As a teenager I attended church regularly. When I was about 18 I was hurt by someone in the church very badly (a lady accused me of being a drug dealer even though I had never even touched drugs up until that time)
I decided if they said that about me I might as well do it. My life spiralled from there. I sold drugs during the 90's, ran strippers from one club to another, had a large agency that offered ladies to the clubs and have seen so much degradation of humanity that one day God spoke to me and said "you know the way, why don't you follow Me."
The whole porn industry is about two things money and greed. OK I will add in sex as well. The people that are running these video taping companies or porn sites care about the bottom line, not the lives that they destroy.
If you are a Christian and are watching this trash you are part of the problem and supporting an industry that is degrading men, women and in some cases children.
I came out of this industry, moved away from friends (or who I thought were friends) and started life over. I , personally was on a road that was going to lead to destruction. God does save and I will shout that from the rooftops