's killings, (See above), then, the door will open for any such Bill, even Gravely Dangerous for all Humankind, to overule U.S. President GWBush's VETO rights.

   By another "coincidence", this is precisely the notorious aim also of the Controversial Brittish "New Labour" Prime Minister, Mr. Blair,
   who seems to have pushed U.S. President GWBush to Irak's "Sly Trap" (See our 2003-2004 Publications and above), which is exploited, afterwards, by his pro-Genetic Manipulation and pro-Cloning US "Liberal" DP's pals...

   "Liberal" Mr. Blair became notorious for boosting the 1st Cloning in the World when he came to power (the infamous "Dolly the Sheep" 1997 clone, who died atrociously later from a deregulation of its ageing process). For opening up Pandora's Box to Dangerous co-called "Therapeutic Cloning" in UK's legislation. For a series of Scandals about Thousands of killed Embryos and Human Blood Secretly and Illegaly "stocked" in certain Brittish Hospitals . And, recently, in 2005, for authorizing Genetic Manipulation on Human Embryos' stem-cells even by ...the same Institute which cloned "Dolly the Sheep" (Rosslin) !!!...

   =>Therefore, it's not a suprise if Mr. Blair's "Liberal" pals among U.S.' "Dems", may attempt, now again (as back in 2004 : See our Publications, then), to Hypocritically exploit Iraq's "Sly Trap", where he pushed America (See above and 2003-2004 Publications), in order to get a Majority allowing a pro-Genetic Manipulation Lobby to overule U.S. President GWBush's VETO on such Bills provoking Grave Risks for all Humankind.

   Meanwhile, Genetic Manipulations on Humans have become Extremely Dangerous, much more than before, because of Technical and other developments which brought Risks of Grave Abuses against Humankind Closer.

   >>> Obviously, People would NEVER have any .."enthousiasm" to vote for such dangerous "Dr Frankestein"-like Genetic "Experiments" on Humans... Therefore, the only possibility for any such pro-Genetic Manipulation Lobby to usurpate People's Votes in the November 7 Elections, is to HIDE its REAL AIM, and to DIVERT ATTENTION by any OTHER HYPOCRITICAL PRETEXT, such as ... Iraq.

   + Even worse : By so doing, the pro-Genetic Manipulation Lobby, inevitably provokes "also" a Risk  to "DIVERT MONEY FROM EDUCATION (i.e. "College loans", etc) AND HEALTH" (i.e. MediCare, etc), to Dangerous "Stem Cell Research" on Human Embryos, as it was recently denounced at Missouri (See above). The same could be said for "TAX CUTS" for SME's.

   => This denonciation, which surfaced on the occasion of Missouri's controversy (See above), looks pertinent-enough to explain also a wider spectrum of Facts : 

   - Such a Manoeuvre might also explain the curious "SILENCE" ON People's concerns about American SOCIETY's ISSUES (as Economy-Tax Cuts, Education/Health and Ethical questions), precisely by those who try to exploit the current Hypocritical "DIVERSION" of attention towards Iraq's sly trap in order to seize U.S. House's Majority (See above).
../.. (CONTINUES ON PART 3) ../..
4  Theology / Debate / U.S. Election: Respect People's 2004 Verdict + Real Issues. No Fake Iraq on: November 07, 2006, 02:45:34 PM
(1st PART)

* U.S. Election: Respect People's 2004 Verdict + Real Issues. No Fake Iraq Hypocrisy !

* U.S. House Election : Win the Real "War" :
- Stop Revengeful Hypocrits' attempt to undermine 2004 US Election result by misleading Fake Iraq pretext.

- Hidden Political Agenda, threatens American People's Economic Welfare and Moral Values, including issues of importance to all Humankind, (as on Dangerous Human Embryos' Genetic Manipulations, etc).

=> Main Aim : Block U.S. President GWBuch's VETO rights !

   * November 5, 2006 *

   The Danger for Revengeful circles to undermine People's clear verdict given at the 2004 Presidential vote, affecting core-issues of crucial importance to America and even Humankind, by misleading Voters at November 7, 2006 House Elections, is blatant.

   - An astonishinghly Hidden political Program, abusing Hypocrisy of pals of those who pushed the U.S. in Iraq's sly trap, targets People's Moral Values and threatens to reverse their Economic Welfare, obstinated for risky Genetic Manipulations of Humankind.
   If someone arrived to the U.S. from Mars, he'd be astonished :

   - Here's a Country whose People's Economy and Values, as well as International Relations, overcoming difficulties, are safeguarded or ameliorate.

   But, distording Media drop all that. Focusing, instead, on what is supposed to go-on far away, at Iraq...

   Citizens are pushed to abstain, or vote only for those who curiously don't show any clear Political Program for America, except to flip-flop on their opportunist and unreliable claims on ..Bagdad.

   As if they confused between American and Iraqi Elections, curiously, they have nothing important to say for American People's immediate concerns.
   Distording Media claim that "No 1" issue for House 2006 Elections and local Governor's choices throughout America, would be only "Iraq"..

   But even their own Facts prove that some 45 % of People are naturally interested, at first, for American SOCIETY :
   - Including 22% for Economy (+ Taxes, Budget/Deficit, Immigration, etc). 13% for Education/Health (+Social Security/MediCare/Environment, etc). 10 % for Family/Moral Values (+Stem Cell Research/Gay Marriage/Abortion/Corruption-Ethics, etc).

   Only a Minority (some 23%) are said to divert attention far away : at "Iraq".

   While another 17 % focuses elsewhere, or is undecided, and many others are divided between various concerns (10% keeping "terrorism", etc).
   Despite the need to face and overcome huge unexpected Dramas, (2 unprecedented Catastrophes which stroke against the U.S. from the Outside in 2001 and 2005, while Investigations on their full real causes are still to be completed on "September 11"'s Barbary and "Katrina"'s Drama),

   U.S. President G.W.Bush seems to understand and honor the fresh New Mandate that a large Majority of the People gave him at 2004 Presidential Election :

   * ECONOMY looks Good and growing stronger, with Positive Results and promising Perspectives :

   - Unemployment fell down to allmost 4% : Best result for 6 Years, envied by many other big Countries in Europe and elsewhere in the World.

   - Growth gave Real Wages' increase for + 2.4% last year (2005).

   - Tax cuts preserve and stimulate creation and development of Small and Medium Entreprises, as well as a sustained overall production. 

   - On Energy Independence, a huge Oil-Gaz finding was recently made at Mexico Gulf (50% of domestic needs), while President GWBush's declared policy is to "break Addiction" to Foreign Oil, and develop New, "Domestic" sources"

   - On High-Tech, in addition to Funds for New Technologies on Energy Sources, Environment/Weather Science, etc., President GWBush's ambitious (and Pacific) "Space Exploration Strategy" (involving NASA, Boeing, etc), stimulated interest even to many other countries, who try to cooperate or copy it...

   * ETHICAL and other VALUES were mainly safeguarded :

   - A careful, balanced compromise on a crucial issue of Bio-Ethics, protected, for the moment, Human Embryos from the gravest Risks of Genetic Manipulations Dangerous for all Humankind, (while helping controled Research on other Stem Cells : from adults, cords, etc).

   President GWBush honored his 2004 Electoral Mandate (See our Publications, then), and successfully VETOed an extremist Bill, while allowing others, thanks to the fact that those pulling the strings at the D.P. had a Minority at the House.

   - Ambitious Natural Environment Projects were reportedly prepared from the Great Lakes down to Mexico's Gulf, while "Weather Science" started to be boost new efforts for prediction and People's protection from catastrophic perturbations of the environment.

   - On combatting Corruption, Fast, decisive measures were taken in case of anyone being seriously suspected for unacceptable errors.  And it's a fact that President GWBush was side-by-side with the Family and the widow of former U.S. Attorney General, Robert Kennedy, to inaugurate a Monument for the Murdered politicians' Memory, already since 2001, contrary to some of his own pseudo-"liberal" DP's pals who were notoriously "at odds" with the Victim (starting by DP's late Johnson, etc).

   - Attempts to exploit Indignation for a scandal on a private person's bad conduct, Mr. Haggard, failed : He was immediately dismissed by his Congregation, and it was found that he had NOTHING to do with our Republican U.S. President that he NEVER met, contrary to his 2005 meeting with DP's "Liberal" pal : UK's PM Mr. "Blair", and to his hints in favor of DP's Mr. "Clinton", etc. Meanwhile, his accuser, (curiously pushed to claim a "3 years"-long misbehavior only at the eve of November 7 Vote), reportedly failed a Lie-detector test on Friday...
   - Meanwhile, even Ideas on Foreign Policy turned the focus towards Moral and political issues like "Democracy, Freedom and Human Rights", more clearly after 2004 Election.

   * On International relations, President GWBush made valuable progres towards succesfully honoring the Mandate given by the People in 2004. (See our publications, then) :

   - U.S. relations with Europe (particularly France and Germany) became much better, including with new German Chancellor Angie Merkel, and even with French President Jacques Chirac.

   - Controversial "Guantanamo" Prison, considered as an over-reaction hastily set-up after September 11's Deadly Barbary, started to be emptied from its inmates, (as soon as European and other countries in the World accept to take care of their nationals), and its doors were opened to International or even European Scrutiny.

   - No more Wars or Military Conflicts were ever added at all for the U.S., anywhere else in the World after 2004.

   - On the contrary, succesfull American Diplomacy carefully crafted return to Peace and International Cooperation to overcome a delicate Crisis at Lebanon, (which might even prepare the ground for a larger solution in the Middle East). This was obtained without endangering even one more Americal Soldier on the spot.
   => It seems that it's, precisely because of such positive and promising 2004-2006 developments,

that U.S. President GWBush's opponents keep silent on Domestic issues, and, instead of trying to address American People's concerns for their Society (see above), on the contrary, they attempt to divert attention far away out of the U.S., towards only remote Iraq..

   But this dubious attempt to exploit a pre-Electoral outbreak of killed bodies by explosions and other attacks in Iraq in order to get a comfortable seat in U.S. House or as local Governor, looks Immoral, and is NOT trustworthy :

   - It's Hypocritical, because DP's and other such critics, originally were among the most Fanatic to ask for a Military Intervention....

   Ex-DP's presidential candidate, Mr. Kerry, became infamous for "Flip-floping" and changing stance at the eve of 2004 Election.

   And now, in 2006, DP's man committed a worse Blunder, grossly insulting U.S. soldiers, who risk their lives in Iraq and elsewhere in the World, by reportedly  treating them as ..Uneducated, failed, College drop-outs !  A revolting, (but revealing), anti-social mentality...

   - Moreover, it's a Not Credible at all, coming from DP's political "Liberal" pals of UK's "New Labour" Prime Minister Mr. Blair, who notoriously pushed U.S. President GWBush to Iraq's "Sly Trap", only to attempt to exploit that politically during 2004 - 2006 U.S. Elections.. (See our 2003-2004 publications)

   ../.. (CONTINUES WITH PART 2)../..
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