Thanks for replying, Pastor Roger.
Our church is a very small one, and there are about five elders. Almost all of them are quite elderly and I know that he caters to them for the time being. He told me he didn't want to have a praise band for a while until the older members get used to him. For now he hires professional musicians who play classical music during the service.
The church was bankrupt financially and the presbytery allowed this new pastor (non-denominational) to take over. He raised money on his own and basically salvaged the church. The pastor has had informational meetings with the congregation, but what spooks me is that he'll make very broad announcements about his plans while telling a few people here and there about his true intentions. Also, I forgot to mention that the new pastor is a former actor (who is still part of an acting troupe, they have begun to attend the church, of course) who became ordained not too long ago. Just that alone makes me wonder.
Thanks for your advice. I actually don't want to confide my concerns to the elders for fear of recrimination from the pastor. I'm the music teacher at the school and I'm grateful to be able to teach the children true Christian music and the love of Christ. The former organist/pianist of the church was fired by him only two months ago because she disagreed with him. It's a shame. The new pastor also got some of his "investors" (as he calls them) to donate $300 for my program as well. I want to at least finish this school year.
I was very happy because I thought he really wanted to build a bridge between the school and church and we can do this through school musical programs and having the children sing occasionally on Sundays. Now, as I wrote on the first post, I'm afraid of becoming a part of this secular cultural arts center that will masquerade as a church. I'm going to keep praying about this and I thank you for your prayers as well. I pray that the Lord will put a shield around us and make any darkness come to the surface. I think I have answered my own questions..... What comes from darkness will eventually come out into the open.
Thanks, Pastor Roger for helping me out