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Theology / Debate / Re: Identificational Intercession
on: July 16, 2006, 11:29:06 PM
Yes, I am quite aware that what we experienced was a move of the Holy Spirit.
I'm trying to figure out what type of move it was, if this move is based in truth (God's word) and what we are to learn from the experience and what to do with it now. It was very different than anything I've experienced before.
You know, "if you seak My face then you will find Me"... I'm just seaking for answers to things I don't yet understand.
Theology / Debate / Re: Identificational Intercession
on: July 16, 2006, 11:02:02 PM
Well, I suppose that again I find another dead end to my quest to find real answers. Nothing but opinions, with no tangiable research behind them. I appreciate your taking the time to answer very much.
I can assure you however, that this question is somewhat based on an actual event that happened just last week. The person that was prayed for is and was very much alive... not DEAD at all. There were four people that literally "felt" the exact same thing, at 3:00 in the morning. The four of us have been called to this only one other time. I've only gotten one small piece of information about this type of intercession in a book by Jim Goll, called "Elijah's Revolution", and that is the first time I've read anything that explains this type of prayer. There is some reference pointing to Acts and Malachi... but, that just isn't quite enough food for me. I was hoping for more information. I know that there is something to this, and I will keep searching until I find something helpful.
Thank you again
Theology / Debate / Re: Identificational Intercession
on: July 16, 2006, 10:06:57 PM
That isn't exactly what I understand it to mean. At least now I understand why you moved my topic to debate.... I was somewhat confused by that as well.
I understand identificational intercession to be more about actually feeling the pains of others that you pray for... or try to carry to Jesus in the same way that he prays for us. I don't exactly like the idea of praying for the dead. I understand praying over generational sins to break them, but I haven't found ANYTHING that points in the direction that you are indicating here. Can you tell me where you find this concept?
Theology / Debate / Identificational Intercession
on: July 16, 2006, 09:36:50 PM
I'm new here, but I've looked into lots of places to see what I can figure out about identificational intercession. I understand the meaning, and the basic understanding of the concept that this is part of the "new wine" being brought about for the end time army... ect.
What I really am trying to find is some scriptural based references to this concept. Does anyone have ideas, or additional resources that I might use to further research this? I will be honest and tell you right off the bat, that I try not to be close minded or judgemental about things that I don't understand. Sometimes I do find that I don't believe this or that, but that doesn't make me any better than anyone else. In other words, please share whatever you might have and I will test what you said in my own heart, and come to the conclusions that I'm lead to with direction of the Holy Spirit.